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Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Tuesday costcutter acorn fishery

All I've really got to say about today was that the breakfast in the bridge in yatton was very nice, myself, Leon Hubbard, Adriano mercato and even Dave wride was having one so it must be very good value for money.
Off for the draw and out comes 31 for me , not the best but Mr wride did win the silver's off it last week with 3 skimmers for 4lb, for company I had "our Mark" Thomas on peg 34 next to the bridge and Paul faiers the other side on 27, shame he got set up and plumbed up before he was advised with 15 mins to go he was actually set up on 28, so he had to move, I hope I'm not as bad as him when I'm his age.
But he soon had it sorted with the only angler older than him fishing today, organiser Mike Chapman.
I havnt got to much to say about how the day went as I never had a fish from in front of me or to my left either up or down the shelf, I put some groundbait down the middle to my right and did have a couple of skimmers, a goldfish, an f1 and a couple of roach, no bites to my right up or down the far shelf, about an hour from the end I had a few bites down by the empty pallet to my right and managed 4 carp and lost a couple of foulers, I also lost two foulhooked carp down the middle, it was definitely a case of to little to late as Mike Chapman on peg 24 had a good half of the match catching some carp on dobbed bread then on single maggot, also it turns out Ray bazeley was making full use of his new sponsorship deal with mother's pride and catching on dobbed white stuff on bridge peg 6, so Mike won with 50+ pounds to his travelling partners 40+ which was second, and Paul "can't  count" faiers won the silver's with 10+. Weigh sheet below.

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