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Thursday, 28 June 2012

landsend weds open

with 16 on the bank , again mike let us use the match and part of the speci lake.
roger andoniou was fishing again so i let him draw for me so i ended up on 33 which is in the corner of the speci lake behind the porta cabin, a good draw although it hasnt produced a winner recently but its always in with a good shout. for company i had the owner of bridgwater,s finest wood butchery firm in the shape of mike west, so a bit of banter was going to happen and he would keep me entertained with his lady ga ga songs (but i never heard one all day he must have forgotten them, may be an age thing).
the plan of attack today was feed 6,s and fish 8,s and 6,s over them, rigs today were a deep rig to fish out to the aerater at 16 mtrs , a half depth rig(never used), and a couple of proper shallow rigs , one for 10 to 20 inches and a real shallow rig to fish 6 inches deep against the end bank if they started slurping off the bank.
at the start i began feeding 6,s out to the aerater and along the end bank, after 30 mins on the deck with nothing to show but a 1lb skimmer on banded 8mm i binned that rig never to pick it up again.with a bit of fizzing going on i fully expected to be catching carp shallow but all i could get inittially was roach, it took 30 mins before i had my first carp and during the next 90 mnis i had about 5 mre plus some f1,s but by now the fizzing had stopped which was a bit weird as you cant normally see the float for bubbles in this peg and i wasnt getting a bite from anything, mike next door had a carp early on but was now trying to catch silvers down the middle on a variety of baits from meat through to paste but wasnt really going anywhere, i could see the end of dean malins pole going in and out on 36 but that turned out to be mainly silvers, so i spent the rest of the match up the edge shallow fishing between 6 and 12 inches deep, fishing 6 inches when there were some fish visible and 12 inches when nothing was showing, i ended up with over 20 carp but they were mostly on the small side with the biggest probably only going about 8lb, normally you could expect a few good doubles but not today.
first on the day went to phil(fabio)harding on 21 with 129.8 fishing shallow to the far side
2nd was me with 124.11 peg 33
3rd tom mangnal 114.13 peg 15
4th tom thick 99.3 peg 19
5th dan pither 99.3 peg 1
6th john(turkey)thompson 60.3 peg 40
nigel bartlett 39.9 with a mixture of fish on peg 11 using chopped worm and caster
2nd dean malin 34.4 peg 36
it fished quite hard today with the weights coming from form pegs who knows why fish can be funny things

