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Sunday, 26 February 2012

viaduct teams of 5 round 4

firstly the paul garrett memorial match is on the 24th march and it will be the first day of pellets being allowed, so book in at viaduct on 01458 274022
back to the match today and it was my turn to be on the match lake and a bit of spring, and i wasnt to happy to end up on peg 49 which is a corner but it hasnt shown any form this series with a pound being a good weight, i set up a wag to fish at depth to the island with maggot and caster, a .2 pole rig to fish 2 lines out in front , one over g bait and the other just over caster. with an 18 6313 on .10 and a 2x10 rig for down the right hand margin again with the same hook but on .12.
at the start i cupped in 2 balls of g bait at 2 o,clock and some casters straight out, and some down the right hand margin at 13 mtrs and fired some casters to the island, beginning on the wag i was soon getting bites from small roach but they kept dropping off which i just put down to them being to small to stick, while i was doing this jamie parkhouse on 50 had begun catching odd small carp on a small g bait feeder with maggot cast close to the island , then i had a spell when i lost 3 fish on the bounce which felt like good skimmers, the hook looked ok but i changed it anyway and next cast i had a 10oz skimmer then it went quiet so i left the wag and went down the edge , as stu foale round the corner on 48 had been getting some small carp down his margin, i soon had a couple of f1,s and lost a 2 1/2lb carp at the net, then i couldnt get a bite there again, so back out on the wag with single maggot and i had a few more skimmers and a couple of f1,s but jamie was still getting fish on the feeder,(perhaps i should have set one up after all, that will be another bollocking from dean then).the rest of the match was spent rotating around the various swims , with the fish not wanting to stay anywhere for to long so it was hard to get anything lined up, but there were enough bites to keep the interest up, there were some skimmers to be had on the pole line for a while but again you would get 1 or 2 then nothing, so by the end i thought i had about 18lb and was pleasantly suprised to put 24lb on the scales and a 4th on the lake,the section was won by martin preston on peg 3 on spring, and both mark harper on 2 and jamie next to me had over 30lb.
the match was won by andy power on peg 80 cary lake with 109lb of carp on the wag up in the water, i never waited for the full results but i,m sure they will be found on mike nicholls blog(silverfox angling)failing that i will put them on here tomorrow.
1st andy power 109.1 peg 80, 9 carp on meat fished off the deck on the waggler, biggest fish 18lb
2nd chris sandford 72.8 peg 119
3rd nick collins 62.8 peg 127
4th john dewsbury 53.8 peg 116
5th tom(and not a soft pellet in sight mr anon)thick 52.14 peg 128
6th tim pallant 51.01 peg 66
r ahern 23.6 peg 18
m harper 20.9
teams on the day
thatchers youth FT mark harper 80
moaning maggots 77
amigos 65
viaduct select 61
thatchers youth FT mark harper 265
moaning maggots 242
somerset angling 239
viaduct select 230

avon angling now in 7th with 214


  1. After that result Tony you deserve to win the series, fair play mate, will Speing beca thorn in your side?! MP

  2. That should say 'Will Spring be a thorn in your side?' lol
