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Sunday, 22 February 2015

Landsend league round 4

Back to a random draw again today to determine sections for the following rounds, I was near the front of the queue again today, and with mark poppleton appearing to wave the white flag on. The series the. Normal banter was missing,
Into the draw bucket and out comes 34 which is definitely a good draw on the. Speci lake, for company I had Kieran guppy on 33 to my left and Tom cruises body double Pete nurse on 36, today I was going to keep it mainly simple , just pellets ,4,s to feed and a banded 6 in the band on the trusty b960 hook on ,16 line, two rigs one for 15 mtrs to my left towards the end of the island down the shelf and the same rig same distance to my right using a 4x12 float. The other rig was a 4x10 float for against the island in 2 foot of water, the weather was supposed to kick up a bit later with strong southerly winds and a dose of heavy rain, and it didn't disappoint , we had rain for near enough the whole duration of the match, and it was straight into my face, the island did afford me a bit of shelter to fish in but poor Kieran had it straight in with no protection, it wasn't to long before the cold got into him and I could see the end of His pole trembling , due to him shivering.
Back to my swim and after talking to Adrian Clark who had fished a little while ago and had done well by not feeding a thing and just lifting and dropping a pellet under the bush on the far side, due to the water level being up there was no chance of fishing under the bush so I decided to fish my pellet along the island bank in front and along to the left, I find feeding nothing really hard to do so I fed the two deep lines only left and right but fed nothing where I was going to bounce the pellet around to cut a long story short I never picked up the deep rig and just fished up the island shelf for the whole match, I ended up with 27 carp into double figures , I only had three nets with me so when I had put 9 in each. Net I decided to pack up and that was about 25 mins from the end, but as far as I could see I had won the lake and more importantly the section so that keeps me in contention in the league, I stopped at 9 in a  net as there is an 80lb weight limitat this fishery and I thought I may be close to it, and I wasn't to far out as I ended up with 213.1 which is a good day whatever time of year, which was well enough for first on. The lake and overall on the day,
2nd went to Paul elmes on 15 with 110 lb
3rd nick chedzoy on 19 with 96.9
4th steve Seager peg 11 with 92.10
5th ken Rayner on 31 with 91.9
6th Gary oshea on 13 with 67.5
Top silver weight went to Russ peck on 42 with 10.10

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Veals silvers league round 3

Back to huntstrete again for this one again, 27 of us on bridge pool, I didn't really mind to much where I drew , but I would like to avoid 25/23&22 as they are all set back in bays , ok if it's a carp match but with it being a silvers only affair they are best avoided.
Into the draw bag and out comes 25 ,shit. For company on 24 I had bristols finest top set thrasher dave Haines and on 26 was bristol legend bob "the bread" price, neither angler is renowned for there long pole fishing so I decided to fish two lines , one at 5 mtrs and one at 14 which was beyond the anglers each side as far as pole fishing goes, but bob did have his favoured lead rod assembled , at the start I cupped in one ball at 5 mtrs with a few casters in and three balls at 14 mtrs with some soaked micros and no casters, I felt I may have overdone the caster last time as small roach were a real problem, starting at 5 mtrs I had a small roach first drop and that was it I couldn't get a bite there, so it was out on the long line, by now ray bazeley and dave wride on the carpark bank were catching skimmers and bream and ray had caught a 6lb tench as his first fish, so I had to try and catch bream to do any good, dave on my right was catching plippy roach but I didn't see any point in doing that , and when Paul barnfield round on 21 had a couple of bream it confirmed what I had to do, but it never happened, the small roach that proved a real nuisance last time were noticeable by there absence, I had to sit and watch ray on the end bank catching, and judging by the bank side banter dave wride was still catching, I ended up with 4.12 which was made up mainly by 10 small skimmers, dave to my right had fished hard for the whole match to put the same weight as me on the scales of roach fry, bob on my left had 10oz, I didn't wait for the results as it had rained all day and I had just about had enough !!!!!!. Dave wride won with 46lb and I think ray next to him was 2nd with 29lb I don't know what was next as I was driving out of the carpark and they were still weighing, but mike nicholls will post the weigh sheets on his blog.
Off  to landsend Sunday for match number 4 in the winter league and it's a random draw again for this one , fingers crossed for a good draw then, and next Thursday it's back down to emerald , so anyone fancying it ring me in veals on 01179260790 to book in