Monday, 25 June 2012

2 day comp at chilton trinity on sat and sunday

with 32 fishing there was going to be plenty of room as there were going to be 16 on each lake , and whichever lake you drew the first day you would be on the other next day. i must apologise for not getting the individual results for each day as i rushed home on sunday to watch england get out played by italy i should have known better.
first day i drew peg 66 which is right by the carpark on wildmarsh, its an area i tend to frequent quite a lot whenever we have a match on there, i wasnt to upset as its an area which always throws up some bream and carp usually to paste(yep i got a rig for that), but with the pegs being spread out i was up against it with some good carp pegs in my section, plus i had dean malin in my section was a bit of a bummer as we were sharing so we would be taking a point off each other unless we drew but thats unlikely.
my match went as expected with the 11mtr grounbait line producing small roach and nothing else, the margins were a waste of time, but the 14mtr line gave me 1 carp and 2 bream on paste and 2 more carp on 8mm hard pellet, i started the match feeding micro,s on that line but the peg didnt kick off until about 2 hours from the end when i began feeding 4,s. i ended up weighing 26.15 for second in section behind dean who had 3 carp and 31lb of skimmers taken on the lead and conker on peg 24.
second day draw saw me on peg 20 woodland which is up in the right hand corner, sat back in a bay, jason radford had it the day before and weighed 60 odd pound for second in section, to stand any chance of winning any money overall i needed a section win with a decent weight. i drew next to dean today but at least we were in seperate section, jason had got off to a flying start the day before fishing shallow at 14 mtrs but with the wind blowing a lot stronger today i decided to do that at 13mtrs, he also caught to his right at about 7mtrs and 16mtrs to his left against the end bank, all on pellet as the meat seemed to be attracting to many small roach so i based my attack around feeding 6,s and fishing an 8 in the band, the wind was getting stronger and blowing straight at me which wasnt to bad for the shallow fishing although it was hard to be consistent with the feed, i perseverred with the shallow fishing but only managed 5 carp plus some silvers, i went over to the end bank at 14 mtrs only as 16 would have been impossible to hold, and i began catching fish straight away, but the wind was increasing all the time, it got that strong i even had to retrieve my cap from the fence behind me twice, i had a good spell on that line until it became impossible to hold the pole in position, i switch to the right hand margin produced some fish but fouling was a problem as you need to fish off the bank a bit due to snags in close and the wind was blowing the rig through and into the fish so i had to keep lifting and dropping and most proper bites came as the bait was settling, at the end i hoped i had about 80lb which should be enough for the section win but with mike west on 29 admitting to 70lb it might not be cut and dried, but i neednt have worried as my net went 103.7 and mike had 75lb, he would have done better if trigger next door had lost his top 4 and had to retrieve from right where mike was catching(thanks trig)
overall the two days were won by paul elmes on 2 points and 156.11 over the two days , taking home 600 qui2nd was paul locke again on 2 points but losing out on weight with 103.1 and he had 400 quid
3rd was me on 3 points and 130.8 and 250 quid
4th dean malin 3 pts and 114lb and 60 pounds worth of veals vouchers
craig edmunds 2pts , 38.7 £350
nigel bartlett 3pts £200
glen calvert 3pts £100
paul faires 4pts vouchers
as usual herring family ran a good show and i will definately being doing again next year and hopefully a few more will to , the fishing had been a bit harder than normal but i think that has more to do with all the wind and rain we have had of late, theres more water in the lakes now than we normally see in the winter.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

pole only at viaduct fishery

with 32 booked in today the match was spread over cambell and cary so a bit of room for most anglers, arriving in the carpark it was nice to see martyn woodington back in the southwest if only for a holiday as he was staying in one of the new lodges with mike nicholls, glen bailey and mark tanner, and they all seemed to be enjoying themselves as the lodges are spot on, after another good breakfast at shipham cafe i was ready for the draw, any peg on cambell would do as cary has been a bit hit and miss lately as there have been some oxygen problems on the lake but steve and paul are on top of it so it will be back to its good old self in no time at all.
i let dean malin draw for me so i ended up on peg 90 which was a bit spooky as i had said to dean on the way it was a peg i fancied as the south westerly wind would be blowing in to that corner, obviously the weather gods dont check on the internet to see which way the wind should be going as it seemed to be a south easterly which meant i would be in flat water all day which is never a good thing on this lake during the summer as the big fish in here seem more confident under a bit of ripple.
getting to the peg there seemed to be a few fish mooching about shalllow but the light conditions and water colour meant you couldnt see them coming till it was to late so no mugging today.
i know this lake has really been best fished with meat or paste , so what do i do , go and base my attack around pellet at 16 mtrs, with a meat line at the same distance at a different angle, plus meat in the margins each side and to the end bank again which is 16 mtrs, alan oram got it right next door on 88 and really only fished paste which as it turned out was the right thing to do.
i,m not going to bore you with to many details as i wasted the first 4 hours trying to make the pellet work but i dont think there were enough fish in this corner for it to work, i did lose a couple of foulers but all i had to show was 1 5lb carp and a few skimmers and a perch on meat to the end bank, the meat approach seemed to attracting the attentions of small fish as a square piece of meat was soon stolen or turned into a small pink marble.
i started firing pellet to the end bank and there were soon an odd fish slurping off the bank and i did manage one carp and a nice hybrid until the duck family turned up and made life difficult, by now tim ford had wandered around for a watch and he made a noise like a pissy swan and the ducks seemed to take offence and went away, but not for long as they returned with mum duck who stood watch whilst her kids made a nuisance of themselves, so the last 90 mins were spent on the paste over the pellet line at 16 mtrs and i did get 5 more carp , i should know better as the fish on this lake really do like paste, and alan next door had managed 9 good fish plus some good skimmers, further down the lake on 76 the bristol daffodil tony witcomb had landed 14 carp and lost 10 i think all on his normal slimy paste, also tom thick had caught shallow on 99 and steve jackson on 85 also caught shallow, all iether in or close to the ripple.
my 7 carp were on the small side as they only went 61.04 for no good, i think i would have had a few more had i fished paste earlier, but with this game you never know.
no suprise today who won as andy power drew 119 which has been the peg to draw of late and he ended up with 223.4 of shallow caught carp at 16 mtrs
2nd tony witcomd 167.2 on 76
3rd tom thick on 99 with 155.12
4th phil harding on 116 with 130.9
5th glen bailey on 112 with 119.2
6th mat tomes on 111 with 116.14
7th dean malin on 125 with 116.9
silvers were bought, i mean won by tim pallant with 39.9 on peg 81, tim fed 1kg of worm and a gallon of caster, i think he won just enough to cover the bait bill, i still dont think mike nicholls believes him when he told him how much he had fed , that ammount of bait would last him and the gimp(john bradford)for a month and thats for the both of them

