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Wednesday, 6 July 2011

viaduct weds lodge lake

with clubs having booked cambell and cary there was to be a small open on lodge lake and as i hadnt fished it since we had to break the ice i was looking forward to it. into the draw tin and out comes peg 60 which is the third peg up on the right hand bank, for company i had dave white on 59 and the gimp on 62 so with an empty peg to my right i decided to fish and feed 8mm pellet on a slight angle at 14 mtrs towards the empty peg, so i set up a 4x12 rig with the usual 16 b960 hook on .18, a shallow rig just in case ,and a meat rig for the margins but i wont mention that again as it was roach city down there, with them turning a square piece of meat into a small marble in seconds. i set up a depth wag rig with one no 10 down the line with a 14 hook for pellet at 25 mtrs.
at the start i cupped in some 8,s at 14mtrs and began firing 8,s on the wag line, it was a very slow start with only lee w(h)errett on 66 catching on paste on the edge of the tree,s, and dave white had had his bell rung a couple of times on pellet on the lead(i promised not to call him a sea angler ,but i lie). it took nearly an hour to get the first fish in the net in the shape of a 5 pounder , after a couple of hours i had moved on to 3 whilst dave next door had snared about 6 on his uptide outfit and lee on 66 was still catching but his fish were on the small side, dave had a go on the shallow wag and caught 2 carp but they seemed to dissapear for him so he had to revert back to the lead to keep catching . the middle 2 hours of the match i spent on the wag but that only produced 2 fish but one of them was about 14lb. i had been firing 8,s over the pole line but a switch to cupping seemed to get more bites as the fish stayed on the bottom ,whereas when i was using the catty the fish seemed to want to come up but i couldnt get a bite on the shallow rig . i ended up with 10 carp and 3 skimmers for an estimated 80lb ish.
the day was won by dean malin on 56 with 104.12 mainly thanks to a late run of carp to 18lb on the long pole with 8mm pellet
2nd went to lee werrett with 94.14
3rd dave white 94.2
4th t rixon 90.10
5th colin dyer 61.2
6th s kedge 49.1 which included top silver weight of 32.1

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