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Day on the chew

I had a spare morning so I thought it would be nice to go and try and catch a grayling , as the last one I had was when I was 14 and that was on the river chew at woollard, so today I was back on the same river but a bit further down at Compton dando where bathampton have the rights to two fields on the right hand bank upstream, as with woollard I hadn't fished this stretch since I was at school and apart from being very overgrown it was pretty much the same . This was proper travel light fishing, a rod a reel with 3lb line on a few shot and a couple of 3AA loafers plus some 18 hooks on ,14 line , half a pint of red maggots and a landing net.
I walked to the top of the second field planning to fish my way back to the bridge in any swim I could poke a 12 foot rod into, something shorter would have been better but I don't posses one , the river was a nice colour with a proper flow so I was hopeful , but after fishing my way through half the field I was getting a bit despondent, all I could catch was minnows and a few minnow sized micro trout, next swim was about 100 mtrs above a footbridge just round a bend , so I repeated what I had done previously , so I just sat on the bank flicking a few maggots into the flow, after 5 mins I dropped the float in , it went about 6 feet and buried, like it had done fifty times before, I expected another snag or a minnow , but this kicked back, and I was soon looking at a nice little grayling in the net of about 10oz, job done . Next run through I had another of about the same size but further down the swim, these cousins of the trout certainly are pretty fish and fight surprisingly well for there size. I stuck witht he swim for another 20 mins and had a dace of about 4oz and a 8oz brownie, I fished a few swims back to the bridge but had no more grayling, in fact I had very little of anything apart from a nice dace that may have gone 8oz, well it was bigger than 6oz !!!.
Apart from the top of the second field I couldn't even catch minnows, it seemed as though the river just switched off, but I wasn't complaining as I succeeded in catching what I wanted ,and it was nice to run a float down a nice bit of flow, something I haven't done in a long time, I may try it again before the river season shuts.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Viaduct winter league round 3

It was my turn on scary lake today and all I had to do do was really avoid avoid the peg of death which is 82 in the corner , it can produce a few fish at times but it isn't consistent as you are cut off with no where to go.
So into the draw tin and out comes 13 draw , which put Clayton on 116, ME ON 82, (aaaaagh), Ron on 53, Tim on 25 and Clint on 8, so some good pegs but nothing but piss taking for me.
I took a steady push to my peg as I wasn't in to much of a hurry, I had fishery owner steve long on 85 and Chris fox on 86, neither of which were to accommodating when I enquired as to whether I could share there swims. So I never set up a lead rod today, the wag rod was put up to fish corn at about 30 mtrs, and caster a bit shorter at 20 mtrs, and a couple of pole rigs to fish caster each side , down to the monk to my right and down under a tree to my left.
At the start I cupped some casters each. Side then chucked the wag out. Most people started on the tip , but there wasn't to much early action going on, it was 50 minutes before I connected with a fish, after missing a couple "bites" and it turned out to be a 15 lb mirror, hooked fair and square in the pectoral fin, nice ! They all count, so that set me up for the day really, I spent most of the match fishing corn on the wag, I had three skimmers before I connected with another carp, but this one turned out to be hooked in the mouth, but getting it into the net this one was probably closer to 20lb, that was the last of. The carp action for me , I did get a few perch under the tree to my left and another late skimmer on the wag, but it was a hard day on our lake, not to many carp , five was about the best and that was steve denmead on 78, the scales got to steve and he had just over 60lb, when they got to me I had 9.5 of silvers and my 2 carp went 34lb, proper ones , which surprisingly was enough for second on the lake, Steve on 85 had 41,15 and chris had 41,4.
I didn't wait for the results but I'm. Sure mIke nicholls will have the weigh sheets on his blog. The match was won on 132 with about 115 lb caught mainly down his right hand margin.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Thursday , veals open , emerald pools fishery

