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Sunday, 16 January 2011

viaduct w/l

3 teams down on last year but it was still a good turn out with 17 teams of 5 which is a big match by todays standards. todays draw put me on b section which is cary lake and my chosen peg was 88, the pretty bush peg, probably one of my least liked pegs on the venue and one i tend to draw quite often, its a peg which doesnt afford you a proper lead chuck as you are opposite the diagonal bank which means those opposite are casting across you, so i decided on an out and out silvers attack especially as the carp had really shut up shop on this lake with only a handfull being caught during the last fortnight, with p[hil(fabio)harding for company on 87 at least the banter would be good.
i set up 3 rigs a 4x18 rig to fish maggot and caster over g bait at 14 mtrs , a 4x16 for caster over caster at 5 mtrs both these rigs with an 18 6313 to .10 and a 4x14 rig for down the edge again for caster but on .12 with the same hook. i also set up a small g bait feeder as the skimmers sometimes respond to this method fished at about 20 mtrs. on the whistle i cupped in 3 balls at 14, some casters at 5 and started throwing casters down the edge, i then had about 4 chucks with the feeder to put a bit of bait out then put a hook on with a single maggot, then it was a case of casting counting to 100 wind in cast again, i did give it 20 mins but my brain was beginning to luiquify and dribble out of my ear so with only 1 small roach to show for this no brainer i slung it up the bank, out with the pole to 14 mtrs, aaaaah proper. i was catching small skimmers straight away, mainly 4 to 6oz but it was a bite a brop with most being lifters as i had a small bulk of 3x no10,s just off bottom, the strong left to right wind was making life a bit hard as i nearly hit phil wioth pole a couple of times as the wind tried to blow the pole out of my hands,(and i,ve got to say the new gmax1000 pole i am using was mint, it coped wioth the wind very well and is very resonsive). apart from a few sorties at 5 mtrs and down the edge which produced some roach and a 10oz hybrid which was my biggest fish of the day the rest of the day was spent on the 14 mtr line, with only a handfull of carp caught with those caught by different anglers my descision to target silvers looked as though it may just pay off, fabio did panic me a bit towards the end as he miss cast into dan squires peg(86)he wound in straight away but hooked an 8 pounder in the tail so was expecting it to be close but i neednt have worried as the lake had been really hard and my silvers went 16.5 for a lake win and second in the silvers overall on the day.
first on the day went to jason radford with 82lb on spring lake 3 fishing bread to the island for an all carp catch, but he is an idiot as he forgot to do the super pool as he was to intent on having a fag outside the pub instead of doing the pools he is a wxxxxr
john gray wasnt complaing though as he was second on peg 132 with 78.2 and the winners pools of 115 quid(john doesnt smoke)
3rd will bohne 54lb
john howell 45.10
chris davis 43,.12
alan oram 35.3
chris davis 25.4
tony rixon 16.5
jamie parkhouse 14.4
nick collins 14.2
team silver fox 68pts
avon angling 62
somerset angling 62
maver veals blue 55
viaduct allstars 53
westerliegh 52


  1. that aint right i saw jason radford pay his super pools honest,he should get payed up then,

  2. hi
    happy birth day mate
    hope youve had a good day
    all the best mate
