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Sunday, 9 September 2012

sedges brick lake

20 fishing today so no empty pegs , a quick chat with owner jamie revealed that it had fished hard on saturday with the top end of the lake fishing the best probably due to the wind blowing that way, so with a favaoured draw at the top half of the lake i let steve seager draw for me, after he had drawn 10 for himself which is the top left hand corner of the lake with the wind blowing in, then he draws peg 4 for me which is ok for skimmers but even then you generally need to be a couple of swims up to be smack on, i had decided on a meat approach as the skimmers and carp have been responding to it on this lake, so a 4x18 rig was assembled for 5 and 14 mtrs as its the same depth with a 16 middy 9313 hook on .14 and a 4x12 for the margins with the same hook and line. and a 3ssg pellet wag for out by the rope which runs down the centre of the lake, for company i had the evans brothers each side with steve on my left and dave on my right, at the start i cupped meat in at 5 and 14 mtrs then went straight out on the wag with a banded 8 on the hook, you can sometimes get a couple of mug fish early on, but not today , i fished it for the first hour for only one bite which i missed, there were a couple of fish taken by odd anglers on the wag but it wasnt happening for me or most others, only adrian jeffery on 8 was catching odd fish on it but he had to chuck into the gimps peg to get a bite lol. well the gimp wasnt useing it,
onto the pole and my first bite at 14 mtrs resulted in a near 14lb carp, dead handy methinks, then it was skimmers all falling to 8mm meat, it wasnt fast and furious but it was interesting, you would catch a couple of fish then they seemed to back off and you would have to wait for a while to get another bite, the 5mtr line gave up about half a dozen skimmers and one carp but most of the action was out at 14mtrs, adrian jeffery looked to be doing the best as he was swapping between the pole and pellet and the wag catching odd carp and skimmers right up to the end, alan oram on 7 had been catching skimmers on paste and meat and with paul elmes, mike west and fabio all catching it was hard to tell as to who was winning but by the end it was the old stager adrian jeffery on peg 8 who came out on top with 97.1, its nice to see the old boys doing well occasionally
2nd and at the other end of the age scale was paul(beever)elmes with 77.01 on peg 6
3rd and back up to the top end of the ages was mike west with 71.6 on peg 11
4th phil(fabio)harding 68.5 peg 12
5th tony rixon 67.2 peg 4
6th alan oram 43.13 peg 7
me with 36.8
alan oram 32.12


  1. Many references to peoples' ages today, have you noticed a few grey ones sprouting down below and got paranoid????

  2. with age comes wisdom!!
