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Thursday, 12 February 2015

Thursday , veals open , emerald pools fishery

13 fished today so we had ten on ruby and 3 on sapphire, I didn't mind where I drew but I fancied one of the pegs on sapphire to win, into the bag and out comes peg 3, which was the second peg up on the far side of ruby with the left hand side of the second island in front of me at 13 mtrs, for company I. Had somersets tidiest angler , Gary cross on my left and the gimp on my right .
I set up three rigs , one for caster at three mtrs and a couple of banded pellet rigs for out by the island in about a metre of water and 13 mtrs to my left in in about 5 feet of water, at the start I fed both pellet lines with 4,s then began on the caster line at 3 mtrs , after 15 mins I had had a few decent roach and one carp, and lost another which pinged my rig up into the overhanging branches above my head , much to the amusement of Scott puddy opposite, who was getting odd carp on his 13 mtr line. 45 mins in and not really going anywhere on the caster line I decided to bin it and concentrate on the two pellet lines, Scott by now was a bit in front of most people on the lake , so I had a little bit of catching up to do, and mike nicholls up in the corner was thrashing about catching roach so that looked to be silvers taken care of . I started in the deeper open water swim and was soon catching small carp on banded 6mm , kindering some 4,s over the top, all the time firing some 4,s towards the island swim, I was now keeping pace with Scott so it was all to play for, unfortunately I couldn't see what was going on on sapphire. I stayed in the deep water for over an hour , then swapped to the island swim and never really looked back, I switched to potting a few 4,s over the float and had a very good last half of the match catching small carp between 6oz and 3 lb. steadily pulling ahead of Scott who was the main threat on this lake, most people seemed to be catching well towards the end, even Gary to my left was now catching carp, as was the gimp to my left , by the end I thought I had about 70 small carp for what I hoped would be at least 70lb , but I hoped for a bit more.
I started the weigh in and began on sapphire , with glen bailey on peg 11 which was two pegs out of wiggets corner , he had 54 carp and with the average size being bigger on this lake I expected him to have 100lb , and he wasn't to far off as he had 99.9 for first on the day , catching from a couple of spots against the island in front of him on soft pellet
I was second with 88.6
3rd Scott puddy 69.13
4th Adrian jeffery 66lb
5th mike jones 64.10
6th Norman hugget 47.5
Mike richolls, 19 lb
A very. Good match considering it was frozen at the start of the week, we have got another one here in a fortnight so if you are interested txt me on my mobile or ring me at veals on 01179260790 to book in.
Don't forget the veals sale starts this Saturday on the 14 th and goes on all week, plenty of super bargains to be had .

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