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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

chilton trinity ash lake

for a change we were using ash lake which is a small canal type lake so everyone is fishing to an island. only 13 of us today as a couple were to scared to come out of there comfort zone and try something new,(no doubt mr anon will comment), i cant remember who drew for me but i ended up on peg 15 which is on the middle of an island, with jason radford on 14 and tom mangnal on 17 which is on a gap between two islands and he has got the only tree in the water in his margin(but i,m not bitter).
i decided to put some g bait at 14 mtrs to my left and the same .3 rig would do for soft pellet at 11 mtrs in front so it had an 18 6313 on .10 on the business end. my second rig was for fishing soft pellet and corn to the island so that was a 4x12 on .12 with an 18 8313 on, down the middle was about 4 foot deep but over there was no shelf just a slope so i fished as close to the island in several places on the slope in about 2 foot of water, at the start i cupped in two balls of g bait at 14 mtrs to my left, some micro,s at 11 mtrs in front and some micro,s to the island,
starting at 11 mtrs on soft pellet i never had a bite in the first 30 mins so i swithced to the g bait line and had bites off small roach but it was to far away and the fish were to small to be of any use, so i took the descision to put some g bait at 11 mtrs over the micro line ,as no one was getting anything of note in the deep water i didnt think it would do any harm, by now tom thick on 11 had put a couple of small carp in the net on soft pellet over by the island, so i followed suite but the slope was covered in dead norfolk reed making presentation had as i was never sure as to whether the pellet was sat up on a piece of crap so i swithed to corn on the hook as it gives a positive indication as it settles, i got a couple of small carp quickly but then it got hard with me having to move around the far bank swims getting odd bites, by the end i had 9 small carp and a few silvers(and i mean a few), tom mangnal had 4 carp, one of which was probably 7 pounds and his other three were of a better size and tom thick had 12 small carp, and with all three of us admitting to 12lb tops only the scales would tell who were the biggest liars, as it turned out tom mangnal was the biggest liar as his 4 carp and silvers went 21.5 for first on the day
2nd and only a slightly smaller liar was tom thick with 20.12 peg 11
3rd and the smallest liar was me with 15.15 peg 15
4th ed wynne 8.5 peg 6
5th kev molten 7.10 peg 18 which was also the top silvers weight
6th dave blakemore 7.2 peg 4

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

landsend individual winter league overall 1 to go

tony rixon 11pts (3 39.14lb)
tom thick 14pts(5 30.10)
dale howsen 17pts (5 20.9)
craig edmunds 18pts (5 27.11)
steve seager 20pts (9 9.5)
alan oram 22pts (9 9.5)
bob gullick 23 (8 14.7)
clint(fat boy) wojtyla 23 (9 9.5)
martin pettiffer 14pts (4 9.10)
alan oram 14.5pts (6.5 2.5)
tom thick 15.5 (9 5.9)
tony rixon 19.5 (8 6.5)