13 fished today so we had ten on ruby and 3 on sapphire, I didn't mind where I drew but I fancied one of the pegs on sapphire to win, into the bag and out comes peg 3, which was the second peg up on the far side of ruby with the left hand side of the second island in front of me at 13 mtrs, for company I. Had somersets tidiest angler , Gary cross on my left and the gimp on my right .
I set up three rigs , one for caster at three mtrs and a couple of banded pellet rigs for out by the island in about a metre of water and 13 mtrs to my left in in about 5 feet of water, at the start I fed both pellet lines with 4,s then began on the caster line at 3 mtrs , after 15 mins I had had a few decent roach and one carp, and lost another which pinged my rig up into the overhanging branches above my head , much to the amusement of Scott puddy opposite, who was getting odd carp on his 13 mtr line. 45 mins in and not really going anywhere on the caster line I decided to bin it and concentrate on the two pellet lines, Scott by now was a bit in front of most people on the lake , so I had a little bit of catching up to do, and mike nicholls up in the corner was thrashing about catching roach so that looked to be silvers taken care of . I started in the deeper open water swim and was soon catching small carp on banded 6mm , kindering some 4,s over the top, all the time firing some 4,s towards the island swim, I was now keeping pace with Scott so it was all to play for, unfortunately I couldn't see what was going on on sapphire. I stayed in the deep water for over an hour , then swapped to the island swim and never really looked back, I switched to potting a few 4,s over the float and had a very good last half of the match catching small carp between 6oz and 3 lb. steadily pulling ahead of Scott who was the main threat on this lake, most people seemed to be catching well towards the end, even Gary to my left was now catching carp, as was the gimp to my left , by the end I thought I had about 70 small carp for what I hoped would be at least 70lb , but I hoped for a bit more.
I started the weigh in and began on sapphire , with glen bailey on peg 11 which was two pegs out of wiggets corner , he had 54 carp and with the average size being bigger on this lake I expected him to have 100lb , and he wasn't to far off as he had 99.9 for first on the day , catching from a couple of spots against the island in front of him on soft pellet
I was second with 88.6
3rd Scott puddy 69.13
4th Adrian jeffery 66lb
5th mike jones 64.10
6th Norman hugget 47.5
Mike richolls, 19 lb
A very. Good match considering it was frozen at the start of the week, we have got another one here in a fortnight so if you are interested txt me on my mobile or ring me at veals on 01179260790 to book in.
Don't forget the veals sale starts this Saturday on the 14 th and goes on all week, plenty of super bargains to be had .

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Landsend individual league , round 3

I was up on lake three today and after another frosty night I fully expected to have some ice to break. Speaking to mike duckett the owner when I got there , he reckoned it wouldn't be to bad , with a lot of it being only cat ice, I wouldn't like to see the size of the cats down as lake three was 10mm thick. Into the draw tin and peg 62 stuck to my hand, I would have preferred to draw one of the corners as they have been the most consistent , but 62 may be ok as it was second on the lake last round,
The ice was quite difficult to deal with, not to hard to crack but it left big pieces which needed to be broken onto smaller pieces to net out, by the time I had broken it and cleared it to the island at 14 mtrs and cleared down my left hand margin to a sunken bush I only had 25 mins to tackle up,  just about managed it in time , but it was only two rigs, both 4x12 pencils , one for 13 mtrs in front foot maggot over soaked micros and 4,s and the other for banded 6mm hard pellet pellet over loose fed 4,s down the left to the bush, out in front I had cut a wide channel probably 12 foot wide, I fed each side of it with a few micros and a couple of dead maggots. And fed some 4, s down the left side towards the bush with a catty. I needed a section win today to stand any chance of any league money , but with trig Edmunds on fancied peg 58 and Adrian jeffery who has been catching well recently on end peg 70 it looked to be a hard task, also with Dan white  on 66 , Russ peck on 68 and mr draw bag himself  Adrian Clark next door on 61.
It took 15 mins to get my first bite on the right hand side of my channel and that was a carp of about 3 1/2 lb. I switched to the left hand side after re feeding the right and had a 6oz skimmer, so fed a bit more there and went to the right and had another skimmer then another carp from that side , so I fed it again and went to the left but didn't get a bite so it was into the right side again and had an f1 then another carp, and that was the end of any bites to the right, the rest of the match was a case of feeding a bit and waiting for a bite , the left hand of the channel was good for me as was the margin , by the end I had 15 carp, 9 from n front on maggot and 6 down the edge on banded 6mm pellet for what I thought would be between 65 and 70lb, the only threat on the lake was from ade jeffery on 70 who was admitting to 14 carp but they tend to be smaller on that end peg  , and that turned out to be the case with my fish going 66.14 with ade,s fish going 45.7.
First on the day was nick chedzoy on 31 on the speci lake with 83.9. Again on hard pellet over towards the island
2nd ian brownsell on 33 with 68.7
3rd me 66.14
4th ade Jeffrey on 70 with 45.7
5th steve Seager on 11 with 28.8
6th John Bradford on 41 with 24.14
I had steve Seager in the  k/o today so he,s gone then lol.
This Thursday it's back down to emerald again, there are a few spaces left so again ring me at veals on 01179260790 to book in or ring or txt me on my mobile ,
Don't forget the veals super sale starts next Saturday on valentines day , plenty of bargains !!!!!!!