Monday, 18 June 2012

float only rnd 3 sedges tile and brick lake

with both lakes being used the preferred draw would be on brick lake as the average size of the carp is much bigger, also the skimmers tend to be bigger, so as i had drawn dave evans in the knockout i let him draw for me, and i ended up on tile lake peg 32, which steve seager drew last week and had a few on the pellet wag fishing out to an island, trouble was i had to share my island with the southwest waggler ace andy lloyd,
also dave evans drew on our lake and as he was 35 so at least i could keep tabs on him.
so after putting the wag rod together with a 3ssg j range stryro wag on as these floats being made of such light materials it tends to fly straight all the time rather than seeing it helicopter through the air causing tangles.
3 pole rigs, one for banded pellet on the deck at 13 mtrs, a rig for 5 mtrs on meat (never used) and a meat rig for the margins but only tried a couple of times and then it was battered about by bits so no more of that either.
after feeding the pole lines it was out on the wag feeding 8,s and using a banded 8 on a 16 b960 hook on .16 .
andy on 33 had a couple of fish before i had a bite but i was soon getting bites and catching so the race was on, the main problem with this lake is the size of the fish the can be on the small side so fishing the wag at 40mtrs means you tend to miss a few bites, also the wind wasnt helping as it was blowing into us at about 1 o,clock angle which was worse for andy as it was blowing his wag away from the island but mine was staying put for about 10 secs before it started towing back towards me forcing me to cast again, but by keeping the work rate up i kept fish going into the the halfway mark andy had stopped catching ,mainly due i think to the wind blowing his float off the island as soon as it landed, also the fact he never had a wag heavy enough to give him a bit of weight to keep his float in place for those extra seconds i did offer to lend him one but he declined as he said he would never hear the last of it (true).
the pole line was difficult , although it was fizzing i really struggled for bites on it only giving me 2 small carp and 1lb skimmer on pellet, clayton hudson on 34 was fishing paste and catching towards the end (forgot mine) so i will take some next time.
by the end i had over 30 small carp and as far as i could see was going to be enough to win the section and get through the knockout, and to make things even better i had beaten andy lloyd like a stepchild(not that i condone beating stepchildren before mr anon starts), on the whole the venue fished very fair but as expected the top weights came off brick lake with phil(fabio)harding coming out on top in a peg to peg battle with bela bakos, phil on 20 won with with 12 carp for 76.7 mainly taken shallow at 16 mtrs
2nd and 1 fish behind on peg 19 was bela bakos with 69.9, shallow again
3rd chris fox 64.15 peg 6
4th john(turkey)thompson 63.15 peg 23
5th anton page 61.15 peg 8
6th tony rixon 60.9 peg 32
7th joe mcmahon 60.3 peg 24
shane caswell 39lb peg 18 on chopped worm and caster

