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Sunday, 30 June 2013

Campbell lake short pole match

Anyone interested in a match on paddock lake at acorn fishery , I am running one there on Wednesday, ring me at the shop to book in on 01179517250.
Back to today and it was a slightly longer short pole match as it was the top set plus three more so down to the number 6, I was virtually last to draw and ended up with 123 stuck to my mit , very much a hot and cold peg at the moment, it has lots of form as a silvers peg aswell as a winning carp peg, but recently it has been  a bit of a cold peg, for company I had dick bull on 124 and i had to look at the gimp who was just round the corner on 121, the best bait recently has been meat so I made up a rig for 6 mtrs and one for down the edge both for meat, and a pellet rig for 5 mtrs to my left at the bottom of the shelf and and a stalking rig , but that was never used as I didn't see to many swimmers, other than mike nicholls over on 117 who dropped his lucky plummet in and stripped off to get in and retrieve it , I wonder if Bren knows that he wears her under wear, I,m nt going to waste to much time talking about the match as it never really happened for me , or anyone else on my bank apart from kev molten on 128. Who won our section with 122lb, the only people who seemed to catch well were trig on 120, lee wherret on 135 and Paul elmes on 113. The meat didn't go for many today , me included , I caught slightly better when I switched to feeding and fishing banded 8 mm, but i switched to late to do any damage I ended up with 10 carp and 30 lb of silvers for 81.13 and nowhere in the match, trig Edmunds on 120 won both the match and silvers with 116.1 of carp and 36lb of mainly tench for 152.1. Most of his fish fell to meat at 6 mtrs and the ench were in his left hand margin
2nd went to lee wherret on 135 with 150.13
3rd Paul elmes 131.3 peg 113
4th kev molten 122.8 peg 128
5th Paul greenwood on 115 with 116.9
6th joe McMahon with 102.15 pn peg 118

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Short pole match , landsend fishery

A decent turn out today with thirty fishing, these limited length pole only matches do seem quite popular, it gets everyone on a fairly even keel as no one will be out lengthing anyone else, so it does make it a bit fairer. Mat tomes drew for me and handed me peg 45 , not the ideal peg but then I remembered this was a redraw peg as there was a no show, so he drew another for me and gave me peg 50 instead, great ( I thought ), and drew peg 19 for himself, oh how he laughed !!!,
For company I had bob gullick on 46 and Martin McMahon on 51, opposite I had to put up with mike nicholls who was moaning about the wind , it was strong the weather men got it right again , I wish they would get it right and forecast some nice warm settled weather, instead of us having to sit here with a thermal coat on in June. I set up a meat rig to fish at 6 mtrs and down the edge, one rig did both as it was the same depth, and a rig to fish caster at three mtrs, at the start I cupped in some meat at 6 mtrs and down the edge and began on the caster line, I was catching small roach straight away, mike opposite hooked a carp in the first few minutes and soon had the 8lb carp in his nice new landing net, he then proceeded to tip it the wrong side of his keepnet, there ensued a brief spell of Tourette's, , then Martin had a carp next to me on his meat line, I stuck withy he casters for the fist hour, but with odd people getting carp I was soon out on the 6 mr meat line, it took a while for me to get a carp then I had a few f1,s on the meat, a look down the edge gave me another carp, the match was quite enjoyable as I had odd fish right up to the end of the match by toss potting 4 or 5 pieces of meat and sitting on it till I had a bite, I ended up with about 17 carp and a few silvers for what I estimated at 70 to 80lb, I honestly thought mike opposite on 61 had beaten me as he had more carp than me, but they turned out to be much smaller, my fish went 97.13 for first on the day.
2nd went to ever consistent Shaun Townsend on 65 with 72.10
3rd steve wynne on 21 with 63.11
4th Tom thick on peg 8 with 60.10
5 th mike nicholls on 61 with 57.5
6 th bela bakos on (can't remember) with 56.5
Mat tomes on 19 with 32.8 of mainly skimmers on caster

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Top two plus two on Campbell lake , viaduct fishery

