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Thursday, 30 August 2012

pole only viaduct fishery cambell lake

firstly to let people know i have had to cancel the teams of 4,s, i had 10 teams for this year which is one down on last year, then on tues morning i had 2 more drop out so it doesnt really make it viable as the venues have to be paid for and the payout would have been affected for the remaining teams, i will be running opens on the same dates and venues so if anyone fancy,s booking in ring me at the shop on 01179517250, we are at chilton trinity this sunday then acorn fishery in 2 weeks time, all welcome.
back to viaduct and the weathermen didnt disapoint us as the rain they said we would get arrived and it was at time monsoon style stuff, with one of the storms being heard a while before it hit us as we could hear the 10 pence size drops hitting the ground long before it got to us, glad i had my brolly.
steve long drew for me and i ended up with 132 which is a nice corner peg (just for a change lol), for company i had school teacher martin preston on 131 and tom thick on 135, fabio was opposite on 110 though at times it was hard to see him due to the rain.
3 rigs today , a shallow rig for pellet and a deep pellet rig for 14mtrs out in front and down the edge under the tree,s as it was the same depth and a paste rig for 10 mtrs.
at the start i began at 10 mtrs on the paste after feeding the 14 mtr line, i had a carp first drop but only a small one of about 2 1/2 and in the first hour i had 5 more but all small fish which was a worry as if you catch these small fish it normally means thats all you get and with tom thick catching shallow and they were bigger fish, also up on 114 mash was catching quite well on paste,my immediate partner martin was struggling as was mike nicholls on 130 and opposite fabsy and dave roper on 111 were also finding it hard, the lake wasnt fishing as well as we know it can but i put that down to the weather as most people couldnt see there floats.
the other end of the lake on our bank sounded as though it was fishing ok as martin lenaghan was doing ok on 126 fishing shallow and mike west was on 125 doing his favoured paste thing.
back to my peg and a look on paste under the tree,s which gave me a couple of fish but the small fish were nibbling away at it so a switch to 8mm banded pellet which was a bit better , although i was suffering a few foulers it was better than constantly shipping in and out with a lump of paste for the roach to peck, by switching from straight out in front and down the edge i kept catching fisg but they were only the small fish which reside in the peg ,there just didnt seem to be any quality, i ended up with about 30 carp which which you would normally expect to go at least 150lb but today these squeekers only sent the scales round to 110lb for no coin again, but theres always next week !!!!
i,m not sure of the exact weights as i left my result sheet at the fishery, no doubt mike nicholls will have them on his blog, but this is a rough guide
1st kieth(mash)masheeder, 165lb peg 114
2nd martin lenaghan 164lb peg 126
3rd tom thick 143lb peg 135
4th mike west 120lb peg 125
5th tony rixon 110lb peg 132
6th mark poppleton 106lb peg 116
silvers went to mike nicholls with a lowly 16lb on 130

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

gary wall memorial match, landsend fishery

22 booked in today but with only 21 paid by the time the draw was ready i made the decision to leave all 22 in instead of taking one out just in case jim was running late, but guess what he didnt come , me and other match organisers must be getting pretty pissed with no shows , i dont mind if i get a call or txt on the morning of the match as sometimes there may be a good reason as to why they dont come but its nice to know so the pegging can be altered so as no no gets to much room. and i had a pretty bad day on the bank aswell.
on a brighter note it was good to see tim ford back on the bank after a 5 month lay off, he seems to be well on the mend, and well done paul elmes for making sure he got his kit to peg 7 without tim having to carry anything.
i ended up on peg 22 which is a good peg for over aswell as close on the meat, so what do i do. stick my head up my ass and decide to fish hard pellet at 5 mtrs and paste at 13 mtrs and pellet over, due to the foliage coming off the island i should have left the catty,s in the bag and fed everything through a pot ,cos as soon as i fed with the catty the fish went under the grass and basically stayed there, making them hard the tempt out, i had yesterdays winner on 24 in the shape of bristol river ace lean hubbard who was on only his second outing onto a commercial this year, and with no one walking about who he could tell, he was busy calling and txting all the people on his phone to let them know.
with tom mangnal on 21 , trigger on 19 and tom thick on 18 it was going to be a hard match to do well in, and with 15 left in the hat tom thick seemed to have about 20% of the lake to himself, and he certainly made full use of it , my match never really got going with the 5 mtr line only giving me a couple of carp, 2 skimmers and a tench, pellet there didnt seem to be the way to go especially as tom mangnal was catching good skimmers and carp on meat on that line, aswell as catching carp on pieces of worm over potted caster towards the island, my paste line was a no no as i only got 2 fish from there and niether of them were hooked in the mouth, further up the bank trigger and tom thick were both catching but tom was certainly giving trig a bit of a lesson, and the lesson continued right to the end with tom thick ending up with 35 carp for 197.13 and an easy victory, tom caught on 8mm over toss potted 8,s by the island then on the same down the edge in the last hour
2nd mike west 140.12 on peg 29 on his normal paste attack
3rd craig(trigger)edmunds 129.9 on peg 19
4th tom mangnal 128.4 peg 21, which also included the top silvers weight on the day as his skimmers went 40.01
5th rod wooten 108.04 peg 3
6th alan oram 92.5 peg 13

