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Monday, 14 January 2013

Plantation lakes Sunday open

I don't fish this venue very often due to various reasons which is a shame as its a nice venue with plenty of variety in the fishy sense, with skimmers, f1,s, crucians, perch and carp, so plenty of options, I drew my own peg again today , hence I ended up on peg 7 which is one of the flyers so not to much disappointment there then, I had Bristol,s most affable roofer for company on peg 8 in the shape of bela bakos,, and Bristol teenager joe mcmahon on 5 which didn't look to good as it was a bit cut off as its in a corner. I set up a soft pellet rig which was a 4x14 impact 6 with an 18 middy 8313 on .12. And a couple of caster rigs, one a 4x14 for 5mtrs and a 4x12 for down the edge both with an 18 ,6313 hook on .10.
At the start I cupped in some soaked micros at 14 mtrs at 12 and 10 angles and began throwing casters to 5 mtrs and down the edge, by the time I had done this Martin lenaghan over on 28 was playing his first carp , I went out on the soft 4mm pellet on the 12 o,clock line, and had a skimmer then nothing, so I swung around to to 10 0,clock line and had another then a carp so I refed both pellet lines and went back to the 12 and had another small skimmer but then not a bite so it was back to the 10 angle and had another skimmer and carp, while I was doing this. Martin lenaghan opposite was on his sixth carp so it looked as though first place was already slipping away, but I couldn't see Alan oram on 27 who was catching aswell .
I tried my caster lines but never had a bite which was supriseing as the lake is stuffed with roach but I think the cold night and fright sunshine had stopped them from feeding, by the halfway mark I was on 4 carp and several skimmers but was miles off the pace as there was a peg to peg battle going on on 27 and 28 between Martin and Alan with Martin catching the best early on but Alan was now clawing it back in the last half so it was going to be close, I started feeding the 12 angle with a few casters and reduced the amount of micros in the 10 angle which seemed to help as I began to get a few carp so I think I was possibly feeding a bit to much or did the fish just turn up, coming across for the island ,as this was a pole only match we weren't able to go to the islands as they are a wag or lead church away, it was also strange how all my carp came from the left hand end of my swim and it wasn't until bela started fishing back to his right that he began to get bites, he was moaning by the end that he shouldn't have listened to his pensionable travelling partner,
I nearly had bad start to the day , I was going into the lakeside loo, and as I walked up the decking slope to the door I slipped landing on my face and hurting my hand, luckily fabio who I was walking round the lake with missed it , he was gutted
Any way back to the match I think I ended up with 12 carp plus double figures of silvers for what I could see was only going to be good enough for third
1st went to Alan oram on peg 27 with 85.10 , all his fish falling to 4mm expander over micros at 14.5mtrs
2nd and two fish behind was Martin lenaghan on 28 with 75.2
3rd tony rixon peg7 with 61.6
4th mike nicholls 41.4 pn peg one
5th Paul elmes on 39 with 39.2
6th bela bakos 24.12 pn peg 8
Me with my skimmers and lone perch catch which went 11.10

1 comment:

  1. Tony, is there any way of finding out when more of these Plantation opens will be held?