As always these short pole matches are popular affairs, so popular that from the original twenty that booked ten cancelled with some at short notice but I still had no trouble in still getting the twenty pegs filled, I drew of myself today and still managed to pull a flyer in the shape of 135 which is on the end carpark bank on my own, it's not a peg that's normally in on an any method match as you would find yourself  competing with the anglers first up on each side for fishing space, but being only limited to 5 mtrs it wasn't going to be an issue today , for company I had Alex Murray on 110 who provided some of the entertainment today as he had a proper gripe at the ea bailiffs who were doing a check on licences, it go so bad they were considering calling the police to get him arrested, but luckily I think Paul and steve managed to convince them that he had a few mental issues going on and they left without pursuing it.
Back to my swim and there were a few fish (lots actually) on the surface so I set up the stalker rig to slap a pellet around, a deep pellet rig for 4 mtrs and a meat rig for 5 mtrs and a meat rig for the margins, as the whistle went the surface fish. Did there normal disappearing act, they must hear the all in. I fed all lines including a few pellets tight in down the margins ,and it wasnt long before there were signs of life down there, I did get one shallow but the fish had moved out to 10 mtrs and beyond , they must have known we couldn't follow them, so after a fruitless further 30 mins chasing the occasional shadow I dropped the stalker rig down the edge , but already I could foresee a problem with the margins a the slight breeze was blowing the white fluffy stuff from the willows into the edge , during the match it was at times a mtr out from the bank and you can't get a bait through it (a time for paste) it had been a bit of a slow start for most except glen bailey on 112 who had a flying start on the paste, but as so often happens in these short pole matches , the fishing gets better as the match progresses, the 4 mtr pellet line produced nothing , but the 5 mtr meat line ended up being the most productive, this was going to be a hard match to call as plenty of people seemed to be catching , Alex on 110, glen on 112, den on 114, silverfox on 128 and plenty of others seemed to hav a bit of splashing going on, by the end I had 21 or 22 carp plus a few tench and with a few doubles and a good average stamp I thought I would have about 150lb, I wasn't to far out as I was first to weigh and
My fish went167.2. But that was only good enough for second as glen bailey on 112 ended with 174.5. Proving that he isn't always a bridesmaid on the commercials
3rd was mike nicholls on 128 with 158.10
4th dean malin on 114 with 154.13
5th Alex Murray on 110 with 150.2
6th nick Ewers on 115 with 148.15
Silvers went to dan white on 121 with 36.7 of mainly tench
In all there were 14 weights over 100lb and it was a good close match , I am running a short pole match at landsend Sunday and with nearly 30 booked in so far , that is going to be just as popular.
The second piece of entertainment came from Jason Radford whose number 4 snapped towards the end, and it ended up in front of deans peg, so Jason was stood with dean on his platform trying to
Decide what to do, big mistake dean made the decision for him and just pushed him in , lucky that the
Water levels are down a bit a Jason is only 5ft tall but even he managed to stand up out at 16 mtrs,
But he retrieved he's sections , but he had to run around a bit to dry out enough for me to allow him to
Travel home in my van

Monday, 17 June 2013

Chiton trinity, wildmarsh lake

I didn't fish on Wednesday as I had to take judith over to Cardiff city football ground (but) to see Bon Jovi, you can certainly tell he has been doing this for thirty years as the average age of the women in the crowd had to be 45, and as soon as he set foot on stage the busiest merchandising  stand was the harassed people on the tenalady stand , but apart from that he put on a good show as normal.
Back to today and I was looking forward to fishing this lake as its a bit of a challenge, although there are plenty of fish in the lake it is a big piece of water with lots of places for the fish to hide , and with the buggers not having spawned properly I should have known better than to expect to much, I drew peg65 which is just a couple of swims down on the road bank, it's a good area for bream and carp with a mainly paste approach normally the order of the day, for company I had Simon ryall on my left and Paul Locke on my right, I set up a meat rig to fish in margin left and right but never had a bite on that, and a paste and a hard pellet rig to fish at 14 mtrs straight out, I should have known it wasnt going to go well when after cupping some 4,s it never fizzed which is something this lake does really well, to the extent sometimes it makes the float hard to see, the first hour was spent on the hard pellet and I had one bite and had an 8 oz roach, not the start I wanted. Each side was also blanking at this stage, opposite on peg 25 on the tip of the spit, steve Seager had a few on the method feeder and Leon Hubbard on 28 had 2 on the paste, but of the rest of the anglers I could see they were struggling aswell, the second hour picked up with Paul catching a few skimmers and a carp and I managed a bream and a carp and lost a carp after switching to paste, but that was the end of any action in my swim, my three fish went 8.6.
Further along our bank Martin McMahon was busy showing his son joe how it should be done by snaring a few on the pellet wag, and the come back kid in the shape of dean malin was also showing the rest of us how it should be done by getting 4 carp on the method and boilie and a few on the wag, and over on the spit steve Seager also topped up with some more carp and three bream on the pole and paste,
In the end it was Martin McMahon on 59 who lead the way with 8 carp and a lone bream for 54.4, a good weight on a difficult day
2nd dean malin on 61 with 35.6
3rd steve Seager on 25 with 33.10
4 th rich Coles on 30 with 31.12
5 th nick Collins on 21 with 24.15 which was the top silvers weight, nick caught on his favoured worm head over groundbait at 11 mtrs then over worm and caster at 7 mtrs towards the end
6 th mike west on 7 with 21.7
Off the landsend next Sunday for a short pole match, top set and three more , so down to the number
Six section, ring me at the shop to book in 01179517250

