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Monday, 23 April 2012

avon angling open, chilton trinity

we had 27 fishing today so we were on widmarsh which is the biggest of their day ticket lakes with 67 pegs on it , i didnt peg the carpy pegs around the back of the island which hopefully make for a fairer match.
i let dean malin draw for me and i ended up on 30 which is out on a point with a lot of open water to fish to , and a nice looking margin under a bush to my left which never seems to produce but it looks to nice to ignore, so i set up a 4x12 on .16 with a xedion 16 hook for double corn over caster and corn, a .75g for caster over g bait at 11mtrs , a .5g rig for soft pellet over micro,s at 14 mtrs at 11 and 2 o,clock angles and a caster rig for 3 mtrs straight in front, i cupped in 6 balls of gbait at 11mtrs, some micro,s at 14 mtrs on both lines, and threw some casters down the margin and onto the roach lines. starting at 11 mtrs i was soon getting bites from small roach, and it took me 45 mins to get a skimmer of about 12oz, but there seemed to be some skimmers over the g bait as there were some tell tale bubbles coming up, as there was over the pellet lines, i did get a few more skimmers over the g bait line and one off each of the 14 mtr lines on soft pellet, but after 2 hours the promised strong wind had sprung up making any presentation on longer pole lines a no no , not only was it impossible to hold the pole but the wind and trip was going the same way, so all i could now catch were small roach, being on the end of a spit i would normally of had the option of fishing off to the left with the wind off my back, but there were two carp anglers on the island effectively cutting off that line for me, so all could do now was fish for roach at 3mtrs which did give me some roach but that was hard going as it was still 7 ft deep there and the fish were moving up and down in the water, as for the margin, i did manage 2 carp and 1 tench from there .
on the all out i thought i had about 13lb of silvers and the two small carp would go about 10lb. i couldnt see to much around the lake, steve tucker on 58 seemed to have the most silvers and dean malin had managed to strum out 5 carp on the banjo feeder, the only threat to dean winning two on the trot at this venue was adrian jeffery on 25 who had 6 carp on the method. as it turned out adrian jeffery,s extra fish made the difference as he was first with 32.14 fishing the method at about 30mtrs with maggot on the hook peg 25
2nd dean malin 27.8 peg 44
3rd tony rixon 26.9 peg 30
4th steve kedge 26.6 peg 9
5th steve tucker 24.7 peg 58
6th glen calvert 23.01 peg 6
steve tucker 16.10 peg 58
paul faires 16.5 peg 20
tony rixon 15lb peg 30
not a big weight affair but still a good fair match, which most seemed to enjoy, although the wind stopped a lot of people catching, but full marks to john and misha as they are always at the weigh in and will always listen to any suggestions as to how to improve things, but any improvements take time and money so it aint going to happen overnight

1 comment:

  1. I wish you hadn't put all the the pegs around the outside of the Lake - lol