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Veals silverfish league , bridge pool , huntstrete fishery

28 booked in for this league , but a few couldn't make it due to sickness, bad backs and unable to get there sorry ass out of bed (Barry). With it being an 8.30 draw it didn't leave to much time for a brekkie, so it was a sausage and bacon baguette from my local cafe , it filled a gap. Off to the fishery in plenty of time for the draw, mike jones read out all the rules etc then it was into the draw bag , out comes 30 which was next to the peg I practiced in on Tuesday , the ice today was probably a couple of mil thicker today so it took a bit more effort to clear it to 13 mtrs , for company I was next to John barker on 29 and organiser mike jones on 31 and beyond him was ade Crawley on end peg 32,
I decided to fish he same as Tuesday except that I would put groundbait at 7 mtrs instead of just some caster , I also fed a ball at 13 mtrs as per the other day as it seemed to work.
Rig was identical to Tuesday and one rig would do both lines as it's the same depth again,
It took a while to get a bite , and that was from a small roach, our bank started slow but over on the road bank there were some skimmers being caught , we were well into the match before ade caught the first decent bream on our side, and not long after that I had one about 4lb, mike in between us was struggling even to catch small roach, but they were proving a real nuisance for me, I did get some small skimmers but couldn't latch onto any real quality, ade had a couple more tidy skimmers, then out of the blue mike began getting some big fish he had 4 good bream and a near 6 lb tench to well and truly see me off, I did have a few better skimmers but not the good bream I needed to catch up with mike and ade,
Mike weighed 25.7 for a comfortable win
2nd was ade Crawley with 17.4
3rd was me with 15.7
4th bob (the bread) price with 14.11 on peg 13
5th Pete greenslade on 7 and G sage on 12 both with 12.13
Considering the ice and freezing temps it fished well, hopefully in a fortnight the ice will have gone and we can all fish properly.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Tuesday pleasure session, huntstrete , bridge pool

I don't normally like pleasure/practice sessions as it can paint a rosy picture of a venue which will fish totally different under match conditions, so as it was a bit frosty and I expected it to have a lid on it I didn't hurry to get there. I stopped off at the maesknoll Toby in in whitchurch for an all you can eat brekkie for 3.99. And very nice it was to, it's the first time I have had a Yorkshire pudding for breakfast, but it did have bacon and onion baked into it, different but very tasy especially when I filled t up with baked beans.
Getting to the fishery there was a lid not but a quick prid with a stick revealed it was about half an inch, so breakable . As. Was wandering about Charlie Barnes and his Irish shadow Harry muire turned up so that was going to be an end to a quiet day, there were already three anglers fishing towards the top end on 3/4 and 31 so I loaded the trolley and went round to 29. I chose that peg as Chris Rolf had fished it last week and managed double figures so I reasoned there must be some fish about the area, it took about 15to 20 mins to clear a nice swim out to 13 mtrs.
One rig today a .7g pencil float with the best silvers hook on the end , an 18 middy 6313 on ,10 line. A quick plumb up revealed the lake slope leveled out at about 7  mtrs so that would be a good starting spot, and it was the same depth at 13, dead handy one rig does all. I guppies in a few casters and maggots at 7 mtrs each side of my ice channel about 6 foot apart and potted a ball of g bait at 13 mtrs against the ice, I started at 7 mtrs on the right and had a roach after 15 mins , I swapped to the left side and had a 2 lb skimmer after a couple of minutes, but apart from a couple of small roach during the session those lines didn't seem to to good, I shipped out to 13 mtrs over the g bait and had two skimmers in the first two drops, and from then on it was a nice session with fair numbers of skimmers with a couple of bream up to 3lb , I ended the session with 15 lb ish , so a good day considering the ice. And it wasn't just me catching the angler to my left on 31 also had several skimmers as did the anglers on 3&4, Charlie had a couple of skimmers and an unseasonal 4lb tench along with small roach which everyone seemed to be catching. I even had a carp of about 9lb.
There is supposed to be a silvers match on here on Thursday , but with the ice still going to be a problem, and I suspect quite a few of the anglers not being prepared to break ice it may be cancelled, we will have to wait and see, no doubt mike jones the organiser will let us know on Wednesday .
If not it may be a bit of a knock up on there with the anglers with enough iron to crack through the lid, or I may just do another pleasure session, but this time I will sit on the sunny side as I did have a bit of a problem with cat ice forming in my peg.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Viaduct winter league round 2

