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Sunday, 15 January 2012

viaduct teams of 5 round 1

19 teams fishing this series so with 95 anglers on the bank there was going to be some dodgy draws in the hat, but not for me i ended up on 110 which is a corner peg on cambell, its a peg with a lot of form as a lead peg this time of year with the end bank being the usual catching area so i tookj the lead rod to the swim but never put it together, as the wind was off my back i set the wag up unstead to fish on the deck , towards the end bank and straight out in front with corn on the hook , also put together were two pole rigs, one to fish caster over g bait at 16 mtrs at 1 o,clock angle and the same rig to fish caster at 11 o,clock, also a rig for caster down the edge by some brambles as some good perch do show here.
i fed all lines at the start and started on the wag over to the end bank, 2nd chuck i missed a bite then the problems with mink started with the little furry buggers swimming out from the bank under water doing a circuit of my float and going back under the bank, so i dont think i was going to get a bite there, so 45 mins in and i put about 12 inches on the depth and cast out in front at about 20 mtrs, by now martin preston on 131 had a couple of carp on his favoured popped up bread and i promised i wouldnt say anything about him fishing in my peg but it seems like standard practice at viaduct (like i,ve never done it myself)as the shape of the lakes sometimes means its unnavoidable, i now had a good 3 hours when i put 18 carp in the net then the last hour the fish seemed to move up the lake a bit as both myself and martin never had a fish in the last hour, i dont think it was a case of good angling it was just that the fish were sat between me and martin as dave white on 132 didnt get a bite until he chucked into martins peg and jamie parkhouse on 111 definately had more indications if he chucked back towards me , so they must have been really shoaled up.
i new it could be tight between me and martin to win the lake as although i had 18 carp martin had 13 but they were of a much bigger size with several of his fish going over 10lb but i only had 1 of that size but my net went 106.8 to martins 13 fish net of 93.1.
first on the day went to ray hayward with 115.8 on peg 25 spring i think he had 9 carp up to 20lb on waggler fished meat
2nd ben bentley 110.13 on peg 3 spring
3rd tony rixon 106.15 peg 110
4th john howell 93.6 peg 97
5th martin preston 93.1 peg 131
6th russ peck 74lb
silvers went to brian shanks on 37 with 16.14
toss pots 72
somerset angling 65
amigo,s 61
8th avon angling 51
and the stongest team on the day was tom mangnals handpicked team of superstars, teamsilverfox 33 lol(honest tom i tried not to do it but my fingers ran away with me)
anyone interested i am running a pole only at avalon on weds, why a pole only , well its my birthday so i will do as i like


  1. Corner again SPUNKY!!!
    bob. g

  2. Full section results on my blog parttimematchfishing. Clayton.

    1. Can't find it Clayton r u sure of web address.
