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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

acorn fishery, paddock lake

i,m getting pee,d off with the weather men now cos they keep getting the forecast right,
gales and rain all day and they were right, mint ,
we found a new place for brekkie today, annies cafe in yatton its above the shops in the small precinct, and i,ve got to say its the best breakfast i,ve had in a long time.
back to the fishery and we still had 16 turn up in spite of the weather but with no pleasure anglers about(no suprise there then)we were allowed to use the whole lake so we all had an empty peg each side, i let ryan summerhayes draw for and he handed me peg 24 which had a bit of form but not lately as the high 30,s and the island being the place to draw, not to much to set up today , i put up a 4x12 rig for just down the far shelf but never used it , a 4x8 rig for banded pellet on top of the far shelf in 12 inches of water, and due to the wind a .75g rig with an 18 6313 on .10 for caster at 3 mtrs and soft pellet at 8mtrs as its the same depth, at the start i potted some soaked micro,s at 8 mtrs ,began firing 4,s to the far bank and started loosefeeding caster at 3 mtrs,
beginning ar 3 mtrs i had a carp first drop lost one the second put in and caught one third put in then it went quiet except for some skimmers and a couple of decent perch,
by now tom thick on 33 was catching well as was fabio on 5 , so i kept the casters giong in at 3mtrs and went over on banded 8,s and was soon into smallish carp, the rest of the match was spent between the far bank and the 3 mtr line catching odd carp and skimmers close and casrp across when the wind permitted, at the end i was admitting to 70lb but felt i had a bit more, the main threats were coming from tom on 33, ryan summerhayes on 40 and john dursley on 38 had been catching well on meat , but i neednt have worried as my 70lb turned into 97.13 for first
2nd went to tom thick with 90.13 on peg 33
3rd ryan summerhayes 80.4 peg 40
4th john dursley 75.13 peg 38
5th phil harding 69.14 peg 5
6th mike west 63.2 peg 12
silvers went to steve kedge on 18 with 44.12 of skimmers,tench, and roach on caster


  1. I must admit the recent weather is making me feel a whole lot better about not being able to fish! Well done today Tony.

  2. and i spent all day on asunny beach catching sandies and shad yesterday and prob same today Sharky S.A

  3. you may be on a beach for now sharky, but i know your winter is just around the corner and when it gets below 20c you hang your rods up cos youve gone soft