Thursday, 14 June 2012

weds landsend open

since my last visit to the fishery mike has worked non stop to get the lakes clear, and he has done a brilliant job, on tues myself, fabio and mike west went down to do a bit and we got quite a bit done , we finished the 7 platforms on the carpark side of the speci lake, cut a couple of trees down(well big branches)and strimmed up the margins on the speci lake, that was until the end fell off the 10ft long hedge trimmer and the drive shaft fell out of the end and sank but that was on the last peg so it wasnt to bad. i think mike is going to glad to get back to the flower shows for a rest (only joking mr anon)
back to the draw and with 17 booked in we used the match and part of the speci, i fancied a speci peg if only to sit on the new platforms, mat tomes drew for me and gave me 22 which i wasnt complaining about as it has lots of form as you have the island to fish to aswell as being able to reach the end of the island, mat had 16 himself which he wasnt moaning about. it was good to see rod wootten back on the bank after his recent illness, he seems well on the mend which is good news.
back at my swim and with a few fish up on the surface the stalker rig was assembled which is a 4x12 dibber rig on .16 with a 18 b960 on for banded 6mm and set to fish about 8 inches deep,another shallow rig at 15 inches on the same line and hook, a 4x12 rig to use on the island shelf and at the end of the island by a bush ,same line but a 16 hook, and a meat rig for the margins on .18 with a size 14 middy 9313 hook on the end.
at the start and with the sun out the cruisers were to appealing and in the first hour i had 8 fish on the stalker but after that as is normal the fish started to dissapear, but i wasnt to worried as there were fish slurping on the island where i had been firing 4mm pellets, i gave it another 30 mins chasing shadows but they seemed a bit spooky. i dropped the stalker tight to the island and had one straight away, but these fish wont stand to much of this as they know when there is a pole over there heads and soon sink away when they see it, i tried the deep rig at the end of the island and straight out against the island but all i could do was foul fish so that was put on the bank never to be used again, so the rest of the match was spent fishing shallow against the island apart from the one bite i had down the edge on meat which was a 5lb ghostie.
i must mention steve kedge who was on peg one as he really must stop talking and cursing to himself ,if he continues the men in white coats will be picking him up, but then again he will be in good company as he will probably be in the same padded room as gary etheridge lol.
by what i could see and hear no one was catching much so thing were looking good, the slightly deeper rig seemed to work a lot better but you still needed to slap it on the water to for a better response, by the end i had 13 in one net 15 in the second as i thought they were a bit smaller and 5 in the 3rd so no problems going over today!!!!!.
by the time the scales got to me mat on 16 was top with 72.5, i got my first net out with 13 in and it went 68lb ,no probs today, got my second net out with 15 fish in, bugger guess i will only be getting the net net limit of 80lb for that one then, so with the 5 from the other net i ended up with 167.5 which was enough for first (its been a while)
2nd was tom thick on 34 with 91.13 which included top silver weight of 50.5 all taken on his favoured soft pellet approach
3rd ed wynne 82.10 peg 40
4th mat tom(m)es 72.5 peg 16
5 phil harding 68.3 peg 36 which also included second in silvers with 43lb
6th martin lenaghan 61.6 peg 11
a word of warning to the silvers anglers who fish here mike has imposed a 50lb weight limit for silvers.

