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Monday, 8 August 2011

float only rnd 5 chilton trinity

back on wildmarsh today which is a more traditional lake where you generally need to catch skimmers,bream or a handful of carp to do well.
i let trigger edmunds draw for me , he pulled 2 out i took one which turned out to be peg 12 which is about opposite where i was last match and still next to the bank of reeds which is on a bar going across the lake, deemed a good draw as it can produce both carp and bream, i had travelling partner dean malin the other side of the reeds, i would of been happier with a john bradford type angler on there as now there was 2 carpy anglers vying for the same things(carp), and we were both in the final of the knockout along with dick bull on 15 which is a good carp peg as its an end peg and had the wind bowing in and mike nicholls who was on the road bank which going by previous matches was the hardest area, but things change.
i set up a .75 silvers rig to fish at 14.5mtrs away from the reeds, a 4x14 for the same distance but by the reeds and another 4x14 for 9 mtrs up along the reeds. the carp rigs were all on .16 with an 18 xedion hook while the silvers rig had an 18 6313 on .10.
at the start i cupped in 8 balls of g bait on the silver line, some micros and corn at the reeds at 14 mtrs and some caster and corn at 9 mtrs as i have seen tench caught from this area(but not today all i had was aroach and missed a bite, so no more mention of that bit) .
starting on caster over the g bait and it was a mare as i couldnt get it to the bottom as little roach and rudd were nailing on the way down, i put a piece of corn on and had to wait for a bite but at least it was a skimmer ,only 8oz but the right species but after that it was back to roach bites so i binned that line aswell and decided to concentrate on the reeds, on with a piece of corn, lowered the rig in and i thought i had a bite but it was hard to tell as the wind was blowing around the end of the reeds and pushing my rig away, it was probably a paste day but i hadnt made up a rig for that so i slipped on 2 pieces of corn and had a smallish carp(3lb)so that was where the rest of the match was spent doing the mike nicholls way of feeding after each fish so you are just trying to get one fish by your bait at a time(sorry mike)by feeding to much the foulers can be a problem, i ended up with 12 carp and a couple of skimmers and roach for a total weight of 45.3 for first on the day and a section win means i have won the lge with a match to go, but to be fair a big thanks must go to the people who keep drawing me good pegs, thanks lads.
2nd was mike nicholls on the unfancied road bank (not sure what number)with 33.12 ,he had 4 one at a time carp on paste and 12lb of silvers
3rd martin pettifer 32.8 peg 9
4th gary etheridge 29.11 peg 42
5th dean malin 29.8 peg 11
6th scott puddy 26.4 peg 7
silvers went to the worm ace nick collins with 14.14, again on the road bank
t rixon 45.3 £134
m nicholls 33.12 £100
d malin 29.8 £60
dick bull must try harder
all in all it fished ok with more people having doubles and there wasnt to much moaning, and its another fishery where the owners dont just sit back and are constantly working on the lakes trying to improve it so well done to misha and her parents
on august bank holiday monday there is a memorial match at landsend fishery for gary wall(12 months since he died after a long fight with the dreaded C)so book in with me at the shop on 01179517250 or with mike at the fishery on 07797545882. his bankside tantrums are still missed by all his friends

1 comment:

  1. Well done on your league win, you must have some ability they were not all good draws. Still away for Garys memorial but will be thinking of the green paste boy. RIP
