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Thursday, 16 February 2012

chilton trinity woodland lake weds open

we were supposed to be fishing ash lake today but being a small lake 13 is a good number , but we had 18 booked in so we switched to woodland lake, due to popular demand it was made pole only so the pegs on the end banks can be used with no problems of people allegedly casting into others swims. it was no suprise when tom mangnell cancelled blaming work but i think it has more to do with his sponsor telling him he has to fish the feeder on wednesdays, i cant remember who drew for me but i ended up on peg 6 , and yes it is another corner with the wind off my back(just for you dci), it has got good form for carp in the margins but with shane caswell on 4 i thought it might not be the case, i didnt realise we were so close in this corner cos if we both fished 16 mtrs straight out we would be fishing the same spot , tackleing up i thought i was having a bit of a turn that was until i noticed the leg of my pole roller which i was setting up and my foot were touching the otter fence which wasnt off, so i was getting a double whammy, quick call and a bollocking to misha and the fence was turned off.
back to the swim and i set up 2 margin rigs , a 4x12 for up the shelf and a 4x14 for down the shelf , both with size 18 middy 8313 hooks on .14.
the beauty with this lake is that one rig does all as its the same depth from 5 to 16 mtrs well within a couple of inches , so that was a .75g rig with an 18 6313 on .10 to fish maggot,corn and soft pellet over soaked micro,s. at the start i cupped in some micro,s at 13mtrs, 16mtrs off to the left away from shane ,some micro,s with some corn down the margins and started feeding casters at 6 mtrs.
now as far as the margin attack is concerned it didnt happen , all i could muster were a few small roach when i put maggot on so that was my banker done for, the 16 mtr line gave me 1 small skimmer, and the 13 mtr line yielded 2 better skimmers for about 2 1/2lb plus some small roach, most of my weight was made up of roach from 5 to 6 mtrs on caster. it seemed the whole lake was fishing hard as the wind had started to blow really hard making presentation for most all but impossible, by the end it looked as though tom thick on peg 2 was going to win as he had 4 carp from under the marginal tree,s, and no one else had more than 1 carp plus a smattering of silvers,
so first as expected was tom thick on peg 2 with 21.8
2nd alan oram on 26 with one carp and silvers for 12.13
3rd was me with 11lb and first in the silvers on the day
4th john bradford 8.12 on peg 14 and second in the silvers
5th kevin molten 8.7 on peg 7
6th john thompson 8lb

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