Monday, 11 June 2012

the sedges.tile lake

it was a bit of a practice match for next weeks float only series but with only tile lake available as brick already had a match on it so the 20 pegs were sold very quickly.
a quick look at a couple of weather forecast sites revealed that we may get a bit of light rain up till midday then it would be dry with white cloud, ok so it rained from start to finish but at least there was little wind so the brolly was out.
i think anton page drew for me and i ended up with 34 in my mit, which apart from the end peg corner its the only swim on this bank without an island chuck, but with joe thompson on 33 i could sneak a couple of yards but still couldnt cast to the island, but with anton on 35 i was out of luck that side. i still set up a 4ssg pelletwag as its a long chuck to the rope on this swim, also a meat rig for down the edge , a shallow rig for hard pellet and a deep rig for the same at 16 mtrs and a rig to fish worm over g bait with chopped worm and caster in.
starting on the pelletwag i did manage 3 small carp in the first hour, and they were small as the 3 probably went 5lb if i was lucky, and then i only caught when joe wasnt looking and i could get near the end of the island, by now anton was already ahead as was trig on 36 and steve seager on 32, so it was becoming apparent that if you could cast to and down the edge of the island there were fish to be had , after about 90 mins i had managed another 2 small carp but i was going nowhere, with anton, trig and steve constantly striking at liners and missed bites it showed that an island throw was going to be essential, oh well lets try the worm line then, that was even worse as the float didnt even twitch, the only bite i had there was on double caster and that was from a 12oz skimmer firmly hooked in the tail, so the g bait and worms will probably left at home next week, a quick look down the edge and not a bite so it was out to 16 mtrs on banded 6mm over the4,s i had been feeding from the start, i did get 2 more skimmers , 2 carp a 4.14 bream and a winged eel before the bites dried up, i tried worm over the pellet and had 2 good eels but that was it on that line, i managed one bite down the edge on meat 20 mins from the end and had a 9lb carp but that was it ,there were some fish down the edge at the end as the float was moving about a bit but i couldnt get another, anton seemed to be favourite to win as he had add fish on the was all through the match but a lot of the fish are on the small size, he did try paste in the last 10 mins and had 3 bites, landing one carp losing one and missing a bite, further down the bank paul elmes had tried it towards the end and had caught a couple .
in the end anton page just came out on top with 55lb, peg 35
2nd dave roper 52.9 peg 40 ,on meat at 5mtrs
3rd craig edmunds 47lb peg 36
4th gary etheridge 40.7 peg 29
5th tom thick 35lb peg 21
6th tony rixon 34.9 peg 34
nick collins with 25.7 of small skimmers and roach on worm peg 26
i think next week its going to be pellet, meat and paste if you are going to win overall, but you may need a few worms and casters if you want silvers, but then again the skimmers on brick pond a partial to some soft pellets, who knows ?