Monday, 10 June 2013

Upcoming matches

Wildmarsh on Sunday 16 June , Father's Day, selling well with over twenty booked in already
Landsend short pole match on Sunday 23 June, it will be top set plus three more, taking you up to the number 6 section, and with 17 booked in already I think that ones going to be popular, 
As always book early to avoid disappointment 
Yesterday's match at summerhayes was a good affair especially as there were a few faces from the past I haven't seen in years, Colin Wilkins, clive Cunningham and Jamie rich to name but a few, and with there being free choccy and crisps for all , a nice little touch, I think, that on its own will be enough to tempt me back, there is an open there on the 30 th jo June and I think it's on longs which according to the locals is the better lake with lots of silvers aswell as carp so I can foresee another trip down the m5 looming

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Sunday open , summerhayes fishery

Only my second ever visit to this fishery, the last time under different owners it was very hard , in fact dean malin won that match with one bream, but reports coming back now seem to show that the present owner , Pete has worked really hard and now has a nice well run fishery and gives everyone a warm welcome, but then again nearly all the venues in Somerset are the same.
There was 29 booked in to this match so there was 20 on sellicks and 9 on Lilly pond , most of the locals were of the opinion that the fish in Lilly were to small to compete withy he sellicks fish, so a draw on the latter was favoured, after a walk around the lakes I fancied 13 on sellicks as there are plenty of options with a small island to fish to plenty of Lilly,s in the margin a ice far bank and the wind was blowing into that bank, into the draw tub and out comes 17 sellicks, a good area according to the people I asked, peg 13 was drawn by bob gullick so he was smiling , I had only bought meat and pellets with me , so I set up two meat rigs, one for the margins and one for 5 mtrs but apart from a lost fouler in the margin I never had a proper bite on either so the less said about those two rigs the better, I set up two pellet rigs to fish the far bank, one for shallow against the bank and one for on the deck by the island aswell as I had a good depth there at nearly 2 foot deep, I had rich Lacey on my left for company and he got a nasty shock whilst tackling up as he touched the live otter fence and got a bit of a jolt, I thought he was going to cry,
Basically my match was spent fishing banded 6mm over loose fed 4,s , I had a couple of early fish shallow but they weren't really competing enough to keep them shallow, so all my other fish were caught on the depth rig over, I was suffering a few foulers so I kept trying the shallow rig but it was no good, in the end I fished at depth with one number 10 down the line , I did get a few on the drop but most came after the rig had settled , I ended up with over 20 carp but was several behind bob who was admitting to 25, Lilly pond seemed to have fished well with the corner pegs producing well but the fish were of a small average size in the end it was bob gullick who took first spot with 63.6 catching mainly on pellet over to the far side and by the small island
2nd was me with 47.4
3rd joe McMahon 46lb peg 3 on Lilly
4th Aaron britnell 44.7 peg 6 on Lilly
5th kev molten 42.10 peg 4 sellicks
6th mark lehay 41.1 peg 7 Lilly
Steve Jackson 9.12 peg 7 sellicks
All in all it was a good tight match with plenty of bites, and it never fished as well as it can, but then again. Most places seem to be fishing a bit wierd at the mo , the fish don't seem to have spawned proper and it seems to to be fishing a bit wierd