Monday, 27 August 2012

practice open for teams of 4,s. wildmarsh

off to chilton trinity trinity and wildmarsh lake to see what we may expect next sunday. we had 20 turn up taday which considering the ammount of small matches about this weekend wasnt to bad, dean malin drew for me so i ended up on 27 which isnt really a peg you would choose if you wanted to win but with the breeze blowing in there is always a chance some fish would follow it, for company i had ziggy zowinski on 29 and newly returned to match fishing pete notton on 25. with leon hubbard on 22, mike west on 21 and martin lenaghan on 11 it was always going to be a tall order to get in the frame, my main line of attack today was meat and paste, so only 2 rigs to set up ,one for meat down the edge with a 14 xedion on .16 and a paste rig for 14mtrs with a 12 xedion on the same line, the match started quite well for me with 3 carp hooked in the first hour over the paste line, landing 2 and losing the other at the net, then it all went pear shaped, to get the fish into the swim you seemed to need to dump a biggish pot of pellet in then fish over it but it was all a bit torrid as i ended up with 5 carp , 1 bream and an eel, all taken on paste, i never had a bite down the edge on meat , whereas ziggy ended up with 7 carp down his left hand margin on meat, he was catching so quickly that i had to ask him as to whether he had just had a phone call from his relations letting him they were coming over to stay and the freezer was a little to empty(he does take it well as he likes a joke). the match was won by bristol river ace leon hubbard on form peg 22 with 9 carp and 13lb of skimmers on paste fished at 13mtrs for 61.11
2nd ziggy zowinski 44.15 peg 29
3rd clayton hudson 40.10 peg 7
4th martin lenaghan 40lb peg 11
5th mike west 39.4 peg 21
6th tony rixon 28.13 peg 27
nigel bartlett 27.8 of mainly whitebait on peg 57
2nd nick collins on 65 with 20.4 of similar fish

Thursday, 23 August 2012

weds open landsend fishery

there are a couple of matches this weekend, firstly an open on wildmarsh lake at chilton trinity on sunday as its a practice match for the following weeks teams of 4,s but all are welcome, then on monday as its a bank holiday we have the gary wall memorial match at landsend , book in for either with me at the shop on 01179 517250.

