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Sunday, 4 December 2016

Landsend winter league, rnd 1

33 booked in for this series, which is ok, 11 on a lake then. After a di special in the cafe it was draw time, Ken rayner was doing the honours again this year and it can be a bit of a thankless task, so fair play to him, he still has his brief case of dreams though.

I let Judith draw for me again today as she did ok last time , so into the bucket and out comes 55, its the end peg on lake 3, not the best as the other end of the lake is normally best, and any of the pegs on the far side up to about halfway up the lake, but normally ok for a few, but rarely a match or section winning peg.
As expected ice breakers were called for, especially on our lake as every peg had a lid on it, but it wasn't to thick, so 10 minutes of lead ball slinging soon had it broken up , and then another 5 minutes clearing the ice out, it was going to be tough but I do enjoy ice fishing and thus is about the best fishery about for bites in these conditions.
Two rigs today, both .2g as6  floats with size 20 middy 8313 hooks one on .12 and the other with .14.
Three lines today, 11 and 14 mtrs out slightly to the right on the edge of the ice, and the other line was over to the left at 14 mtrs towards the end bank, all lines to fish maggot with a few micros.
At the start I fed all lines with smidge of bait and began on the 11 mtr line

, I was surprised to get a bite first put in, but it wasn't unexpected, I missed it, so back out with a single maggot and I soon had a few small roach and perch, then 30 mins in I had a 3lb carp, dead handy,

Then it was back to the small fish, then that dried up aswell, so I went out to the 14 mtr line , small fish again then another carp came my way, this was better than I expected to be honest. After that carp on the long line bites all but stopped apart from a 1lb skimmer, the last couple of hours were spent mainly against the end bank where I hooked 5 more carp but lost two of them in an old weed bed to my left at about 8 mtrs which cost me a place in the section, Tom mangnal on peg 41 won the section with 43.2, and Adrian Clark on 51 also had 5 carp ,but of a larger stamp which went 24.14, but it was a good day as I've spent it with Judith who was in charge of photos again, the only problem She had was that we were about as far from the loo as you could get, about halfway through the call for the wee room got to much, but she thought it was to far to walk to , so it was off into the bushes for her, when I had enforced toilet stop a couple of weeks ago on the way to todber and managed to sting a bum cheek I had no sympathy from anyone including her , so you can imagine how much sympathy she got from me when the same thing got her LOL.
1st on the day was Gary o,Shea on 62 with 81.2, catching mainly on maggot long down to his left.
2nd Tom mangnal on 41 with 43.2
3rd Russ peck on 27 with 41.10
4th Joe McMahon on 70 with 41.4
5th Lewis Jones on 33 with 34.11
6th kev molten on 66 and Pete Ashton on peg  with 29.7
Top silver's went to Paul elmes on 68 with 15.4.
Off to acorn on Tuesday then the last round of the silver's league at viaduct

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