Sunday, 26 February 2012

viaduct teams of 5 round 4

firstly the paul garrett memorial match is on the 24th march and it will be the first day of pellets being allowed, so book in at viaduct on 01458 274022
back to the match today and it was my turn to be on the match lake and a bit of spring, and i wasnt to happy to end up on peg 49 which is a corner but it hasnt shown any form this series with a pound being a good weight, i set up a wag to fish at depth to the island with maggot and caster, a .2 pole rig to fish 2 lines out in front , one over g bait and the other just over caster. with an 18 6313 on .10 and a 2x10 rig for down the right hand margin again with the same hook but on .12.
at the start i cupped in 2 balls of g bait at 2 o,clock and some casters straight out, and some down the right hand margin at 13 mtrs and fired some casters to the island, beginning on the wag i was soon getting bites from small roach but they kept dropping off which i just put down to them being to small to stick, while i was doing this jamie parkhouse on 50 had begun catching odd small carp on a small g bait feeder with maggot cast close to the island , then i had a spell when i lost 3 fish on the bounce which felt like good skimmers, the hook looked ok but i changed it anyway and next cast i had a 10oz skimmer then it went quiet so i left the wag and went down the edge , as stu foale round the corner on 48 had been getting some small carp down his margin, i soon had a couple of f1,s and lost a 2 1/2lb carp at the net, then i couldnt get a bite there again, so back out on the wag with single maggot and i had a few more skimmers and a couple of f1,s but jamie was still getting fish on the feeder,(perhaps i should have set one up after all, that will be another bollocking from dean then).the rest of the match was spent rotating around the various swims , with the fish not wanting to stay anywhere for to long so it was hard to get anything lined up, but there were enough bites to keep the interest up, there were some skimmers to be had on the pole line for a while but again you would get 1 or 2 then nothing, so by the end i thought i had about 18lb and was pleasantly suprised to put 24lb on the scales and a 4th on the lake,the section was won by martin preston on peg 3 on spring, and both mark harper on 2 and jamie next to me had over 30lb.
the match was won by andy power on peg 80 cary lake with 109lb of carp on the wag up in the water, i never waited for the full results but i,m sure they will be found on mike nicholls blog(silverfox angling)failing that i will put them on here tomorrow.
1st andy power 109.1 peg 80, 9 carp on meat fished off the deck on the waggler, biggest fish 18lb
2nd chris sandford 72.8 peg 119
3rd nick collins 62.8 peg 127
4th john dewsbury 53.8 peg 116
5th tom(and not a soft pellet in sight mr anon)thick 52.14 peg 128
6th tim pallant 51.01 peg 66
r ahern 23.6 peg 18
m harper 20.9
teams on the day
thatchers youth FT mark harper 80
moaning maggots 77
amigos 65
viaduct select 61
thatchers youth FT mark harper 265
moaning maggots 242
somerset angling 239
viaduct select 230

avon angling now in 7th with 214

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

weds landsend match and speci lake

we had 17 again today so mike duckett let us use both lakes , so plenty of room for all, mike drew for me and i ended up with 33 which is in the corner(no change there then)at the bottom of the steps behind the hut, going back a month or so it was the peg to draw as you could catch shallow out by the aerater as well as on the deck and up the edge, but its gone off the boil a bit , but i still expected a few, with a strong southerly wind forcast i decided not to go to the aerater as its now 17 mtrs as the new platforms arent finished yet so you have to fish off the bank, so i decided to only go 14mtrs so it would be relativly easy. i set up a caster rig for 4mtrs up the edge , a 4x14 with a 18 6313 on .12. the same size rig for out at 14 mtrs and 14 mtrs up the edge as its the same depth 18 inches out from the edge again with the same hook and line and a 4x12 for 2/3 depth up the edge as the carp sometimes come up a bit again on the same line and hook.
at the start i cupped in some soaked micro,s at 14 in front and against the edge and started feeding caster at 4 mtrs down the edge. i fully expected a bite first drop but 30 mins later i was still waiting, 4 and 6 soft pellets a piece of corn even single caster , nothing , so i pulled the rig into the edge and it was pretty much the same there , but on the hour the float did go under and a 4lb winged carp was soon in the net, but that was it, no more bites, a look at 4mtrs on caster produced 2 perch and 2 roach before that line dried, back out to 14 mtrs in front , nothing , into the edge and an f1 graces the net but i just couldnt get a bite again after that, the gimp over on 31 was catching silvers on his normal 6 mtr caster attack as was ray white next door on 34, so at the halfway mark, i decided to forget the pellet and carp attack and start feeding casters on both the long lines. the straight in front line was still a no no but the 14 mtr edge swim started to give up some good perch, so basiccally i stuck with this line right to the end fishing tight in on the deck and off aswell and i caught some good perch to nearly 3lb on double caster in bursts right to the end, by the end i thought i had about 25lb of silvers but ray next door had been catching some nice skimmers for the last 2 hours on soft pellet and the gimp kept adding some perch to his net plus we didnt know how the match lake was fishing. as it turned out the match lake was the place to draw as the top 4 came off it with tom thick winning off peg 7 wiht 13 carp for 73.2 on his normal soft pellet over micro,s. these wednesday matches are turning into the tom thick roadshows, fairplay to him, i cant believe he hasnt got a sponsor,
2nd alan oram 68.3 on peg 20
3rd phil(fabio)harding 44.12 peg 22
4th ed wynne 38.5 peg 1
5th tony rixon 36.13 peg 33
6th mike west 32.8 peg 38
tony rixon 27.8
john bradford 23.13
ray white 22.15

