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Monday, 24 September 2012

silvers league, viaduct fishery round 1

i think obout 45 were fishing today so we were spread over cambell, cary and lodge lakes which is nice to see. i wasnt to sure as to where i wanted to draw but i can tell you i wasnted to dissapointed when i opened the ticket to reveal number 126 on cambell looking at me ,it is a good silvers peg and john bradford won the silvers off it on thursday with over 60lb of skimmers, catching on small pieces of worm over groundbait, for company i had newly returned to the sport steve kedge on 125 who had spent the whole summer commercial mackrell fishing in dorset and smiling dave roper on 127, and with nick collins on 128 it was going to be an interesting day, yet again the weather men got it right with strong easterly winds which was cold and lots of rain,lovely.
i set up 3 rigs , a .3 with a 18 6313 for caster on my topset, a .75 g for 11mtrs over gbait, a bit heavier than i would have liked but with the strong wind blowing in and across i thought it would help again with an 18 to .10. then a .5 worm rig for 5 and 11 mtrs with a 16 6313 on .12, at the start i cupped in 6 balls at 11 mtrs, some w&c at 5trs and began feeding a fer casters on topset range, i did put some casters and finely chopped worm in the g bait aswell but not to much, dave to my right also fed some g bait and worm but kedgey fed just w&c on various lines which i thought a bit dangerous as the carp love it, shows how much i know .
starting on my topset i had a couple of quick roach then i lost a tench and that line went dead, so onto the 5 mtr line with a piece of worm on, a small perch was followed by a good skimmer then no bites so a bit more w&c and out over the g bait at 11 mtrs on single caster which produced a few skimers but only odd better ones. by feeding and rotating around the feed areas i cant complain about the number of bites i had but i was struggling for quality with no tench whereas both steve and dave had several and nick collins on 128 went from last in the section to 2nd in the last hour netting 7 tench in that period, i did manage 1 tench on my topset but that was my lot as far as tench went, kedgey was flying towards the end with good skimmers and tench catching on small pieces of worm, as was dave on my right but he was catching on caster as well as worm, the fish i was getting on worm were the same size as the caster fish and with no tench coming my way the best i could hope for was 3rd in section and thats where i ended with 25lb, dave won the section with 32lb and nick collins was 2nd with 28lb, i did lose a couple of good flying bream which possibly would have given me 2nd in the section, but thats fishing , steve kedge luckily was in the next section and he had 44lb so definately a chip shop sausage today being battered all round, obviously i got something wrong today as all around me caught tench late on but with them all doing it differently you just dont know really do you, the highlights of the day was sitting opposite mat tomes on 115 putting in a fine show of carp fishing , whatever he did he hooked a carp lol, also clyaton hudson on 66 lodge lake somehow managing to step off his platform and into the lake , its much easier and safer to use a plummet matey.
i dint get the full results but phil cardwell on 69 lodge lake (i think) had 56lb of skimmers on w&c
2nd was tim palant on 80 cary with 52lb of skimmers on caster over g bait
3rd steve kedge 44lb peg 125
4th stuart barnett 43lb peg 100
off to landsend next sunday for an open so if anyone is interested ring me at the shop on 0117 9517250
also on weds we are at acorn fishery for those who want to brave the rain

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