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Sunday, 18 November 2012

viaduct silvers lge rnd 5

early into the draw tin and out pops peg 60 which is on lodge lake , second peg up on the right, the pegs on this bank are on a public footpath and its the access point for the low numbers on spring lake and the match lake, serves me right reaslly as i took the piss out of the anglers fishing on the k and a canal about bank walkers and bikes on the tow path, ok so we never had any bikes but the foot traffic was was quite heavy at times, for company i had mike nicholls on 59 , thats the 3rd time so far in this league so a hat trick of ass whooping would be nice. i set up a wag but didnt see any serious use so no more of that then, the pole rigs were a 4x14 with a 18 6313 on .10 for 5 mtrs and 16 mtrs out to the right as it was the same depth and a 4x16 with the same hook and line for straight out at 13 and 16 mtrs, at the start i cupped in 1 ball of g bait at 5 mtrs , 2 at 13 mtrs and 2 at 16 mtrs out to the right at about 2 o,clock angle, starting at 5 mtrs on single caster i started getting 1oz roach straight away ,as was mike who was fishing to hand so he was catching quicker than me , i did try feeding short but it was to close and i would get 1 or 2 fish then they seemed to back off, so i really stuck to the 5 mtr line as i was getting bites every chuck, but they seemed to be slightly smaller than mikes, and halfway through moke was winning the section with about 5lb but his catch rate was dropping , i,d had a couple of looks on the long lines but they only gave me the same size roach as the 5mtr line , i did get a 1lb skimmer there but going into the last 90 mins the roach were slowing up so most of the remainder of the match was spent out on the 2 16mtr lines, i lost a big eel during this time when it snagged me on the way in, it was the last fish i expected to hook today after the frost and the clarity of the water, i was gutted as i was still behind mike at this stage, but waiting at 16 mtrs with single caster on did produce 2 more reasonable skimmers which put me in the driving seat as far as the section was going as there were only small roach being caught in our section, opposite on the form pegs which are 68/69/70 and 71 there were some good skimmers and roach coming out, but they werent in my section so i wasnt worried, i weighed 10lb 110z which gave me the section win i needed to keep me in the hunt for the overalls, mike was second in the section with 7.15.
1st on the day went to 15 year old joe mcmahon on 121 with 24.13 of mainly skimmers over groundbait so well done to him
2nd tom thick 19,6 peg 94
3rd nick collins 17.4 peg 68
4th john gray 13.2 peg 112
5th mat tomes 13lb peg 71
6th steve mayo 12.12 peg 90

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