Sunday, 19 February 2012

landsend individual winter league round 5

my turn on the match lake today and i must admit i nearly ran to my peg when pete nurse drew 19 out of the hat for me, its a proper flier carp peg nearly all year long so i was confident of catching a few. i set up a caster rig for 5 mtrs a .3g with a 18 6313 on .10 for that, a couple of 4x12 impact 6 floats again with a 18 6313 on .12 for soft pellet straight out at 13 mtrs and each side at 10 and 2 at 14 mtrs, i didnt bother with a up the shelf rig as i didnt think the fish would be on top of the shelf as the lake had been frozen up until last week so i assumed it was still to cold, for company i had adrian jeffery on 17 and dale howsen on 21. at the start i fed some casters at 5 mtrs and some micro,s on the 3 long pole lines, starting on soft pellet at 13 mtrs i missed 2 bites in the first 10 mins then i couldnt get a sign, so 30 mins in i was onto the 14 mtr lines but i was biteless there aswell and 90 mins in i was still blanking, adrian had fouled a carp and landed it plus some nice skimmers on the soft pellet but what was annoying was that dale had 4 or 5 carp up the shelf so i got off my box and made a 4x10 rig to fish caster on top of the shelf, i went back on the 5 mtr line with caster and managed a couple of small roach so i saved the blank, after feeding the far side i gave the long pole lines a try again but i couldnt get any indications which was strange as the peg normally has loads of carp in it giving the angler sat there liners but today there were no signs so i think they wanted to be somewhere else today, well i,m going to stick with that excuse. over onto the caster line and first drop i had a good perch then some roach and lifes most annoying fish SMALL RUDD so i refed and tried the 5 mtr line again and had some more roach with one going nearly a pound plus a tench so things were starting to look up, i went out onto the 10 o,clock pellet line and did manage one carp but that was all i got so i decided to re feed a couple of lines at 16 mtrs towards the gap in the island and by swappind between the far shelf the 16 mtr lines and the 5 mtr caster line i kept adding odd fish right to the end ending with 4 carp plus f1,s skimmers ide and bits and bobs and i hoped i would end up with 30lb plus . i must say i was suprised to put 21.10 of silvers and 4 carp for 18.4 for a 39.14 total and a third on lake
first on the sday went to dale howsen o 21 with 13 carp for 63lb all caught on top of the shelf by the island, got that wrong didnt i !
2nd phil(fabio)harding 58.14 peg 1
3rd ken rayner 40.3 peg 70
4th tony rixon 39.14 peg 19
5th mike nicholls 37.2 peg 41
6th clint wojtyla 36.14 peg 31
top silvers went my way with 21.10
i will do the points for the top ten this week and put them on here