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Weds viaduct open

18 fishing today so the management decided to put us on Campbell only, I let roger andoniou pull a peg for me today, I should know better as he generally draws crap for me , and he gave me 130, not a peg I would generally chosen, 110 and 132 would have been my preferred choice with 135 being good but roger kept that for himself, with dan squire pulling 110 and axel Murray rolling up onto 132  
A minor placing or silvers money looked like my best option. I set up a couple of meat rigs , one for the margin and one for 5 mtrs , and a couple of pellet rigs , one for on the deck and a slapper/shallow rig, for company on my left I had ridgeway aa stalwart Jon rowland, the whistle goes and it's straight out on the deck with 8 mm banded pellet ,but after a couple of lost foulers it was out on the shallow rig, but the fish didn't want to play ball, it seems they have only been spawning in dribs and drabs so they didn't want to feed to well, I did managed to mug about 6 but it was hard, by the Galway mark I was still on 6 carp and a few silvers. A look on the meat lines gave me one small roach down the edge and a couple of small skimmers on the 5 mtr line, by now dan over on 110 and axel on 135 were catching a few but dan was well in the lead fishing pellet shallow 17 mtrs down his edge by the brambles, but he was having a bit of a torrid with lots of the carp taking him under the brambles but he was getting enough out to be well ahead of everyone else, the last two hours of the match were my best with the fish seeming to settle a bit and I managed some on the deep pellet rig as well as on the meat ,by the end I had 17 carp and a few tench and skimmers for 110 plus pounds, Alex in the corner had 156 lb , I new I was well off that , I ended up with 126.10 , after having 6  1/2 lb deducted as I went over the 70 lb net limit in one net , bugger.
1st was dan squires over on 110 with 2477
2 nd  axel Murray on 132 with 156.8
3rd Tom thick with 130.10 which included the top silvers weight with 35.2 of mainly skimmers
4 th tony Rixon 126.10, going over cost me 3rd
5 th fabio on 112 with 102 .15
6 th John ( turkey) Thompson with 98.13 on peg 114
Matches coming up
Sunday 16 June chiton trinity on wildmarsh and Sunday 23 a short pole match at landsend fishery, ring me at the shop on 01179517250 to book in on either

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Float only round 2 landsend fishery

With 40 fishing we used all three lakes today , I didn't rally mind where I drew but when I found out the carp were spawning on lake 3 I would have likes to avoid that one , so where do I draw for myself, yep lake 3 on peg 62 not the best of pegs and when Tom thick drew peg 1 on the match lake it looked as though my time in the knockout  was over aswell for company I had Adrian jeffery on peg 61 to my right and Phil fabio Harding to my left on 65, my peg looked nice if not a bit overgrown, I had a tree going out 6 mtrs to my right ,so no margin that way , to my left I a bush going out 2 mtrs but I could fish over the top of that one into the empty peg , but I had to stand up to do it, so I set up a meat rig for that part of my swim ,another  meat rig for 5 mtrs to my left in front of the tree/bush. A slapper pellet rig for chancing the surface swimmers ,and one for on the deck across on the island, me like most people started on the slapper chacing the shadows but these fish had other things on there minds and were not playing ball at all , I did get three fish on this rig but they were fish feeding against the island and the three would have struggled to make 8 lb between them, I went over on the deep rig agains the island and had another and lost one but bites were virtually impossible  get, there were no line bites either , very strange , most of the lakes carp seemed to be spawning under the various bushes and weedbeds around the lake , our lake was very hard , but news came up from the other lakes that they were fishing well, there were no spawning fish on the other lakes , probably due to the fact they are slightly deeper so the water temp would be a bit lower, I looked n the meat line at 5 mtrs and had a nice 10 lb common, I had a first for me whilst playing this fish as a smaller male fish tried to spawn with it as I was playing it, I went down to the empty swim which I
Thought would be a banker but only hooked and landed one small carp from there, I expected more from this area but again they were to interested in spawning in the trees branches, there were no silvers feeding on this lake , to busy eating spawn probably, I ended up with 11 carp for 52 lb and a needed section win, catching a few late fish on the corner of the island and on the 5 mtr line all on meat, top weight on our lake went to craig(des) Edmunds on 45 with 79.11.
Overall went to Tom thick ( I thought I would be knocked out. ) with 189.14 off peg 1 , mugging
Quite a few and catching on meat at 5 mtrs
2 nd bob gullick on peg 21 with 149.3
3rd Anton page 140.4 on peg 33
4 th Leon Hubbard on 29 with 133.2
5th Tom mangnall on 32 with 121.14
6th Paul elmes on 38 with 117.2
Clint wojtyla on peg 3 with 33.2 of alla sorts on caster and a bit of soft pellet