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Thursday, 11 August 2011

weds landsend match lake

only 14 today so it was only on tadham(match lake), fabio drew for me so i ended up on 15, for company i had mike(one at a time)nicholls on 16 and nigel sanders on 13, nigel was to far away to effect me and mike only takes 11 mtrs with him these days as his neck gives him grief or is it he just cant see any further.
so i had all the far bank to myself so i put up the usual 4x8 rig on .16 for over there, a stalker/slapping rig as there were a few fish cruising but not as many as i would have liked, a 4x12 rig for hard pellet down the middle but that turned out to be a waste of line and a hook as it never happened there, and a margin rig to fish worm and maggot to my left and right over dead maggot, at the start i went straight out and mugged one in 5 secs, which duly took me into a snag on the inside and i had to pull for a break, on with another hook and another one staight away and at 8lb it was a good start, i stayed on this for the first couple of hours as no one was really catching except martin lenaghan on 19 who at times never had time to feed before his elastic was wripped out , luckily being left handed i fish with my back towards 19 so i didnt have to watch him but i could hear the splashing so it was a lower placing to fish for and with no silvers plan it was carp or bust, i had been fedding to the far bank but had seen vety little in the way of fish which was a worry as they are normally climbing the bank, so apart from the early cruisers i was beginning to think the fish had left the area, i could see some fish moving on the end of the island to my left at 20mtrs so i started feeding 15mtrs to my left against the island and i soon began to get some signs , not manic but enough for me to stay on this line ,i ended the match with 15 carp ,9 shallow, i margin and 5 off the far bank for what i thought with the help of my clicker woujd go about 85lb with my 3 ide, and apart from martin on 19 no one else had really run away with it.
martins catch went 169.3 for his best ever match weight so well done to him
2nd was me with 91.11
3rd on 24 was stuart foale with 79.6
4th jason radford on one of his rare days when he is allowed to go 63.13 peg 7
5th mike west 48.2 peg 5 (again)
6th jim(steve)jenner 41.13
silvers went to john(the gimp)bradford 21.2 on peg 1

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