Thursday, 16 February 2012

chilton trinity woodland lake weds open

we were supposed to be fishing ash lake today but being a small lake 13 is a good number , but we had 18 booked in so we switched to woodland lake, due to popular demand it was made pole only so the pegs on the end banks can be used with no problems of people allegedly casting into others swims. it was no suprise when tom mangnell cancelled blaming work but i think it has more to do with his sponsor telling him he has to fish the feeder on wednesdays, i cant remember who drew for me but i ended up on peg 6 , and yes it is another corner with the wind off my back(just for you dci), it has got good form for carp in the margins but with shane caswell on 4 i thought it might not be the case, i didnt realise we were so close in this corner cos if we both fished 16 mtrs straight out we would be fishing the same spot , tackleing up i thought i was having a bit of a turn that was until i noticed the leg of my pole roller which i was setting up and my foot were touching the otter fence which wasnt off, so i was getting a double whammy, quick call and a bollocking to misha and the fence was turned off.
back to the swim and i set up 2 margin rigs , a 4x12 for up the shelf and a 4x14 for down the shelf , both with size 18 middy 8313 hooks on .14.
the beauty with this lake is that one rig does all as its the same depth from 5 to 16 mtrs well within a couple of inches , so that was a .75g rig with an 18 6313 on .10 to fish maggot,corn and soft pellet over soaked micro,s. at the start i cupped in some micro,s at 13mtrs, 16mtrs off to the left away from shane ,some micro,s with some corn down the margins and started feeding casters at 6 mtrs.
now as far as the margin attack is concerned it didnt happen , all i could muster were a few small roach when i put maggot on so that was my banker done for, the 16 mtr line gave me 1 small skimmer, and the 13 mtr line yielded 2 better skimmers for about 2 1/2lb plus some small roach, most of my weight was made up of roach from 5 to 6 mtrs on caster. it seemed the whole lake was fishing hard as the wind had started to blow really hard making presentation for most all but impossible, by the end it looked as though tom thick on peg 2 was going to win as he had 4 carp from under the marginal tree,s, and no one else had more than 1 carp plus a smattering of silvers,
so first as expected was tom thick on peg 2 with 21.8
2nd alan oram on 26 with one carp and silvers for 12.13
3rd was me with 11lb and first in the silvers on the day
4th john bradford 8.12 on peg 14 and second in the silvers
5th kevin molten 8.7 on peg 7
6th john thompson 8lb

Sunday, 12 February 2012

viaduct teams of 5 round 3

my turn to be on lodge lake today which i didnt mind as it has been fishing well with smalll fish feeding so there was little chance of blanking as most of the lake was frozen , but luckily our team draw put me on peg 57 which is the disabled peg in the corner(not like me to draw a corner) and the last match it produced some skimmers and in both of the previous rounds had 1 carp on it, and it seems to be a one carp peg and it tends to be caught in front of pallet 58 which is never put in, as the aerater had been on my peg was totally free from ice so it was a day off from the breaker, but it was only me and mark harper on 59 had no breaking to do but the other 17 all had to sling the iron in , the start was put back to allow people time to break the lid .
i set up 2 wag rods ,one for caster just past the g bait line at 16 mtrs and one for corn out towards the rope, two pole rigs , one for carp down the edge on .14 with a middy 8313 size 18 on the end, and the other was a .3g on .10 with a size 18 6313 for caster or dead mags.
at the start i cupped in 3 balls with some caster at 16 mtr, some casters to the empty pallet ,and i chucked the corn out towards the rope on the wag(this is a float only section), i fished this for the first 30 mins with no signs of life and by now wayne buckingham on 56 had 3 good skimmers on the pole , so the wag rods were put down never to be picked up again as i was soon catching skimmers at 16 mtrs on single caster over g bait, i also started feeding a 16 mtr line at 10 o,clock angle so as to rest the main catching area, i had a realy nice day catching skimmers right up to the end, i did try the margin a few times and i did catch the usual one carp which was about 10lb but that was the only bite i had down there, i refed at odd times during the match but only when the size of fish seemed to be getting smaller, and by the final whistle i had a look in the net and thought i had 45lb of skimmers so i was a bit suprised when the skimmers went 62.2 and the carp was 10.12 for first overall and first in the silvers and top on the lake for a proper pickup, total weight of 72.14
2nd went to phil(fabio)harding on peg 64 with 68.4
3rd mash 52lb peg 66
4th alex murray 47.13 peg 70
5th mark harper 44.11 peg 59
6th mark brennan 29.15 peg 15
the place to be today was definately lodge lake as the top 5 were on there and the top 3 silvers were also on there
i,d like my peg was absolutley solid
the avon angling teem did ok today 4th on the day and weare now 3rd overall with 2 matces to go. for the full team results check out mike blog, silver fox angling

