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Thursday, 28 July 2011

weds landsend match lake

we just about had enough to use 1 1/2 lakes today so we used the match and 33 to 40 on the speci, with fabio back for his first outing since his operation i let him drae for me so i ended up on peg 11 which is a nice peg with lots of options , only 13 mtrs to the island and with the water levels right up that meant that there was a decent depth over there(15 inches). so the normal rig of a 4x8 rig for banded pellet on .16. a 4x14 rig for pellet at 5 mtrs , a shallow stalking rig as there were a few on the surface and a 4x12 to fish to the end bank at 16 mtrs. the only other angler i could see was fabio on peg 13 down my own bank all i could see was the poles sticking out.
at the start i fed the island and end bank with some 8,s and the 5mtr line with 6,s and picked up the stalker, 5 mins in and a 7 pounder was netted as did fabio i quickly added another but as there werent to many at this end they seemed to be spooking and they were rapidly dissapearing . after 90 mins i had taken 6 fish but that was it as i couldnt see any fish on the surface now, the only person still catching shallow now was trig edmunds on 19 as there a re usually a lot of fish on this peg as they seem to be atracted to the gap in the island and he reckons he took 15 fish before his melted away.
i did try the 5 mtr line but never had a bite , mike nicholls had the peg a couple of weeks ago and had 40lb of silvers off it but i probably put more bait in in the first 5 mins than mike did in 6 hours , i just cant help myself , it probably didnt help playing carp in that area either.
so over the island where there were fish moving , so i went in with the shallow rig and was rewarded with several chub on 8mm pellet but that was no good as there were several anglers fishing solely for silvers and i would be to far behind, so i upped the feed and that had the desired effect as tails began appearing and nice orange ones at that .
but these fish are hard to get in the mouth ,only due to the fact that they are feeding in such shallow water so foulers become a real problem , the depth rig to the end bank only produced a good roach but a go on the shallow rig against the bushes did give me 3 carp and 2 tench but it was hurting my bad shoulder twisting to fish ther so i knocked that on the head and spent the rest of the match at 13 mtrs against the island(less painfull), by now phil was feeling a bit worse for wear opposite and was struggling to fish as he was in a bit of pain, i think its to soon to out on the bank another week of r and r is needed i think, but he did inform me that trig was still catching again on 19. so i fished around the end of the island and had odd fish right to the end, about an hour from the end i put a pint of 6,s down the edge and 30 mins from the end ther were two fish with tails up at 2 mtrs under a bush so dropped the island rig in and promptly caught a 6 pounder .
by the end with the help of my counter i thought i may have 95lb but admitted to 90 , the scales arrived and my catch went 102.2 which was winning until we got to craig edmunds on 19 who had 134.6 for first on the day
3rd was stuart foale on speci 35 with 75.12 which included top silver weight on the day with 51.6 which was chub on worm and caster over to the island and later skimmers on paste down middle
4th jason radford 75.4 peg 33
5th nigel bartlett 58.12 peg 40
6th phil(fabio)harding 56.12
special mention to roger kimberley on peg 21 who being from north of glos could be deemed slightly tight , he dropped a catty in of the platform and dived in to try and save it (actually he slipped)completely forgetting about the i phone 4 in his pocket i think he may let the catty sink next time.
off to the river this weekend to fish a big money match at newbridge , should be interesting to say the least , i get a feeling the banter may be quite interesting from the "proper" anglers ha ha .


  1. A Proper Angler28 July 2011 at 18:25

    It will be good to see you on the river again Tony.At least you will be able to see that not all Thatchers anglers fish the Method and Lead LOL

  2. Question: Do you think "Stalking" is fishing in it's true sense?

  3. whats a river. sharky s.a

  4. The recent results from peg 11 explain the diversity that commercial fisheries offer. One week 40+lb of quality Silvers and the next 100+lb of Carp. Both anglers targeting their catch to win coin, using their specific approach and methods. Now that what you call "Proper" match angling.

  5. Obviously certain fisheries hold an over stocked amount of fish and catching 40lb of silvers on a TOP SET is common place on these venues .But would these same people be able to catch half that amount on natural venues,ie rivers and canals? Me thinks not...

  6. "Stalking" is the oldest form of angling, which Game fishing is based on i.e. fly fishing. I recently watched Trigger fishing for Carp in this way and although it not being technically difficult, it is extremely hard and strenuous work (Trig was fishing it at 16.5 metres). Unlike floating the pole for instance which is now banned on most venues stalking would be impossible to ban as it is no different to fishing shallow and hence could not be policed, so by default it must be a valid form of catching fish. I only wish I could catch Skimmers like it at 5 metres!!

    Mike Nicholls
