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Wednesday, 4 April 2012

viaduct wednesday open

with 23 fishing steve put 16 on cambell and 7 on cary, obviously a draw on cambell is preferred so i was first into the draw tin , and what comes out ,96, good draw but with the cold north easterly blowing into me and slightly across it was always going to make float fishing hard, but to be fair the wind wasnt as strong as expected so the wag rods were assembled, one was a middy loaded clear float of 4grm with a 16 b960 on .18, the other wag rod had a big 10 inch bodied drake for stability if the wind got up, i did set up 2 pole rigs, one for 8mm pellet at 13 mtrs and another for corn over caster and corn down to the empty pallet of 95, i wont be mentioning either pole rig again as the margin job produced a 2lb skimmer and the 13 mtr line was slung up the bank after 20 mins at the start as lewis greenwood on 98 had caught a carp on the wag and pellet fished at depth and ray hayward over on 88 had caught as well, so out on the middy float and i soon had a good carp in the net so that was the rst of my match sorted , i stayed on the wag for the rest of the match, feeding 8mm when the wind allowed and 11mm when the wind got too strong, and fishing both sizes in the band, i ended up with 15 carp and 1 skimmer for well over 100lb as the carp average 8 to 12lb on this lake with fish over 20lb not uncommon, by the end it was clear that ray hayward over on 88 had won our lake and as it turned out the match aswell with 199.9 fishing the wag with 11mm pellet on the deck at 16 to 20 mtrs
2nd kev newman 167.3 peg 115
3rd kev molten 154.4 peg 128, and he had over 80lb in his 2 nets so he cost himself 2nd for not putting another net in
4th jim baines 143.11
5th tony rixon 142.15
6th alan oram 142..8
silvers went to martin preston on 123 with a very creditable 83.6 of mainly skimmers on popped up bread, oh no that was in the winter , this time he caught on banded 6mm fihed close in
and there were another 4 weights over 100lb which was suprising as it was so cold, it just goes to show that this is probably one of if not the best big weight venue in the south or perhaps the whole country as some days ther can be up to 20 weights over 100lb with several going over 200lb roll on summer !!!!!!!!!!!!

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