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Wednesday, 18 January 2012

avalon oops no it isnt chilton instead

we were supposed to be having a pole only today at avalon which i booked with one half of the partnership before he jetted off to cuba for his hols, the only thing he said was that i should ring the other half of the partnership at the start of the week to advise him of numbers etc which i duly did on monday morning , only to be told he new nothing about it and that he wasnt to happy about us having a match without one of the owners in attendance and with one away and the other working there was no chance of that happening, also there top bailiff only works this time of year on a tuesday and thurseday so there would be no one there to sort the money out , obviously i cant be trusted to pay ,also a new one on me was the fact he was worried about bio-contanimation from wet nets as people might not dry there nets before putting them in the lake, obviously any pleasure anglers there dont need to adhere to the same rules as the match anglers as there nets would never be a bio-contanimation risk would i,m not to sure that net problems and disease,s are relevant in lower water temps, no doubt someone will let me know.
i had 19 booked in to fish today so obviously they dont need the money, but a quick phone call to the herring family and the match was re scheduled for trinity waters on woodland lake, and we were made to feel very welcome as always even had a small
birthday cup cake delivered to my peg complete with candle, mint,we lost a couple of anglers due to the venue change but we still had 17 and the lake only costs 80 quid representing good value for money.
tom thick drew for me and handed me peg 29 which is just across the bridge and 1 peg to the right historiccally not the best area as the pegs opposite and the corners are always favoured but i had an empty peg each side so you never know , as it was suppesed to get a bit breezy i made up a 1grm rig with an 18 6313 hook on .10 to fish maggot over micro,s, normally a good bet in the winter, at the start i cupped in some micro,s at 13 and 16 mtrs and fed some casters at 6 mtrs, all lines were the same depth so one rig does all, i fished the dead maggot for the first hour and had a couple of small roach and one carp fairly hooked in the tail, bites were very hard to come by although trig edmunds up on 22 had had a 9lb fish first put in and a couple more after the first hour so he was the early leader, adrian clark on 31 had caught one carp ,lost one and missed some bites on corn so i went down to him and scabbed a tin of the yellew stuff and put a piece on and it wasnt long before i hooked a carp at 13 mtrs , so that was my match sorted , i fed some micro,s an the 2 long lines and just swapped between the 2 , i ended the match with 8 carp, 5 at 13mtrs and 3 and a tench at 16 mtrs , i also had some small roach at 5 to 6 mtrs on caster,
my total weight was 44.5 for first on the day just edging out craig edmunds whose 7 carp went 42.9 off peg 22
3rd phil harding 31.4 peg 2
4th martin lenaghan 28.12 peg 6
5th john thompson 21.1 peg 9
6th ed wynne 20.13 peg 10
silvers went to nigel bartlett with 14lb off peg 27 using soft pellet over micro,s


  1. The bloke's been an ass all his life, no people skills what so ever, and thinks himself better than everyone else. To not put his trust in you Tony, well that just says it all. Sounds to me like he doesn't want match fisherman catching HIS fish.

  2. tony u need to edit your profile- it says u are 50 but ur now 52 haha trig

  3. I thought it was a great shame Tony when you lost Avalon as a venue in your float only, I believe that was also due to the man not in Cuba. Reading the above account I guess ends all opens at Avalon as anglers have plenty of venue choices and will vote with their feet.
