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Thursday, 16 March 2017

Huntstrete silver's league final round

The Toby inn in whitchurch was busy this morning due to a load of people going to Cheltenham, but I managed to sneak in before the rush via the emergency exit, so first in the queue for me then , yay, and it was as normal a really nice breakfast, 4.5.
I was soon on my way to the fishery and very nearly got there early, but I was turned back just before Huntstrete village due to a cyclist being knocked off his bike and looked in a bad way so the road was shut, but in still got there well before draw time.
Into the bucket and out comes b8 on the road side, so quickly into the van and parked in the bay behind my peg.
Three rigs today , a .4g and .8g for fishing on the deck with caster or maggot over groundbait at 4 and 13 mtrs, and a .3g for caster down the edge for possibly a perch and some roach.
On the whistle I fed a couple of lines at 13mtrs with 2 balls on each, and one ball at 4 mtrs, and began throwing a few casters to my left, I began on the short line and had a few roach and small skimmers fairly quickly, so a good start, especially as most were struggling, but as expected it didn't last so in was soon out to 13 mtrs, and had a few slightly better skimmers, although it wasn't manic, it was good enough as my section was still fishing hard, that was until Dave wride on 6 had a 4lb tench, which probably caught me up and overtook me, the first half I kept switching between the long and short lines picking up 4 to 8oz skimmers, so quite interesting, trouble was Dave on 6 although not getting as many fish as me was getting quality in the shape of good skimmers up to 2lb, and Paul barnfield on peg 11 was also moaning some action in his peg. With about 2 hours to go and and my 13 mtr.line setting hard I decided to put a couple of balls in at 16 mtrs, that provided worthwhile as I had my biggest fish off that line in the shape of a 2lb skimmer, at the end it was always going to be a bit tight as Barney was admitting to 16lb , and Dave wride thought he had over 20, I thought I would be in between the pair of them, but it wallflower than I thought, to stand any chance of me getting in the league pay out I needed to win my section, but I still needed people to dip out above me , any way Dave weighed in 23.13 and  I weighed 23.12, not to close then, and Barney had just over 20, top on the day was Steve Dawson on peg 15 with 26lb, I'm not sure of the exact weights as I did nth get a picture of the weight sheets,
2nd was Dave wilmott on peg 29 with 24lb, then Mr wride 23.13
Then it was John fuidge and myself with 23.12.
Even Mike Jones got in on the act off unfancied peg 13 with 20lb, and up can't remember the rest, but it did fish much better today so sport at the fishery is hopefully on the up.
League wise callum dicks came out top , mainly due to the fact he won his section today using some bait purchased from Scott's that Graham beevor got for him, and he bumped Graham aswell
Second in the league was Mike Nicholls who tied with Steve Dawson on points but beat him on weight , well done to all the winners and to league organiser Chris Rolf, it can be a bit of a thankless job doing these leagues but it was ok in the end.

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