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

frozen landsend weds open

we had 14 turn up which is a good number considering there was up to 1 1/2 inches of ice on it so the breakers were out again, i began with 2 but after 4 chucks i was left with one as the chain broke and it didnt float so there was no chance of retrieving it.
i fancied a draw at the carpark end of the lake as it was only about 3/4 thick but no i let kev molten draw for me and i end up on 16 which is ok but the ice was at its thickest at this end, for company i had alan(meldrew)oram on 15 and the next agler to my right was tom thick on 18. i set up one rig again today a .3g rig with with an 18 middy 6313 on .10. after clearing a channel to 10 mtrs and to my left to th4e sunken tree between me and alan i plumbed up and was lucky to find the same depth out in front and down to the tree, at the start i cupped a few (20)mags and casters at 10 mtrs and fed a few down towards the tree. starting at 10 mtrs on single maggot i had a bite first put in which was a perch of about a pound,(yay no blank) its amazing that you can make all that disturbance and still get bites straight away, i had a perch and tom was playing his first carp on soft pellet, and he proceeded to catch odd fish all match so it looked like first place was taken from very early on in the match.
most people seemed to be getting bites which was a surprise as the general concensus was that 20lb would be a good weight but that seemed to be going out of the window very quickly. my second bite was from a carp which broke me under the ice as i think i got down to my topset a bit to early . the match for me turned into a bit of a waiting game for bites but when i did it was a reasonable perch and i even had an unseasonal tench of about 2lb, i had a 6lb carp halfway through and another down the edge on the final whistle to end up with 9 perch , 1 tench and 2 carp which was going to be no good in the overalls but i might get some silvers money
as expected from early on tom thick won with a very creditable 12 carp and 1 f1 for 82.5 and a very comfortable win
2nd and a long way behind was retired welsh electrician dave blakemore on peg 1 with 34.5
3rd was rave from the grave gary mewdel with 30lb from peg 3
4th adrian jeffrey 29.3
5th phil(fabio)harding 25.1 on peg 22
6th ed wynne 24.15 peg 12
silvers was me with 8.10 and i pushed the somerset silver ace, nigel bartlett into second with 6.5 on peg 24
my 2 carp went 12.6 giving me 21lb for 7th overall
so really it fished ok with some of the lakes better fish putting in an appearance ,but the silvers didnt seem to want to play ball.
off to viaduct for round 3 of the teams of 5,s on sunday but it may be frozen so the fishery is going to makea descision on friday, but wer have never had one cancelled yet so all those fishing had better be prepared with breaking devices.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

shiplate farm on hawthorn and west pools

fairplay to the 22 which turned up today as we were greeted with 1 to 11/2 inches of hard ice, we shouldnt complain really as its the first proper ice this winter, but after letting trigger draw me peg 10 on hawthorn it was still a bit of a shock throwing a 14lb breaker about , but i managed to clear a strip to nearly 12 mtrs which i thought would be far enough as its just about to the bottom of the shelf before the slope to the far side, paul elmes did a really good job with the boat by breaking out peoples pegs who were stuggling a bit, he did offer me but i refused as i didnt think the fish would be up on the shelf(doh).
i made up 1 rig a .3g rig with a middy 6313 size 18 on .10 and at the start i cupped in 5 maggots and 10 micro,s and then waited for a bite, and waited and waited, i cant right about my day as nothing really happened i did get 4 bites but missed 3 and shook a small roach off and suffered my first blank since i cant remember when , but it had to happen sooner or later, there were a few fish being caught on our lake with paul elmes on peg 2 leading the charge ending the match with 6 carp, all caught up the shelf adrian jeffery on peg 1 had 4 and a skimmer and the only other person with more than 1 was steve evans next to me who had 1 on bread and 1 on corn just fishing
his topset .
west pool was the place to be with craig(trigger )edmunds on peg 11 with 41lb all caught up on the shelf towards the end
2nd was kev molten on 15 west pool with 40.9
3rd rich lacey peg 6 west pool 27lb
4th sean townsend 7 west pool 23.13
5th paul elmes peg 2 hawthorn 23.3
6th andy bryant 12 west pool 14.4
silvers went to rich lacey with 12.2 of mainly skimmers at 8 mtrs on maggot
bob gullick struggled to find the venue this morning as his sat nav had him in the wrong place so he phones me to double check the post code which is bs24 0ny and he asks is that a zero or a nought i thought it was one and the same but his trotters indipendant traders tom tom obviously aint got a 0(zero nought)button , but he did manage 3rd on the lake so the 35 quid he won he can now afford to update his tom tom and he may even be able to find his way home.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

