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Sunday, 23 January 2011

chilton trinity xmas match

this must be the earliest xmas match i have ever fished lol, i think misha must be hoping to beat next years freeze up.
24 booked in so we were all on woodlands, as i wasnt organising i drew for myself and i ended up on 24 which was the end to be on the previous weds, but fish have fins and they do move, for company i had les (the chub)williams on my left and paul haines on my right.
just one rig today a 1grm affair with an 18 6313 on .10 to fish at 13 and 16 mtrs, i didnt make up a margin rig today as i had pegs each side and it had got a lot colder since midweek, at the start i cupped in some micro,s and dead mags at 13 and 16mtrs and started at 13 with a single red, the first hour for me was quiet with just a lost fouler to show , while brian chivers on 26 had a few on the method and timmy lewis on 2 was getting a ferw down the edge towards 1.
switching to 16 mtrs it was like fishing a different lake as i had bites almost straight away, first was a 8oz skimmer then a carp, so that was the rest of my match sorted, it was very enjoyable. every time i hooked a fish i would feed about 10 mags and the same number of micros, and not feed again till i hooked something, by the end i had 16 carp ,2 roach, and the skimmer for about 55lb i thought, brian on the method and tim on peg 2 had both dried up so it was looking good, paul elmes opposite on 14 had 9 better fish but i thought i was safe
the scales turned up and my catch went 61.10 which was good for first
2nd paul elmes with 45lb peg 14
3rd brian chivers 32.14 peg 26
4th martin lenaghan 29.10 on peg 32 33 and 34 he fished mainly down the edge
5th mike nicholls 29.8 peg 6
6th timmy lewis 29.7
silvers went to dean(stiff neck)malin with 7.3 on peg 7 easily seeing off the silver fox silver ace next door(the ronnies never fed)
well done misha for a well run affair and thanks to sue for the varios snacks delivered to the anglers on the bank foc


  1. just seen the picture on mikes blog defantly laura and hardy!

    green haired monster

  2. Well done Tony didnt see that shrimphead
    Fellows name must of been a flash in the pan n.r

  3. Nick (green haired monster), how can they be Laurel and Hardy? One of them has to be thin, lol!
