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Thursday, 5 January 2012

avalon weds

not many anglers seem to be venturing out at the moment, probably due to the shitty weather, so with a strong westerly wind forcast we decided to use the left hand bank as this would give us a wind off our backs, shame no one told the wind as it turned into a strong south westerly blowing off our right shoulder and up the lake making pole fishing difficult.
after the stormy weather of the last week the lake had that milky grey which the fish dont seem to like, fabio drew for me and handed me peg 20 which was the end peg today, for company i had martin lenaghan on 19, my peg does have a small gap in the island which in warmer weather is good as the fish are always swimming through so as there is 3 to 4 foot of water in the gap i set up a wag for banded pellet but i couldnt get it to stay any where near the far bank as the wind blew it straight out(should have set the lead rod up but once a year for that is enough).
i set up one rig a 4x14 impact 6 with an 18 middy 6313 on .10 on the end to fish dead maggot/caster and soft pellet, at the start i cupped in 3 balls of g bait at 13mtrs and 4 at 16 mtrs with a few casters dead mags and micro,s in it and some soaked micro,s at 16 mtrs at 11 and 1 o,clock, starting at 13 mtrs with maggot on the hook it took 30 mins to get a bite and that resulted with a small skimmer, by now martin had caught a carp on the wag and hard pellet on the deck letting his float blow in against the end of the island but bites were slow on that so i think he decided to bolster his weight with a few squirrels as he threw his wag into the top of the overhanging tree then moaning as he lost the only waggler he had with him, who goes to a wag venue with only one wag!!!! . only an habitual lead slinger as far as i can see, i would like to say i took skimmers for the rest of the match but it wasnt to be,the 16 mtr lines were all but devoid of fish with me only getting 3 small skimmers off that line , i think presentation was the issue on those lines as the trip was going with the wind blowwing the rig across the bait to fast whereas at 13 mtrs the trip was going back against the wind so 95% of my weight came from this line . judging by the talking on the bank it was fishing very hard with only vince(slinger)brown having any success on peg 7 catching a few small carp on the tip on soft pellet or banded pellet , by the end he had 9 carp for an easy win with 37.11
2nd was martin lenaghan with 4 carp and 2 squirrels for 16.6 peg 19
3rd ed wynne 8.11 of silvers on peg 9
4th me 8.4 peg 20
5th tim clark 7.5 peg 5
6th leon hubbard 7lb peg 16
this has always been a venue where rain and strong winds affect catches as the bottom seems to kick up a grey suspension which the fish definately dont like, small roach are usually a problem here but today there were even unwilling to feed, so any small fish caught were skimmers

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