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Monday, 11 June 2012

the sedges.tile lake

it was a bit of a practice match for next weeks float only series but with only tile lake available as brick already had a match on it so the 20 pegs were sold very quickly.
a quick look at a couple of weather forecast sites revealed that we may get a bit of light rain up till midday then it would be dry with white cloud, ok so it rained from start to finish but at least there was little wind so the brolly was out.
i think anton page drew for me and i ended up with 34 in my mit, which apart from the end peg corner its the only swim on this bank without an island chuck, but with joe thompson on 33 i could sneak a couple of yards but still couldnt cast to the island, but with anton on 35 i was out of luck that side. i still set up a 4ssg pelletwag as its a long chuck to the rope on this swim, also a meat rig for down the edge , a shallow rig for hard pellet and a deep rig for the same at 16 mtrs and a rig to fish worm over g bait with chopped worm and caster in.
starting on the pelletwag i did manage 3 small carp in the first hour, and they were small as the 3 probably went 5lb if i was lucky, and then i only caught when joe wasnt looking and i could get near the end of the island, by now anton was already ahead as was trig on 36 and steve seager on 32, so it was becoming apparent that if you could cast to and down the edge of the island there were fish to be had , after about 90 mins i had managed another 2 small carp but i was going nowhere, with anton, trig and steve constantly striking at liners and missed bites it showed that an island throw was going to be essential, oh well lets try the worm line then, that was even worse as the float didnt even twitch, the only bite i had there was on double caster and that was from a 12oz skimmer firmly hooked in the tail, so the g bait and worms will probably left at home next week, a quick look down the edge and not a bite so it was out to 16 mtrs on banded 6mm over the4,s i had been feeding from the start, i did get 2 more skimmers , 2 carp a 4.14 bream and a winged eel before the bites dried up, i tried worm over the pellet and had 2 good eels but that was it on that line, i managed one bite down the edge on meat 20 mins from the end and had a 9lb carp but that was it ,there were some fish down the edge at the end as the float was moving about a bit but i couldnt get another, anton seemed to be favourite to win as he had add fish on the was all through the match but a lot of the fish are on the small size, he did try paste in the last 10 mins and had 3 bites, landing one carp losing one and missing a bite, further down the bank paul elmes had tried it towards the end and had caught a couple .
in the end anton page just came out on top with 55lb, peg 35
2nd dave roper 52.9 peg 40 ,on meat at 5mtrs
3rd craig edmunds 47lb peg 36
4th gary etheridge 40.7 peg 29
5th tom thick 35lb peg 21
6th tony rixon 34.9 peg 34
nick collins with 25.7 of small skimmers and roach on worm peg 26
i think next week its going to be pellet, meat and paste if you are going to win overall, but you may need a few worms and casters if you want silvers, but then again the skimmers on brick pond a partial to some soft pellets, who knows ?

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