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Monday, 26 November 2012

landsend individual league round one

35 have booked in for this popular league and all turned up and paid there monies so that was a good start to the day .alan oram pulled 2 tickets out and gave me the choisce ,so i ended on peg 35 which has a lot of form over the years for silvers and carp, there had been a knock up on this lake the day before and the silvers had been won off 36 with 34lb of perch, i,m not to sure that these fish appreciate two days of batterings so i wasnt holding my breath about them feeding again, there can be a lot of chub on these pegs but they have been noticable by there absence recently, i had kieth builder on 36 and nigel bartlett on 34 who was going for silvers only and with beany on 33 which was the winning peg from the day before it was going to be interesting, i set up rigs to fish soft pellet at 13 mtrs , a caster rig for 14 mtrs left and right at the bottom of the far side shelf and a small rig for meat and corn against the island, as usual i fed all areas at the start and went in with a 4mm soft pellet at 13 mtrs and was soon attached to a 7lb carp which was safely netted, a good start but after a further 90 mins and with only 1 small roach added i was switching to the 14 mtr caster lines but two small roach in the next 20 mins had me reaching for the far side meat rig , by now my confidence was dissapearing, as nigel to my left and kieth to my right was just netting a carp from his first bite, even beany who was on the banker peg had nothing up to now, the fish seemed to have moved as the far side of the lake at the other end was producing as trigger on 26 was getting bite and trying to lie about the weight he had but adrian jeffery next to him on 25 was counting the clicks on his counter so we all new what he had,
first drop on the far bank and i had a bite on meat and got back to my topset really easily and the fish felt lip hooked but it fell off as i took the topset off, bugger, not what you need on a hard day, and that was my lot on meat and corn on the far bank, i had to wait till the last hour for any more action when i had started using caster on the far bank and i had 3 good perch and another carp , i had swithed to caster about halfway through but it wasnt till the last hour that any fish arrived, as i half expected the perch didnt really appreciate the battering jamie parkhouse gave them the day before , like wise dave beany westcott on 33 was suffering after tom mangnal clattered the carp there the day before, so it was a hard day with my 2 carp plus silvers going 21.12 which was only enough for me to beat 3 others and they were the 2 to my left and kieth to my right, so i think the fish just had a bit of an away day, trig won the lake with 75.4 on 26 fishing soft pellet at 14 mtrs.
1st on the day was mark poppleton on peg 11 on the match lake with 104.10, using 4mm soft pellet over micros at 14 mtrs towards the aerater to net carp steadily throughout
2nd mike duckett 82.11 on peg 22, fishing banded 8mm pellet
3rd tom thick 60.8 peg 17
4th tom mangnal 60.6 peg 3
5th bob gullick 60.1 peg 68
6th mike west 54.1 peg 20
was a tie with mark brennan on 31 and tom thick on 17 both with 17.8


  1. Understand fisheries have to make money and therefore if theres interest to run a match, then run a match. But people fishing the league itself to fish the venue the day before is very selfish and should know this time of year the fish will not take that sort of pressure two days in a row.Its a shame THEY never drew the same pegs.
    There use to be NFA rules about fishing a venue the day before a match!.

  2. you pays your monies you fish where you likes!

  3. its never going to stop and the venues need to make money ,on bigger lake venues it probably doesnt make to much difference, but on smaller lakes fish that live in certain swims, more silvers than carp i believe do get effected making it hard for the anglers following on the next day, i hope the saturday matches stay on the same lake the day before the league then all fishing the laegue may get the same problem, and apart from that i cant get saturdays off lol