Thursday, 7 June 2012

acorn fishery, paddock lake

only 15 booked in today , i think we may have been suffering from the end of a long fishing weekend , but still not to bad for a midweeker.
even though we never had the full use of the lake most had an empty peg each side, i let the genial welshman(lee wherret) draw for me and he handed me peg 6 which is a bridge peg and a flier to boot, on our last match here mr shipp drew it and had 170lb fishing 4 inches deep against the bridge but with the wind blowing strongly towards me i knew that was going to be a bit of a struggle but i set up 2 rigs for it anyway one really shallow and one 12 inches deep and 2 rigs for over against the nasty spiky grass to the left of the island, one for front edge of the grass and one for against the bank after i had been over the bridge and cut myself a gap to fish in, all rigs were on .14 with 18 b960 hooks to fish hard pellet, for company i had a supermarket bait specialist either side in the shape of alan oram on 7 and dan white the other side of the bridge on 40.
i started off feeding 6,s and using a 6 in the band, fishing the slightly deeper rig on the edge of the grass in 2 feet of water, and tried to get some 6,s somewhere near the bridge but the wind was making it difficult, and it wasnt really happening , i did get a couple on the deeper rig but i was going nowhere fast as dan on 40 was catching well on meat against the bridge , looks like a dan whitewash on the cards , alan was also finding a bit of a struggle as apart from a couple of early carp the small skimmers had discovered his meat and annoying him, i could see the usual suspects catching with anton page and tom thick catching on 5 and 33 respectivley.
i switched to the bridge but couldnt keep the rig close enough to the bridge as the wind was blowing it back at me, with 3 1/2 hours gone and next to nothing in the net and with dan still catching a few and alan had had a couple of better fish to his left at the bottom of the nearside shelf i was looking at plum last, then we had the heaviest short storm i have ever sat in without a brollie, how did we ever manage without gore-tex, tom thick sat through it as normal in shorts and flip flops, he is really going to suffer later on cos you cant keep doing this without some health problems developing, i think his grandad ray needs to give him a stearn talking to.
after the rain it was like a different lake , the wind eased and changed direction meaning i could now get 4,s to the bridge and over to the grass, after a bit of a dabble in the grass i went over to the bridge with the really shallow rig but still couldnt get a bite even with the rig sat against the steel, hmm, back out with the slightly deeper rig and i started to catch, trouble was the fish were small f1,s of less than 8oz and if i did get a carp it was just under or just over a pound, dan now stopped catching , i dont know if it was because i was now feeding the bridge or his swim just died, also the fish that he had caught were twice the size of the ones i was now getting. i kept small fish going right up to the end of the match but i was never going to do any good but i was enjoying it which is the most important thing .
alan was now getting better fish on meat tight in down to his left but it was always going to be to late for him to do any damage either.
1st went to tom thick with 163.3 on peg 33, catching on soft pellet over micro,s
2nd tony page 124.9 peg 5
3rd lee wherret 116.12 peg 16
4th alan oram 91.7 peg 7
5th kev molten 89.12 peg 3
6th chri davis 75.2 peg 14
7th tony rixon 71.15 peg 6
john baker 18.12 peg 20
joe mcmahon 14.4 peg 1

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

short pole match at viaduct fishery

this proved to be a more popular match than i expected, as we were limited to only using a topset and 3 more sections so about 7mtrs for all, it was that popular 50 were booked in so we were using cambell, cary and lodge lakes, with cary being hard at the present a draw on the other 2 would be favourite, and i wasnt dissapointed as i pulled peg 118 which is 2 out of the corner which has been a form peg of late, that swim was occupied by alex murray today so there was little chance of me drawing any fish from that direction ,the other side and on 116 was alan oram , so the anglers either side would be fishing meat so i decided on a pellet approach in front and a meat swim down the edge, so i set up a 4x14 with a 16 b960 for pellet on .16 and a 4x12 rig on .18 for meat down the edge, with the tree,s behind me acting like a wind break i could put the brolly up which was nice as it was pouring down by the time the match started, it didnt take long to get my first carp probably about 3 mins, i was loose feeding 4,s and fishing a 6 in the band, and also all the time feeding a few bits of meat down the edge, the match went really fast as it was enjoyable fishing and easy on the joints a we didnt have to wave 16 mtrs about, the people i could see catching were des shipp on 135, barry fitchew aka black boris on 115 and i expected craig trig edmunds on 110 to be catching, the bankside bush telegraph informed us that the other 2 lakes seemed to be fishing hard with cary certainly being the most difficult, alex on 119 probably didnt have quite so many fish as me but his were of a better stamp, perhaps it was the meat or maybe it was just location that dictates the size of the fish you catch, who knows,in the end it was that man des again who took top spot on 135 with 225.11 of mainly meat caught fish, out in front ,then down the edge towards the end
2nd craig edmunds on 110 with 184.8 again on meat
3rd barry fitchew 179.03 on 115 again meat
4th chris davis 160.12 peg 59 again meat
5th alex murray 157.10 peg 119 again meat
has anyone spotted the best method yet
6th and should have fished meat but never and and had 3 1/2lb to much in one net so i had to give a quid to alex was tony rixon with 155.08, mainly on pellet except for 3 fish on meat down the edge
tony page 39.5 on peg 70 all skimmers on yes youve guessed it , meat but only 6mm chunks
oh well off to acorn tomorrow for another go and with des not fishing someone else may get a look in for first spot,
and no more mr ananomous please put your names to any comments ,ye like thats really going to happen