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Thursday, 4 August 2011

2 plus 2 match cambell lake viaduct

we have tried short pole matches at landsend fishery and its been ok ,making for a fair match, also they hold a topset only lge at the sedges and the weights are surprisingly good so i decided to run a short pole match at viaduct so 2 plus 2 it was then, i booked it and it sold out in a day, ok so it was only 22 anglers but that aint bad for a weds, and judging by the comments from the anglers fishing the open on cary i could have had quite a few more so perhaps i might do a few more.
i let dean malin draw for me today and handed me 130 which was one of the only pegs i didnt really want as it never seems to be a good inside peg apart from when dave wride had 70lb of silvers off it about 2 months ago and that was about the last time it produced fishing close, with mike nicholls drawing 132 again for the second time in 3 days and he won of it with 150lb on sunday ,barring any mistakes he would be hard to beat ,as would be tom (aka jordan)thick on 112.
i set up a pellet rig for under the tree to my right for silvers just incase dave wrides silver were still there but i never had a bite on that in the couple of times i tried it ,also the paste rig was a none starter, i just dont seem to be able to get it right, i think i need a day off to get that sorted, a shallow rig on a long line for some early stalking and shallow, and a 4x12 rig for hard pellet on the deck, all the pellet rigs were on .16 with a 16 b960 hook.
at the start i swung out the stalker rig on the nose of a cruiser and i had one on before most people were still putting bait in so with 8lb in the net it was a good start, i managed a couple more in the next hour but they soon wised up and stayed out of range which was a shame as they were good fish.
by this time mike on 132 was already pulling away with fisy falling to his paste method which generally entails throwing next to nothing in ang catching with regular monotony, he is a tackle dealers nightmare as he can make a bag of pellets last a month(a 2 pint bag that is). halfway through and tom opposite was catching aswell now as was bela bakos on 111 who having to get off his box to net his fish halfway along the bank between himself and tom(ha ha only joking bela)also he had to go and help tom unhook a 2lb eel as he is scared of them. my peg was producing odd fish for me but the y were coming in fizzing off the bottom with a mouthful of pellets the buggering off, i tried not feeding like mike (well not much any way)then upping the feed but nothing seemed to work ,i could get fizz which i dont think was all carp but obviously some was , i tried not feeding but the fizz would stop and i couldnt get a bite ,i put a big helping in and then i could get fizz and a bite or indications but the fish seemed to be well off the bottom but i couldnt get a bite up or on the drop, so i had a bit of a frustrating day , i think i will put down to the fact there just wasnt enough fish there (lol) , thinking back it may have paid me to kinder a few pellets in and fish for each fish as though it was my last , some times a good ploy in hard pegs instead of windmilling pellets all over the place.
as expected mike won with 140.11 of paste caught fish from in front and down his margin,
just beating dead malin on 126 with 133.5 who would have won if he didnt have 8lb to much in one net
3rd was tom thick on 112 with 128.14 which included the top silver weight of 25.8
fuuniest thing was when he had weighed his silvers and was getting his carp net out and i let the eel slither back over his feet, he screamed like a girl, well he is charlies bitch
4th bela bakos o 111 100.01
5th ala oram 83.6 peg 128
6th t rixon 80.01

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