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Sunday, 18 October 2009

de ja vue at landsend

anton drew me peg 21 , same as last weekend, hopefully it will be better today. much better conditions with no wind and some cloud cover starting to form even though there was a frost last night , i thought it might fish ok.
just 3 rigs today , a 4x12 with an 18 808 to 0.12 for corn and soft pellet at the bottom of the far shelf. a .40 rig again with an 18 808 to .10 for caster at 4 mtr,s and a 4x10 rig for corn over to the island, but i wasnt to convinced this would work as a lot of colour had dropped out since wednesday.
started off by cupping some 3mm pellets at 14 mtr towards 10 o,clock and some straight out at 13 mtr (same depth). and fired a few over to the island ,just in case.
i began at 4mtr to my left on single caster, as well as feeding the same distance to my right, after a few small roach and perch i found myself attached to a 4 lb carp, after 5 mins of careful playing it was safely in the net then it was back to the small roach and perch, a quick look to the right and it was small roach again that was until i hooked another good fish which turned out to be a bonus tench of about 2 1/2 lb , back to the left and i was attached to another carp which again found its way into the net, so the first couple of hours werent brill but at least it was more promising than last week. time to look on the corn lines , staight out and no bites so a look to the left and a couple missed bites(liners) so at least there are some fish about. next put in and i had one , and it was nearly in the mouth!!!!!!!!!
there seemed to be fish in the swim but they wouldnt feed, they seemed to be cruising about and not really interestd in getting there heads down, but by lifting and dropping and moving the bait about i did manage to snare a couple more, then with 2 hours to go i saw a fish by the island where i had been feeding a few pellets , in on the light rig and i missed a bite and spooked a fish, but by feeding a couple of areas on the far bank and moving between them i did manage to snare a few more befor the end the last 3 all falling to triple maggot as it was a more enticing bait as it was slower falling than corn.
first on the day was dean malin on peg 11 with 106.2 all taken on soft pellet in a foot of water by the island he had 19 carp which aint to bad even though dean reckoned they were only 2 pounders i have never known anyone as bad as him for estimating weights of fish.
2nd was tony wittcomb with 61.4 on peg 27 6 carp and a few silvers
3rd gary wall 48.13 peg 19
4th mr weasel aka tony rixon (that was for you mat tomes)45.9
5th martin (whit rhino)lenaghan 44.3 peg 5
6th a oram 39.7 peg13
silvers were won by martin pettiffer on peg 29 with 26.12 of roach caught on caster at 4 and ten mtrs
2nd nick collier 23.4 on peg three
fabio did well on the river today i had to give him 6 to 1 to get a pound with him but i need,nt have worried as he drew 1 above newbridge road bridge and never had a bite LMARO, but to be fair his section was only won with 9 oz, christ i really miss being a "proper"angler NOT .

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