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Wednesday, 22 December 2010

oh no

with no chance of getting to landsend fishery due to the fact all the roads are like ice rinks, we had a change and went to viaduct instead, the roads getting into the fishery were ok but the fishery carpark was a tad dodgy, luckily paul had broken out the swims on tuesday so the worst ice would only be about an inch tops , so not to bad to re open . if i had a choice i would favour an early peg 111 or 112 or the swims iether side of the spit, but no i pull 123 which can be a good peg as its a corner peg ,so you never know. i eventuelly got to the swim and i have also disvovered that the preston shuttle is no good in snow as well as mud and rough ground, they seem ok as long as you are pushing them on tarmac, anyway i got to the swim set up one rig which was a 4x16 affair with a 20 6313 on .10, at the start i cupped in one ball of g bait at 11mtrs which was as far as you could clear and fed a few casters at 6mtrs, i,m not going to bore you with the details but i gave it my best for 4 hours and 40 mins but i never had a bite, with no quality fish showing all the weights came from the early pegs with alan oram on 129 winning with 5.4 of small roach over g bait at 12 mtrs
2nd colin dyer on 128 with 5.3
jt third jason radford on 112 and john bradford on 115 both with 2.01
5th phil harding 1.7 peg 111
not really a day to remember,. but theres always next week, also not a good first day out with my new pole, i think it must be broke.
and i forget to say that days like that remind me of winter days on the river lol


  1. Let's see what gets caught on the Crane next week billy blanker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Happy Christmas to you and the long suffering one.

    Keep up the reports, you are always a good read.

    Regards JohnL
