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Sunday, 12 December 2010

landend xmas match

with all the lakes having ice on them it was going to be another grueller, there were 36 booked in so we had 12 on the first three lakes. for an easy day i would have liked to have been on match or speci as there had been a couple of matches on these lakes in the last coupl.e of weeks so the ice had been broken several times, but no i was nearly last to draw as i was doing the super pool and most of my time had been taken up trying to get a tenner out of gary(stud muffin)cross,es which is no mean feat as he reckons he needs all his money to pay for his school uniform, so what do i get, peg 51 on lake 3(johns water). not a bad peg as its got a small bush in the water on the isl;and which can hold a few fish ,also it produces some fish down the edge in warmer times, on friday fabio, tim clark and pete sivell had gone there and tried to crack some pegs out but had only managed to go about a metre as the ice was 5 inches thick but as we had had a bit of a thaw i was glad to find it was now only 3 inches thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so 90 minutes later ,one blister and 10 mtrs of clear water in front of me ,i had 5 minutes to make up one rig which was a 4x12 with an 18 6313 on .10. on the whistle i cupped in some casters with a couple of mags mixed in then plumbed up , it took me 2 hours and 5 minutes to get my first bite which was a small roach and that fell off, 10 mins later and i managed to put half an ounce of wriggling fury in the net in the shape of a roachlet(i,m glad i didnt chuck them all in the ditch last summer)by now as expected the anglers on the early pegs had been getting odd fish probably helped by the fact that the ice was only one inch thick and they have got a bit more depth also russ peck had manged to break 4 inches to get up his left margin and was being rewarded with small roach reasonable perch and a couple of carp so fairpl;ay to him but at one stage there were 5 people breaking his ice, he must have had somthing on them.
opposite was adrian clark who was foulhooking roach and crucians like it was going out of fashion, he also lost a carp aswell as landing 3 small ones, it must have been solid(sorry adrian it had to be said)i also had a pound with paul elmes at the next peg and it may have been close if he hadnt snared a 3lb bream an hour from the end
the match was won by gary cross on 24 with 30.05 6 carp caught up the edge on maggot
after winning the super pool he can probably afford a box of jelly baby,s to go with the school uniform
2nd was nick duckett on peg 1 with 18.15
3rd russ peck 17.11 peg 55 which included the top silvers with 10.01 of small roach with a few quality perch
4th dean(i bet you cant chuck the breaker on the island)malin 13.7 peg 31(and yes he did)
5th kev molten 12.12 peg42
6th roger crago 12.2 peg 57
well done mike for a well run match once again which is made all the more enjoyable as the people dont take it to seriously and have a good laugh, also the food asfter is also tops so big thanks to di and dawn
shame the weather is playing such as big part in the fishing as its getting everyone down and the fish certainly dont like it.
hopefully off to chilton trinity weds ice permitting, but even i am having a day off next sunday

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