woodlands lake at chilton trinity

i think the cold weather and some work commitments kept a few away today as we only had 10 turn up, fobio and me stopped for brekkie at the gut buster caravan in bridgawter for a change and to be honest it wasnt to bad ,except the caravan was freezing as it had no heating but the food was tasty.
back to the draw and with only a small number here i managed to give everyone a bit of shelter from the biting north easterly wind, i was half expecting some ice so i had the breaker with me but the lake was free of the hard stuff, so that was good.
i let fishery boss ,misha herring draw for me and she handed me peg 7 which is the 2nd peg up on the far side, i had john bradford on 6 for company and tom mangnal on 9.
only 2 rigs today, a 4x12 on ,14 with a middy 8313 size hook on .14 for the margins as i had 3 foot but as i only had a small fish bite on it after several attempts during the match so i wont waste my finger tips by mentioning it again.
the other rig was .75g slim float with a 6313 size 18 on .10 for out in front and after a bit of plumbing around i managed to find areas at 6 13 and 16 mtrs with almost the same depth so i didnt have to mess around with the depth at all. at the start i fed casters at 6 mtrs and a mixture of micro,s dead mags and a few pieces of corn at 13 and 16 starting at 13 mtrs it took me 30 mins to get a bite and that was a small roach which dropped off ,and by now fabio on peg 11 had 2 carp at 13 mtrs , ed wynne on 10 had 1 as did tom on 9 but he was fishing the method with corn on the hook, after 2 hours i was well behind with fabio having 4 carp ed having the same and tom getting fish aswell, last match here the corn was the killer bait but all i had on it today was a good skimmer and a smallish tench so the corn was binned and it was onto the dead mag and by feeding some micro,s and dead mags after each couple of bites i began to catch small roach and more importantly odd carp were starting to show , by now fabio was still stuck on 4 carp as was ed but he did manager a couple more towards the end plus some silvers, unfortunately fabio didnt manage to land anymore although he did lose a couple in the last hour, it seemed as though the fish were happiest sat in the middle of the lake today as fabio had 4 on peg 11 ed had 6 on peg 10 tom on peg 9 ended up with 10, 9 on the method and 1 on the wag(he had to get at least one properly)and i had 7 .
as expected tom mangnal won with his 10 carp and 1 roach going 42.2
2nd was me with 7 carp for 32.4 and 6.15 of silvers for a total of 39.3 , did lose 1 fouler at the end which would have swung it for me but it was the only one i lost so i cant complain
3rd ed wynne 34lb peg 10
4th phil(fabio)harding 27.1
5th tom thick with the top silvers weight 9lb
6th nigel bartlett and second in silvers 7.5
ive got to say that this was the first match i have fished at this venue where the method feeder has won on the day, but at least tom was cheerful with it as he was coming under a lot of abuse during the day, we will probably be down there again in a fortnight but we may fish the small (ash) lake for a change which seems to have a lot of small fish in with an odd bigger surprise