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Thursday, 13 September 2012

acorn fishery topset and 2 sections only

with 22 fishing there was still plenty of room for everyone, although i did cram a few together in the good areas and as results went the fish still seemed to stay put in the better swims, i let trigger draw for me today and he handed me peg 36, this peg blows hot and cold and it has been more cold than hot of late. craig edmunds aka trigger was in the shop on tuesday saying that he thought the venue would respond to a heavy maggot feeding approach as the carp are coming up in the water for pellet and caster and with not to many small rubbish fish to snaffle the bait it may be a goer. why oh why did i talk him out of it, probably as i had already decided to do it myself (wish i hadnt)so with trig on peg 1 and fishing caster it would be easy to keep an eye on him, especially as he was giving me a hard time for talking him out of maggot drowning then doing it myself.
i put together a .5g rig for on the deck with a 16 6313 hook on .12 a 4x12 for up in the water with a 18 hook of the same pattern and a down the edge 4x12 rig for corn with an 18 9313 hook on .14 line.
just before the start kieth turner over on peg 26 loose fed his 4 and 5 section into the lake and even the fishery staff armed with rakes couldnt retrieve them , that kind man trig did offer to get in after the match and try and get them, and he did and he got them straight away, i think the videos are on tim fords blog and possibly mike nicholls blog aswell fairplay to trig i say, kieth did eventually get down to fishing with just his topset down his margin and he caught over 40lb giving his son shane a severe beating off the next peg,
i would like to say the mag attack worked really well but it never and by the halfway mark i only had 3 small carp and a handful of skimmers, much to trigs ammusement as he was getting a skimmer every put in, fishing on the deck and up in the water.
sat in this peg you can see all the good pegs and most were catching with mike nicholls on 12 mike west on 13 and fabio on 15 was catching ,also mash on 9 was getting plenty of action but he was missing a lot of bites and losing a fair few, and over on bridge peg 21 glen bailey was also catching, with the exception of fabio the rest were all catching on paste , fabio was catching shallow on paste,
with 2 hours to go i ditched the maggots and spent the rest of the match in the margins, even that was slow but it did get better in the last hour and i ended the match with 66lb but that was no where near a pick up, with mike nicholls winning the paste race with 117.11 off peg 12 on mainly just his topset
2nd glen bailey , 99lb peg 21 on paste
3rd philip(fabio)harding, 98.3 on pellet shallow
4th mike west peg 13 on paste
5th mash 90.7 peg 9 on paste
6th chris winstone peg 5 0n paste
i think it may be a paste attack at the weekend as we are back here again on sunday for a topset and 3 sections only, and with 50 booked in it should be interesting with no areas for the fish to hide in, and with everyone fishing the same distance the fish will come to the anglers, these short pole matches do seem to throw up consistent weights as its the same for everyone.
silvers on the day went to craig edmunds with a nice net of skimmers for 43.12 off peg 1
2nd in silvers went to john bradford on peg 11 weith 29.8

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