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Sunday, 11 October 2009

lost it at landsend

it was the first round of mikes individual winter lge today, with 48 booked in it looks like being a good series. there was a couple of no shows due to illnes but that cant be helped.
with 12 on each lake there was going to be plenty of room, so i was more than happy to draw 21 on the match lake , as rod wootten had won off it on saturday with 119 lb mainly on corn at the bottom of the far shelf .
one rig for soft pellet at 5 mtrs which would do corn at the bottom of the far shelf aswell as it was the same depth, another rig for the hair rigged pellet at the bottom of the far shelf and a rig for pellet up the far shelf. at the start i cupped in softened 3mm at 5 mtrs and 4mm at 13 mtrs across and at 15 mtrs to my left which was the same depth, and startes to fire some 4,s against the far bank.
starting at 5 mtrs on soft pellet i had an 8 lb common first put in , then i fouled one about 10 , mins later which came off shortly after i had a skimmer and that was me lot on that line, even though i kept feeding that line i never had nother fish there .#
over at 13 mtrs with hard pellet and not a bite there now i was worried, over the 15 mtr line and again no bites, oh shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
up on top of the shelf and at last some bites on hard pellet and a couple of smallish carp to keep my first one company as it had been on its own for a good 2 hours, i was hoping that the carp would stay up on the shelf , but it wasnt to be, and by the end all i had to show for my efforts were 5 carp which went 22 lb and 6 lb of silvers for last but in my section of 6. i will be missing three of the 8 matches so i wasnt going win anything in the overalls any way all i am fishing for now is pride. my section was won by nck collier on peg 24 with 60 lb and he even managed to catch under pallet 23 which just dont normally happen so fair play.
top weight on the day was vince shipp(des,s younger brother)with 92.7 on peg 39 fishing soft pellet at the bottom of the island shelf.
2 nd was mat tomes on peg 11 with 91.4 on 8mm pellet at 14 mtr towards peg 12.(just as well i showed him how to tie hooks in the shop on saturday)
3 rd gary wall peg 28 with 89.15 and still on paste uuuurgh
4th rob wooten 81 lb peg 34 (sorry i missed you on the results with the paperwork all over i just missed you ) 5 th paul elmes 80.5 peg 33
6 th stu foale 79.3 peg 56
7 th scott lovell 77.1 peg 42 (and he is now the proud owner of a i beat anton page off the next peg t shirt)
silvers dave "scouse" hodgson 23.6 on peg 40
only good thing today was the quid i got off of fabio, i had to offer him 5 to 1 on weight and as he only had 4 perch for 7 oz,s on peg 39 at newbridge the pound is back where it belongs


  1. fancy messing that peg up mr rixon nearly as bad as mr page another flyer wasted

  2. The seasonal change is here. Have to put away the catty matey, even though it's your best friend!!

    Sorry I missed this one as on this occasion I might have got more points than you! I think I am going to regret saying that.

    You might be interested to know that I have found a sure way to lose 7lb in four days - send me £20 and I let you in on the secret!!

  3. Never mind mate it dont always work two days on the trot as you know, as for putting the catty away Mike not at the mo.
    Tony you missed me out in the result mate,I was 4th with 81lb, not bitterness I hope?

  4. as for losing 7 lb in 4 days , i hope the 20 quid aint for brenda,s home cooking book!!!!!!!!
    sorry rod , how did i miss something that big lmao. catty,s rule but not for tight wads
