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Sunday, 30 June 2013

Campbell lake short pole match

Anyone interested in a match on paddock lake at acorn fishery , I am running one there on Wednesday, ring me at the shop to book in on 01179517250.
Back to today and it was a slightly longer short pole match as it was the top set plus three more so down to the number 6, I was virtually last to draw and ended up with 123 stuck to my mit , very much a hot and cold peg at the moment, it has lots of form as a silvers peg aswell as a winning carp peg, but recently it has been  a bit of a cold peg, for company I had dick bull on 124 and i had to look at the gimp who was just round the corner on 121, the best bait recently has been meat so I made up a rig for 6 mtrs and one for down the edge both for meat, and a pellet rig for 5 mtrs to my left at the bottom of the shelf and and a stalking rig , but that was never used as I didn't see to many swimmers, other than mike nicholls over on 117 who dropped his lucky plummet in and stripped off to get in and retrieve it , I wonder if Bren knows that he wears her under wear, I,m nt going to waste to much time talking about the match as it never really happened for me , or anyone else on my bank apart from kev molten on 128. Who won our section with 122lb, the only people who seemed to catch well were trig on 120, lee wherret on 135 and Paul elmes on 113. The meat didn't go for many today , me included , I caught slightly better when I switched to feeding and fishing banded 8 mm, but i switched to late to do any damage I ended up with 10 carp and 30 lb of silvers for 81.13 and nowhere in the match, trig Edmunds on 120 won both the match and silvers with 116.1 of carp and 36lb of mainly tench for 152.1. Most of his fish fell to meat at 6 mtrs and the ench were in his left hand margin
2nd went to lee wherret on 135 with 150.13
3rd Paul elmes 131.3 peg 113
4th kev molten 122.8 peg 128
5th Paul greenwood on 115 with 116.9
6th joe McMahon with 102.15 pn peg 118


  1. I had a 153lb off that peg last week you muppet! Should have read my blog, lol!

  2. Ye I should have checked your blog and used more pole then lol, I can't think anyone would have complained ha ha
