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Wednesday, 1 December 2010

not a bloody gain

we were met with an inch of ice at landsend today but with only 8 of us proper (not river softies)anglers in attendance a quick bash round with the breakers started the swims off so it shouldnt be to hard once we had drawn. i had the last ticket left today and ended up with 13 which is another corner peg so at least it would be easy to clean. then i got into the back off the van to retrieve a snow boot and as i turned i tweaked my back, this is the first proper bad back i have ever had , and i dont want it no more , it is even taking my breath away putting my boots on, hopefully a night in a warm house will help.
back to the swim and luckily john (the gimp)bradford had kindly broken most of the peg out and dean finished it off, all i had to do was push the ice bergs out of the way, the swim was really a mirror image of 24 which i drew last time so i set up the same 4x14 rig with an 18 6313 on .10 to fish the bottom of the shelf to my left at 11 and 13 mtrs with caster feed and single caster on the hook. i wont bore you with to many details as the match went the same way as the last one, with me getting a few at 11 mtrs then the bulk at 13 mtrs, i ended up with 16 perch in the net but i had a bad day losing them as i lost as many as i had, also i lost 3 carp but i am sure they were all fouled as the hook pulled on each one.
it was an uncomfortable day as i had the wind in my face, and with a wind chill of minus 8 everything kept freezing up, but due to the wind i had no cat ice forming and with my new battery operated boot warmers and furry hat iether end was as warm as toast, all i got to do now is keep the middle bit warm then the jobs a good un.
the match was won by phil(fabio)harding with 11.1 on peg 16 which was 2 carp and 5 perch down his margin by the tree in the water
2nd t rixon 10.6 peg 13
3rd dean malin 7.5 peg 5
4th john bradford 4.12
the other 4 never weighed although they did catch a few
roll on sunday when we will do it all again MINT


  1. Good to see you're still drawing flyers!

  2. can t wait til sunday im on match too,lol
    sorry to hear about your back :- (
    keep us posted tony if anything changes
    j withers

  3. Surely the leauge will be called off with the weather so bad it's going to be bloody dangerous and a waste of time and money

  4. i would agree with that coment but we have to remember tony got to try to please everyone i think it would be better to give tony a better idea who dont want to fish let him know who you are. nc

  5. How can things be dangerous?? We all still need to go to work etc.
    Are some fishermen turning into gutless wimps?? like people to scared to add their names to posts ?

  6. I'm reading these comments as a "neutral observer" and I have nearly pissed myself laughing reading this. Cheered me up no end, thanks!

  7. re your first paragraph. YOU ARE SUCH A DRAMA QUEEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Well i thought the dog show world was bitchy!!!!
    But you lot take the biscuit.
    If some one wants to go fishing they can, if they dont then stay at home, you dont have a gun pointed at your head telling you to fish.
    Deano can you show Tony how to wash up properly please!!! Glad you can all spell the swear words correctly but please try and keep it clean on an open blogg.

  9. you bugger you had us a beauty thought it was you your the only one who spells as bad as me ha ha beleive me i would love to be atching those big perch through the ice lubly jubly nick c

  10. thank you all for your constructive comments, i will take them all on board but probably take no notice whatsoever.
    after haering on thursday that the A T league on the canal i gave kev dicks a quick ring to check , and he told me he had had a chat with steve tucker and they had decided that it would be to cold and perhaps a bit dangerous and that the com house the week before had a team not show and they didnt want to risk a repeat. also niether of them could get any blood or joker to sell, when i said that wasnt really a valid reason i was told that as i didnt fish the league it had nothing to do with me. it must be nice being able to sell without having to pay for electric, vat ,tax ,business rates perhaps on this basis bathampton might like to look at the option of there officers selling tabs and day tickets from there houses instead of the shops. perhaps its about time these aglers who are sponsored by the trade should start showing a bit of support and respect to the people that support them, but then i suppose cake and eat it springs to mind

  11. never mind tone you will be over here in a couple of months where the only frozen water will be in your drink.the sharks are waiting for you and i have been practising my to all even the whimps.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. how come the winter league on canal didnt go to a captains vote is it because the 2 who cancelled cant make money out of bread caster etc

  14. maybe they are not competent or confident enough to compete with proper baits ie;bread worms castors maybe if B/Joker was not allowed it would make a fairer cheaper match for all

  15. i think every one should stop swearing now there are women and children that read this it is turning in to a joke dont forget rikos good name is at the top of the page plus mother and mrs rixon reads it you will all be gutted if he stops writing is blog.then we will have to read mike nichols we dont want that ah ah only jesting mike nicky collier

  16. obviously some comments get a few peple wound at the end of the its only fishing.KEEP IT CLEAN.And let your fishing do the talking.....

  17. some words are not to be tolerated so i had to delete that comment, as usual it was from a coward who wouldnt put his name to the post, the a and the u were to far apart to be an error

  18. A question to all not fishing because the lakes froze or its to cold or we cant git the right bait why dont you all get off your backsides and get on a proper venue.It used to be common sense that as soon as lakes froze rivers were the only places worth fishing.Or cant you lot remember how to work a stick and wagg now.????

  19. all i can say is fank f### wagner`s out
    the sherg`s
