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Monday, 17 June 2013

Chiton trinity, wildmarsh lake

I didn't fish on Wednesday as I had to take judith over to Cardiff city football ground (but) to see Bon Jovi, you can certainly tell he has been doing this for thirty years as the average age of the women in the crowd had to be 45, and as soon as he set foot on stage the busiest merchandising  stand was the harassed people on the tenalady stand , but apart from that he put on a good show as normal.
Back to today and I was looking forward to fishing this lake as its a bit of a challenge, although there are plenty of fish in the lake it is a big piece of water with lots of places for the fish to hide , and with the buggers not having spawned properly I should have known better than to expect to much, I drew peg65 which is just a couple of swims down on the road bank, it's a good area for bream and carp with a mainly paste approach normally the order of the day, for company I had Simon ryall on my left and Paul Locke on my right, I set up a meat rig to fish in margin left and right but never had a bite on that, and a paste and a hard pellet rig to fish at 14 mtrs straight out, I should have known it wasnt going to go well when after cupping some 4,s it never fizzed which is something this lake does really well, to the extent sometimes it makes the float hard to see, the first hour was spent on the hard pellet and I had one bite and had an 8 oz roach, not the start I wanted. Each side was also blanking at this stage, opposite on peg 25 on the tip of the spit, steve Seager had a few on the method feeder and Leon Hubbard on 28 had 2 on the paste, but of the rest of the anglers I could see they were struggling aswell, the second hour picked up with Paul catching a few skimmers and a carp and I managed a bream and a carp and lost a carp after switching to paste, but that was the end of any action in my swim, my three fish went 8.6.
Further along our bank Martin McMahon was busy showing his son joe how it should be done by snaring a few on the pellet wag, and the come back kid in the shape of dean malin was also showing the rest of us how it should be done by getting 4 carp on the method and boilie and a few on the wag, and over on the spit steve Seager also topped up with some more carp and three bream on the pole and paste,
In the end it was Martin McMahon on 59 who lead the way with 8 carp and a lone bream for 54.4, a good weight on a difficult day
2nd dean malin on 61 with 35.6
3rd steve Seager on 25 with 33.10
4 th rich Coles on 30 with 31.12
5 th nick Collins on 21 with 24.15 which was the top silvers weight, nick caught on his favoured worm head over groundbait at 11 mtrs then over worm and caster at 7 mtrs towards the end
6 th mike west on 7 with 21.7
Off the landsend next Sunday for a short pole match, top set and three more , so down to the number
Six section, ring me at the shop to book in 01179517250

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