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Sunday, 2 January 2011

avalon sunday open

18 fishing today and with most of the ice gone on the high numbers and a bit of minimal breaking needed on selected peg on the low numbers which was easily done by andy bush and paul elmes in a boat it made a nice change not to have to sling 10lb of steel around before we could fish. i let fabio draw for me and he pulled 25 which is probably the peg with the least ammount of form in the draw bag today, it should be ok as its on the end of an island, so a wag to fish at depth at 40 mtrs with banded pellet was assembled and two 4x16 rigs ,one with a 20 6313 on .10 for 13 mtrs over g bait and one with a 18 6313 on .12 for 16 mtrs with various baits over softened micro,s.
at the start i cupped in 2 balls of dark g bait at 13 mtrs with a few casters in and about 100 micro,s(no i didnt count them it was a guess)at 16 mtrs and fired 4 8mm pellets to the island, starting at 13 mtrs i missed a bite on maggot after 10 mins, but had small roach next drop, but it was a bit slow and after the first hour i only had 6 small roach to show for my efforts, so i fed another small of g bait and had a look at the 16 mtr line ,but couldnt raise a bite on any bait i had so it was back to the 13 mtr line. dave hodgson on 24 had a carp first put in down his margin but apart from some small roach that was the only carp he had all day. vince brown on 30 had a couple of 12 oz skimmers fishing 20 mtrs (thats 4 poles to mike nicholls), also the inform martin mcmahon had taken a couple of small carp on the feeder on peg 32 and apart from an odd small carp here and there it was fishing as hard as expected but with a water temp of 2c rising to 3c during the day you cant really blame the fish for not wanting to feed, i could get regular bites over the g bait from small roach and rudd but there was no quality, i did manage 2 10oz skimmers one over the pellet line and one ovber the g bait and i lost a small carp over the pellet line , i also had a couple of small indications over on the wag but after losiong 2 floats on the island i gave that up as a bad job, so saw the rest of the match out getting small roach over the g bait and pellet lines. by the end martin mcmahon had taken 15 small carp on the feeded fishing 5 mags on a 14 with a small g bait feeder about 1 mtr off the island on peg 32 for a weight of 21.8 and first on the day
2nd went to alan healey on 42 with 9.11
3rd tim ford 7.7 peg 37
4th dean malin 6.10 peg 44
5th alan oram 5.14 peg 35
6th tony rixon 4.12 which was the top silver weight on the day wit vince brown coming second in the silvers with 4.9 and ed wynne with 4.7 for 3rd
there isd a match at chilton trinity on weds 9 am draw ring me at the shop on 01179517250 to book in

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