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Monday, 18 June 2012

float only rnd 3 sedges tile and brick lake

with both lakes being used the preferred draw would be on brick lake as the average size of the carp is much bigger, also the skimmers tend to be bigger, so as i had drawn dave evans in the knockout i let him draw for me, and i ended up on tile lake peg 32, which steve seager drew last week and had a few on the pellet wag fishing out to an island, trouble was i had to share my island with the southwest waggler ace andy lloyd,
also dave evans drew on our lake and as he was 35 so at least i could keep tabs on him.
so after putting the wag rod together with a 3ssg j range stryro wag on as these floats being made of such light materials it tends to fly straight all the time rather than seeing it helicopter through the air causing tangles.
3 pole rigs, one for banded pellet on the deck at 13 mtrs, a rig for 5 mtrs on meat (never used) and a meat rig for the margins but only tried a couple of times and then it was battered about by bits so no more of that either.
after feeding the pole lines it was out on the wag feeding 8,s and using a banded 8 on a 16 b960 hook on .16 .
andy on 33 had a couple of fish before i had a bite but i was soon getting bites and catching so the race was on, the main problem with this lake is the size of the fish the can be on the small side so fishing the wag at 40mtrs means you tend to miss a few bites, also the wind wasnt helping as it was blowing into us at about 1 o,clock angle which was worse for andy as it was blowing his wag away from the island but mine was staying put for about 10 secs before it started towing back towards me forcing me to cast again, but by keeping the work rate up i kept fish going into the the halfway mark andy had stopped catching ,mainly due i think to the wind blowing his float off the island as soon as it landed, also the fact he never had a wag heavy enough to give him a bit of weight to keep his float in place for those extra seconds i did offer to lend him one but he declined as he said he would never hear the last of it (true).
the pole line was difficult , although it was fizzing i really struggled for bites on it only giving me 2 small carp and 1lb skimmer on pellet, clayton hudson on 34 was fishing paste and catching towards the end (forgot mine) so i will take some next time.
by the end i had over 30 small carp and as far as i could see was going to be enough to win the section and get through the knockout, and to make things even better i had beaten andy lloyd like a stepchild(not that i condone beating stepchildren before mr anon starts), on the whole the venue fished very fair but as expected the top weights came off brick lake with phil(fabio)harding coming out on top in a peg to peg battle with bela bakos, phil on 20 won with with 12 carp for 76.7 mainly taken shallow at 16 mtrs
2nd and 1 fish behind on peg 19 was bela bakos with 69.9, shallow again
3rd chris fox 64.15 peg 6
4th john(turkey)thompson 63.15 peg 23
5th anton page 61.15 peg 8
6th tony rixon 60.9 peg 32
7th joe mcmahon 60.3 peg 24
shane caswell 39lb peg 18 on chopped worm and caster

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