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Sunday, 19 February 2012

landsend individual winter league round 5

my turn on the match lake today and i must admit i nearly ran to my peg when pete nurse drew 19 out of the hat for me, its a proper flier carp peg nearly all year long so i was confident of catching a few. i set up a caster rig for 5 mtrs a .3g with a 18 6313 on .10 for that, a couple of 4x12 impact 6 floats again with a 18 6313 on .12 for soft pellet straight out at 13 mtrs and each side at 10 and 2 at 14 mtrs, i didnt bother with a up the shelf rig as i didnt think the fish would be on top of the shelf as the lake had been frozen up until last week so i assumed it was still to cold, for company i had adrian jeffery on 17 and dale howsen on 21. at the start i fed some casters at 5 mtrs and some micro,s on the 3 long pole lines, starting on soft pellet at 13 mtrs i missed 2 bites in the first 10 mins then i couldnt get a sign, so 30 mins in i was onto the 14 mtr lines but i was biteless there aswell and 90 mins in i was still blanking, adrian had fouled a carp and landed it plus some nice skimmers on the soft pellet but what was annoying was that dale had 4 or 5 carp up the shelf so i got off my box and made a 4x10 rig to fish caster on top of the shelf, i went back on the 5 mtr line with caster and managed a couple of small roach so i saved the blank, after feeding the far side i gave the long pole lines a try again but i couldnt get any indications which was strange as the peg normally has loads of carp in it giving the angler sat there liners but today there were no signs so i think they wanted to be somewhere else today, well i,m going to stick with that excuse. over onto the caster line and first drop i had a good perch then some roach and lifes most annoying fish SMALL RUDD so i refed and tried the 5 mtr line again and had some more roach with one going nearly a pound plus a tench so things were starting to look up, i went out onto the 10 o,clock pellet line and did manage one carp but that was all i got so i decided to re feed a couple of lines at 16 mtrs towards the gap in the island and by swappind between the far shelf the 16 mtr lines and the 5 mtr caster line i kept adding odd fish right to the end ending with 4 carp plus f1,s skimmers ide and bits and bobs and i hoped i would end up with 30lb plus . i must say i was suprised to put 21.10 of silvers and 4 carp for 18.4 for a 39.14 total and a third on lake
first on the sday went to dale howsen o 21 with 13 carp for 63lb all caught on top of the shelf by the island, got that wrong didnt i !
2nd phil(fabio)harding 58.14 peg 1
3rd ken rayner 40.3 peg 70
4th tony rixon 39.14 peg 19
5th mike nicholls 37.2 peg 41
6th clint wojtyla 36.14 peg 31
top silvers went my way with 21.10
i will do the points for the top ten this week and put them on here

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