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Sunday, 4 November 2012

viaduct silvers league , round 4

i needed a good draw to keep me in contention, but out of the draw tin comes peg 66 which has been a draw of death with it recording 2 lasts and a last but one so far in the league, trouble is this is a flier carp peg where you catch down to the tree,s to the left and being the narrow part of the lake the skimmers rarely stray to this swim, i still didnt see any reason to change my attack so i was still going to base my attack around g bait , caster and dead maggots, so i set up two j range 21 floats ,one was a 4x14 and the other a 4x16 both with an 18 middy 6313 hook on .10, a quich plumb around revealed about 4 1/2 foot of water all over the swim so i could use the rigs any where i wanted to, at the start i cupped in 1 ball at 13 mtrs and 2 balls at 16 mtrs straight out and 2 at 2 o,clock towards 67 which is left out, i also put a ball on the edge of the tree,s but that was wasted as nothing came over it,
i then started on the edge of the bush to my right a i had a small hybrid straight away then no more bites , so it was out to 13 mtrs and i was getting a small roach bite every chuck but they were on the small side, after a bit of this i felt i could catch them a lot closer so i dropped a ball of g bait at 5 mtrs and then i had a good run of 1 to 2oz roach for about an hour before that line died, then both joe mcmahon on 64 and lee wherret both had a good skimmer so i went back out to 13 mtrs and had a few roach before i had a skimmer of just over a pound , then only small roach again so i refed that line with another ball and went out to 16 mtrs in front and after a few small roach i had 3 x 1 1/2 skims in 3 drops which got me back into the section hunt as both lee and joe had had some quality fish but i felt i wasnt to far behind , then i bumped one which you dont want to do on a hard day on a difficult peg and suprise suprise the swim went quiet apart from the small roach, over to the 2 o,clock line but that was quiet then i bumped another when the maggot folded over the point of the hook so that was 2 lost , back to 13 mtrs and i had another one so i was still in the running section wise but lee and joe both had some more fish including some 3lb fish so i was now behind with lee definately winning our section going into the last hour i had 2 more in 2 put ins at 2 o,clock then tragedy i struck to earl on a lifter and bumped another , by the end i new lee had beaten me but i thought i just had the measure of young joe but it wasnt to be as i had 15lb, joe 17 and lee 20 so a third in section for me, i now need 2 section wins to stand any chance of getting in the overalls at league end, those 3 lost fish cost me second but they felt the same size as the 7 i had so first place would have probably been safe,
1st on the day went to steve mayo on 69 with 45.6 of skimmers over g bait
2nd dave roper 24.14 on 96
3rd paul elmes on 71 with 22.13
4th tom thick 21.15 on 130
5th lee werret 20.14 peg 62
6th phil cardwell 18.13 peg 72

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