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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Pole only viaduct, match lake

Only ten fishing today in a pole only on the match lake, so Paul pegged it 4 up each side and one on each end, no other way to do it really.
Before I carry on , for those fishing the silvers league here on Sunday, be aware it's a 9 o,clock draw, not 9.30 as it was in the first two matches .
I fancied a draw in a corner or on the ends today as I thought the extra bit of room may be an advantage, and the bigger carp seem to inhabit the corners, but no, into the draw tin and out comes 44 which s in the middle of the left hand bank, I had travelling pertner for the day in the shape of Chris fox on 43 and Colin dyer on 45.
I had bought a couple of pints of casters with me but I never used them, the two pints of dead mags were going to used down the edge, so a small rig was put together for that with a 16 middy 8313 hook on .16.
I set up two pellet rigs , one for soft pellet at 13 mtrs over soaked 4,s and micros and a hard pellet rig for 16 mtrs, AT&T he start I began at 13 mtrs with soft pellet and I had bites from the off, starting with a couple of small skimmers then some f1,s. I stayed on this for the first 90 mins then I switched to the hard pellet rig over the same line with a banded 6mm, but still kindering 4,s and micros over the top, all the time I was firing some 4,s out to 16 mtrs , I had also been potting some dead mags each side in the margins.
Looking round most people were catching well , with peanut on 40 , Giles on 42 both doing well, but dan white over on 51 was doing well slapping a hard pellet at 16 mtrs, with 2 1/2 hours to go and the 13 mtr line slowing right up , I went out to 16 mtrs on hard pellet and had an f1 straight away then a small real carp, but I was getting liners so I set up a shallow rig , which was a good move as I started to get f1,s and a couple of carp, the margins didn't really get going for me, probably because I had anglers each side, I had 1 f1 from the right and two proper carp from the left , and one of those was probably 9lb so a good bonus there then, by the end I wasn't to sure as to what I had , I only new I had over 100lb. As expected dan white won with 177.8 , which comprised of about 125lb of f1,s with the balance being proper carp, all caught slapping at 16 mtrs for most of the match then 17.5 towards the end
2nd was Tom thick on 49 with 134.6
3rd Giles cochrane on 42 with 132.2
4th p nut on 40 with 127.7
5th me with 123.11
6th ziggy on 47 with 72.2
Chris fox won the silvers with 17.14 of mainly skimmers of various sizes n maggot fishing just his topkit


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