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Tuesday, 5 June 2012

short pole match at viaduct fishery

this proved to be a more popular match than i expected, as we were limited to only using a topset and 3 more sections so about 7mtrs for all, it was that popular 50 were booked in so we were using cambell, cary and lodge lakes, with cary being hard at the present a draw on the other 2 would be favourite, and i wasnt dissapointed as i pulled peg 118 which is 2 out of the corner which has been a form peg of late, that swim was occupied by alex murray today so there was little chance of me drawing any fish from that direction ,the other side and on 116 was alan oram , so the anglers either side would be fishing meat so i decided on a pellet approach in front and a meat swim down the edge, so i set up a 4x14 with a 16 b960 for pellet on .16 and a 4x12 rig on .18 for meat down the edge, with the tree,s behind me acting like a wind break i could put the brolly up which was nice as it was pouring down by the time the match started, it didnt take long to get my first carp probably about 3 mins, i was loose feeding 4,s and fishing a 6 in the band, and also all the time feeding a few bits of meat down the edge, the match went really fast as it was enjoyable fishing and easy on the joints a we didnt have to wave 16 mtrs about, the people i could see catching were des shipp on 135, barry fitchew aka black boris on 115 and i expected craig trig edmunds on 110 to be catching, the bankside bush telegraph informed us that the other 2 lakes seemed to be fishing hard with cary certainly being the most difficult, alex on 119 probably didnt have quite so many fish as me but his were of a better stamp, perhaps it was the meat or maybe it was just location that dictates the size of the fish you catch, who knows,in the end it was that man des again who took top spot on 135 with 225.11 of mainly meat caught fish, out in front ,then down the edge towards the end
2nd craig edmunds on 110 with 184.8 again on meat
3rd barry fitchew 179.03 on 115 again meat
4th chris davis 160.12 peg 59 again meat
5th alex murray 157.10 peg 119 again meat
has anyone spotted the best method yet
6th and should have fished meat but never and and had 3 1/2lb to much in one net so i had to give a quid to alex was tony rixon with 155.08, mainly on pellet except for 3 fish on meat down the edge
tony page 39.5 on peg 70 all skimmers on yes youve guessed it , meat but only 6mm chunks
oh well off to acorn tomorrow for another go and with des not fishing someone else may get a look in for first spot,
and no more mr ananomous please put your names to any comments ,ye like thats really going to happen


  1. Fantastic match Tony, really enjoyed it! Just shows what you can catch short, amazing! Should do these more often! Had to shoot off after match, Did I sneak into the coin on silvers ? Martin P

  2. It was a bit end pegs and corner pegs dominated.Even though the best angler there still won

  3. Not only me who goes over the net limit and it costs a place then? PMSL!

    1. youn didn't mention the naked pervert jumping into the water in front of young Joe Mcmahon,
      shocking place!!!

  4. It wouldn't matter what pole length was used result would probably be the same End pegs empty pegs and corners taking the spoils

    1. Think the average weights were no less than any other match and for me to see no lead chucking and no weilding 16mtrs of pole i thought it was a great change and so did many others with 50 booked in.
      As i mentioned briefly yesterday, a top 5 league would be very popular!

  5. ref comment on end pegs corner pegs and empty pegs (50 fishing)not many.obvious that angler did not draw one nor can he catch with out one. but if less time was spent moaning about blowing out with 100 lb and more time spent trying just maybe they might one day frame.......
