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Sunday, 30 January 2011

well that was a waiting game, viaduct rnd 2

this was the second leg of the teams of 5,s and with temps going down to minus 6 on sat night we were met with an iced over venue and the water under the ice beiong like gin so it was going to be hard, just not as hard as it turned out to be.
it was my turn to be on lodge lake so one of the corners would be fav as there are always one or two carp to be had, but no i ended up on 62 which is just past the middle of the lake on the right hand bank, not much chance of a carp but it has some form as a skimmer peg, and to be fair i did win the silvers off 61 last winter in icy conditions so i was confident of getting a bite or two, for company i had josh garrett on 64 and somersets only michael jackson impersonater freddie roberts on 60 which is a much better skimmer peg than mine(lol)that is providing there is a decent skimmer angler on there(square ass eh fred).
the ice was only about 5 mil so 15 mins with the breaker and i had a peg to be jelous of, as it was cleared to 17 mtrs and 6 mtrs wide, it was certainly one to be proud of.
the best thing about ice fishing is that one rig will do aLL so a 4x14 rig was soon made with an 18 6313 to .10 on the business end, a bit of dark g bait was soon knocked up and i was ready.
the whistle went to start and i cupped in opne ball at 13 mtrs and 2 balls each side of my peg at 16 mtrs each ball had a few casters and squatts in.
starting at 13 mtrs with a selection of baits from single squatt to single caster, i never had a bite, so after 1 hour it was out to 16 mtrs with the sam.
e baits, and not a bite there either, i even scaled down to a 22 but that never produced a thing. on the opposite side chris wave(i cant read pauls writing )on 73(corner) was getting odd carp and james cooper and phil (fabio)harding were getting a small roach a chuck, fabsy even txt me to make sure the pound coin was buffed up ready for him, also nick collins on 66(corner) had a carp.
it was well past the halfway mark now and judging by the shouting and laughing going on the whole venue had switched off, i,d even had 2 visits from mike nicolls who was blanking. 2 hours from the end fred on 60 started getting small roach, on about his tenth small roach he turned to me and said let that be a lesson to you mr r
but then at 5 past 2 i thought i had a bite so i lowered the rig back in and i did have a bite which was a 8oz hybrid woohoo. then fred had a skimmer, bugger, then i had a 2 pounder, so i changed the hook back to an 18 and had another big skimmer, ye fred and fabsy werent laughing now, by the end i had the 2 big skimmers ,2 good roach the hybrid and some plippy roach which went 7lb 8oz which was good enough for 3rd on the lake only being beaten by the match winner chris on 73 with 65.8 and john moody on 53(corner) with 1 carp for 10.3, and what of fred and fabsy as i told them its never over till the fat tackle dealer sings
1st was chris wave with 65.8 all carp down the edge on maggot
2nd mat tainton with 17.10
3rd chris hook 13.9
4th john moody 10.3
5th phil cardwell 8.12
6th t rixon 7.8
1st matt tainton 13.10
2nd chris hook 13.9
3rd phil cardwell 8.12
4th t rixon 7.8
5th ditch 6.9
on the teams front maver veals red won with 71 pts ,mainly due to the fact they had all 5 weigh in , even iff steve seager had to resort scooping motherless minnows off the ice. we had 2 catch for 27 pts 9th on the day and now 7th overall, i cant be assed to write any more so sod the rest of the team results.
monday morning now and my finger feels better so heres the team results
maver veals red 71
garbolino bmvmg 62
team jinx 57
somerset angling 42
westerliegh 39
silverfox 35
viaduct 30
keyford 28
avon angling 27
amigos 24
megabait 23
viaduct allstars 15
sensas thyers 12 maver veals blue 11
viaduct select 10
langport 8
somerset majik 4
maver veals red 111
team jinx 108
garb bmvmg 105
somerset angling 104
silverfox 103
weswterliegh 90
avon angling 89
viaduct 79
keyford 78
viaduct allstars 68
maver veals blue 66
amigos 61
megabait 54
langport 40
viaduct select 38
sensas thyers 36
somerset majik 33


  1. Well done Tony, informative as ever! See you in two weeks when I get to fish Cary! Lead ed Preston!

  2. Probably took you so long to catch as you were obviously confused not having a corner peg lol. Well done Tony, a good result in difficult conditions.
    Bob (use to catch silvers) gullick
