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Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Emerald fishery , weds open

I couldn't stop for to long , so I was back running a match on ruby and sapphire on this popular day ticket fishery, only ended up wt 15 fishing but Alan let us use both lakes so plenty of room for all, draw done and I had the last ticket which was peg 10 , which really was peg 2 on sapphire, two out of wiggets corner, for company I had the Somerset power lifter, steve kedge to my right and Phil coolam to my left, I planned for an out and out pellet attack today , feeding 6mm and fishing banded 8,s, I set up a rig for the right hand margin, a 5 mtr rig where as it turned out I should have fished meat, and a couple of rigs for the corner of the island , one shallow and one deep,
I started at 5 mtrs and had a couple of carp quickly and some nice roach, all on 8mm, but I saw a couple of swirl so I went out on the shallow rig, but the swirls turned out to be roach, but they were nice fish up to about 10oz, not really what a wanted, I saw a swirl down in my right hand margin over  my pellet feed and went in and had a carp straight away, but I only took the one as it was a bit early to go in there, back out at 5 mtrs and the roach were still being a pest, so I went out to the island on the deck and started catching, feeding with the catty soon had some fish swirling , problem was most of them were roach again, but there were odd carp amongst them so I went in with shallow rig and had some roach and carp, by swapping between the island shallow and deep and the margin I kept putting carp plus some silvers in the nets, I had bites right up till the end , and finished with 55 carp and some silvers which was mainly roach with a few bar of soap tench, I thought I had about 110lb as the carp are of a small average size , which is good as they are easier to land , rumour was that peanut on ruby had won easily as he had been catching well on maggot over groundbait down his margin, but kedgy had a flying last hour on meat at 5 mtrs so it was going to be tight, in the end the honours went to peanut on peg 7 on ruby with134.5
2nd steve kedge, 131.10
3rd me 124.4
4th mat tomes , 114.2
5th bob price 105.15
6th fabio 98.5 and he had top silvers weight with 18.3 of roach and Rudd on 6 mm banded pellet fished shallow
2nd in silvers was peanut,s step dad in the shape of Giles cochrane with 17.4
No fishing for me for over a week for me as I,m off to west Wales with judith and the dogs for a bit of a break, then it's back next Saturday for the silvers all winners final at viaduct , the back down there on the Sunday for round 2 of the silvers league

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