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Sunday, 27 January 2013

Landsend lge round 4

As this was the fourth round, we had an open draw today to determine the order of lakes, I didn't really fancy lake 3 today as the forecast was for strong winds from the west and some hefty showers aswell so I wasn't to upset when I asked mark Brennan to draw for me after he had pulled 13 for himself which was at the sheltered end of the lake, then he drew 11 for me which was opposite him and also sheltered and a peg which I really like and it has been good all winter, for silvers and carp,
I set up 3 rigs today all 4x14 ,one for caster at 10mtrs in a deep run that's created by  the aerator with a 18 middy 6313 on .10. Then one for soft pellet out towards the water whirler at 14 mtrs ,and one for against the end bank and 14 mtrs to my left down the middle , both with size 20 middy 8313 hooks on .12.
At the start I cupped in some casters at 10 mtrs , some against the end bank and some micros out towards the aerator and to my left . Starting on the caster it didn't take long to catch my first perch on single caster, soon followed be several more, then I hOoked a carp which felt lip hooked but the hook pulled after a minute or so, my next bite was also from a carp but it felt fouled and it bust me so I changed the hook length to .12 , the only other angler I could see was mark opposite on 13 who was catching on soft pellet out towards the aerator , but I stayed on the 10 mtr caster line for about the first hour and had several more perch but they were on the small side, so I went out onto the soft pellet towards the aerator and had 2 good skimmers and 2 carp quite quickly but apart from one missed bite bite that was my lot out there , I kept putting a few micros in but the area seemed devoid of fish , mark was now struggling out towards the aerator so he started to move around his peg nicking a fish here and there mainly on soft pellet, I could hear some of the usual banter going n mainly between Tom thick and bob gullick opposite so they were getting a few but it turned out bob was losing all his carp whereas Tom was landing a couple, the middle part of the match went really quiet for everyone so I stuck to the caster line and did manage 2 carp there plus quite a few small perch and roach so at least something was going into the net,  the last hour was ok as I had 4 more carp on double dead maggot over my micro line to my left so at the end I thought I would have about 50lb which sounded as though it was going to be there or there abuts for second on the lake but I thought mark Brennan had won by a country mile as he had caught odd quality fish all match from most areas of his peg, 1st went to mark. Brennan on peg 13 with 71.2
2nd was me with  64.5 on peg 11
3rd mike duckett 60lb on peg 32
4th bela bakos 59.1 peg 22
5th Clint wojtyla 56.14 peg 33
6th mark poppleton 48.1 peg 19 yes I did say 19
Silvers went to bob gullick on peg 17 with 23lb of mainly skimmers on soft pellet


  1. Mate don't through stones at glass houses because it was nice to see you back on the flier :))))

  2. I always draw fliers, sorry I meant to say someone else always draws me fliers but I,m off to viaduct on Sunday for the first round of the winter league, so it will all go horribly wrong probably
