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Sunday, 25 October 2009

chilton trinity

when i had the chance to go to chilton with the psv boys i jumped at it as i hadnt fished woodlands for a couple of years and it is a nice lake with quality fish in it and you are always assured of a warm welcome from sue and her family.
i drew peg 18 which is at the top of the lake looking straight into the gale which was blowing, if there is a draw back with the lake , it is the depth which was 10 foot at 13 mtrs and 5 foot in the margins. so i set up a 4x18 rig for the long pole and two 4x16 for the margins one for caster iether side at 3mtr for silvers !!!!!!!!!! and one for corn to empty peg 17.
at the start i cupped in some 4mm at 13 mtrs , some corn and pellet by 17 pallet and loose feb caster either side at 3 mtrs,
starting at 13 mtrs on corn i missed a couple of bites on corn so i switched to a 4mm soft pellet and it soon bacame apparent that 6 oz skimmers were the culprits, so i upped the feed by cupping in half a cup of 4mm , i had tried catapulting but the wind was making it nearly impossible to feed properly so i decided that cupping was going to be best.
i thought i would try and get a few silvers down the edge while i waited for the 13 mtr line to settle ,first put in and a missed bite next drop on single caster and carp on , so much for silvers , next put in and another carp was on its way to the net, i fed it again and looked to the right at 3 mtrs and another carp , then nothing, so down to peg 17 which was hard as the wind kept trying to blow the pole up the bank, i missed 3 bites (liners)then connected with another carp , i fed it again and went out to 13 mtrs, where i had a couple of skimmers and carp.
by now darren north on 24 had started to catch shallow on pellet as did paul elmes on 26 , so i set up a shallow rig to give it a go but with the rig blowing back under the pole it just wasnt right so i chucked that up the bank , where darren and paul were they had the wind off there backs slightly making for better presentation and darren told me after that he definately had more bites when there was little or no ripple so i dont think i had much chance of catching shallow, so ijust kept catching odd fish from my 3 margin swim and the 13 mtr line,
at the end i quickly packed up as i had to do the weigh in cos i had sold the club a set of digi scales which some club members didnt like so i wanted to try them to see for myself if there was a problem.
first place went to darren north on peg 24 with 77.12 pellet shallow
2nd paul elmes 69.4 peg 26 again pellet shallow he also had top silver weight with 9.1 which was a few small tench also caught shallow on pellet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3rd alan healey 63.10 peg 16
4th tony rixon 55.7 peg 18
5 th simon belcham 43.10 peg 3
6 th chris zakis(i hope thats right) 35
as for the scales they were fine , it seems the people who moan the most are the ones that do the least no change there then.


  1. Nice one Tony! Glad you had a good day (not so for your bitch, Dean). Like the comment about the scales "it seems the people who moan the most are the ones that do the least" how true is that!!

  2. If you'd have asked, I could have told that peg 18 isn't the best (but did you take your pellet wagglers!!) and that the carp in Trinity stay up in the water later than most other venues.

  3. Tony,you aint the first and you sure wont be the last to get my name wrong its ( Szakacs )serves me right for having a silly hungarian name,good blog thou always a good read

  4. i won the match at acorn and got weighed up with your digi scales, tony and i didnt like them still but i didnt see your demonstration at trinity on sunday.