The day started of  well with an interesting conversation with Jason Radford, Ron and me were discussing OCD when we picked Jason up, Jason informed us that there used to be a women lived around the corner from him that would count the stones on the pavement outside her house , he concluded that she never had OCD but she may have had something else wrong with her, no shit Sherlock .
Off to the pub for an all you can eat for a fiver brekkie , and very good it was too.
Into the draw and I pull number 12 sequence which put us on 125, me, 90 Ron hardiman, 61 Tim Clark, 37 Clint wojtyla and Clayton Hudson on 13, not the best of draws, the maver team which drew it last time ended up last on the day(mint),
For company I had chris fox on 124 and the win canton kick boxing champion John gray on 126.
I set a float and a lead rod , corn and maggot n the wag and bread to start on the lead, and for the pole it was the old favourite .4g pencil float with an 18 middy 6313 on ,10,
At the start I cupped in 3 balls of g bait at 14 mtrs fed a few casters at 4 mtr and began on corn on the wag, 15 mins and no bites, dean Stacey over on 116 had two carp n the lead by now , so I had a quick go on double mag and saved the blank with a small roach, dean seemed to be getting a few liners as was Adrian jeffery on 115, so it was out with the lead with bread on the hair, I had a few liners and on the hour I had a proper bite which resulted in a 12 lb mirror, I expected a few more bites but it never happened , in fact I never had another nudge on the lead for the rest of the match, dean had a few more but it was clear the main shoal had shifted down the lake slightly as Adrian was now getting lots of indications , he was fouling a few as well as landing some , I tried the pole line at 4 mtrs and had one small roach, s it was out to 14 mtrs , first put in and I lost what felt like a good skimmer,
The rest of the match was spent at 14 mtrs getting a few hand size skimmers John to my right had a couple on the lead before they shifted , as Lewis greenwood on 127 had a decent second half of the match ending up with11 carp I think, but glyn Reynolds on 128 only had a foulhooked 2 1/2 perch till the last hour when the shoal encroached into his swim and he had a three carp late on, the pegs at the other end of the lake which had been fishing really well were fishing hard with no carp stemming to be there at all, our lake was won by Gary oshea on 119 with 120lb plus dobbing bread against the end bank, that was also enough for second on the day as nick (the liar) Ewers on 86 with 140lb , he was admitting after the match that his 12 small carp would be lucky to go 90lb, nick how do you sleep at night LOL.. I didn't wait for the results but I expect the ever reliable mike nicholls will have pictures of the weigh sheets on his blog, I think Ron hardiman was third with 70lb on 90 and the silvers went to our very own Clint wojtyla on 37 on middle lake with nearly 18lb, Clayton was our worst points scorer today with one roach off peg 13 which was the same result as don Sutherland a fortnight before, I,m beginning to realise Clayton is by far the worse serial shit drawer I have ever seen, but he keeps going so it will change for him, won't it,
As for this week it's off to huntstrete this Thursday for the second round of a silvers league , but looking at the weather forecast it looks as though we may need the ice breakers, then it's off to landsend next Sunday for another league and it's my turn to be on lake 3.