back to today and after the first redraw in ages mainly due to a phone call from mike west just as the draw started to say he could make it after all, there were a few sorry looking faces when they had to put there fliers back, but with only 12 of us on the lake they were all good pegs , and i still hadnt drawn so i didnt care lol.
i think trigger drew for me and i ended up with peg 7 which is a peg i enjoy fishing as you generally catch tight over on banded pellet and the swim usually gets stronger as the match goes on, so the 4x8 gig was assembled for that with an 18 b960 on .16.
the stalking slapping rig ,a 4x12 for hard pellet at 5 mtrs and a paste rig for the empty swim pallet(8) and over to some weeds by the island, in had tom thick on 5 and the only other angler i could see was fabio over on 19. i was having a bit of trouble getting my paste rig to sit at 45 degrees so i bent the tip of the float to make it look as though i now what i,m doing. after feeding all areas at the start i could see a ghostie sucking at some weed on the far bank, so out with the stalker ,slapped the rig about 10 inches from the fish and it turned and took it so that was 8lb in the net in under 2 mins so a good start, but with no more cruisers about it was onto the 5 mtr line but that was a bit slow, and i was falling behind tom and fabio as tom had taken a couple of cruisers coming through the gap inn the island and fabio on 19 had taken some fishing over to the island with pellet but he was losing a few , foulers probably.
by the end of the first hour i had another carp and a good skimmer at mtrs but it was hard , there was some fizzing but all i was getting was tiny dips on the float, so as an experiment i put a blob of paste on the 18 hook and lowered it into the water, it didnt sit there for to long as the float shot away and another carp was netted, i took the 18 hook off ,put on a 14 9313 , took a shot off the float and went back in with paste again and it wasnt there for long before it went again with another carp.
the line went a bit quiet so i went over to the weed swim with a proper paste rig and had a couple of quick fish there ,a look down to the empty pallet gave no bites so it was over to the island with pellet, there were plenty of fish over there but there seems to be lots of annoying little roots and weed stems making it hard to get the pellet to fall to the bottom with it getting hung up on snags. and these fish are to cute to take a suspended bait fished shallow against the island , you may get one or two but they shy away from the pole, but they are happy to take a falling bait fished at depth whigh is about 18 inches at the mo with the lake being full. tom was now catching well fishing 8mm pellet over by the island so the match looked as though it was going to go his way, but with some splashing coming from the far side in triggers and dave ropers swims it was not cut and dried, as i expected my swim got stronger towards the end with the last 2 hours being my best, the paste line down by the empty pallet had now shown signs of life and by swapping between the island pellet line and the empty peg i managed to end the match with 22 carp and double figures of silvers, but with tom having 30 carp there was only one winner today.
1st tom thick 154.9 peg 5
2nd tony rixon 127.3 peg 7
3rd graig edmunds 115.8 peg 15
4th dave roper 112.7 peg 13
5th phil(fabio)harding 72.2 peg 19
6th john thompson 59.14 peg 11
ken rayner 21.12 peg 1

Monday, 20 August 2012

float only lge last match, viaduct fishery

a full house today so 40 split between cary and cambell with a draw on the latter being favourable, i let tim clark draw for me today and he didnt dissapoint as he handed me peg 115 which is in the middle of cambell and it seems the fish are here in numbers according to fishery manager paul greenwood and fishing long and shallow on the pole being the way to go. oh yes and tim drew 90 on cary for himself (bummer). i had no chance of getting into the league money even with a section win so a pick up on the day was all i could do, for company i had chris davis on 116 and adrian jeffery on 114.
i set up a 4x14 rig for 5 mtrs and hard 6,s over 4,s with an 18 b960 on .14, and 2 rigs for 14mtrts ,one up and one down both with 16 b960 hooks on .16.
i should have known better than start on the silvers as it never really happened, i did get 3 tench and a couple of skimmers but i also lost 4 fouled carp, and i was behind fabio on 112, niel mercer on 111 and young joe mcmahon on 123 who had gone staight out shallow and were catching from the off, also league favourite on 135 shawn townsend was catching well, so i threw the silvers rig into the reeds and went out shallow, and thats where i spent the rest of the match ,catching 10 inches deep on banded 8 over loose fed 6,s ending the match with 40 ish carp for over 200lb and with shawn admitting to about 240lb i thought he may just edge it. when the scales got to me joe mcmahon was winning with 197.3 . luckily my 15lb of silvers and 40 carp went 246.13 for first on the day
2nd went to shawn townsend with 231.6 on peg 135
3rd joe mcmahon 197.3 peg 123
4th phil(fabio)harding 186.2 peg 112
5th niel mercer 175.12 on peg 111
6th tom thick 136 peg 74
silvers went to steve evans on 125 with 30.11
league overall
shawn townsend 25pts 623.01 £325
anton page 23pts 575.15 £250
craig edmunds 23pts 468.3 £175
clayton hudson 22pts 482.15 £100
tom thick 22pts 440.12 £50
bob gullick 22pts 348.14 sweet f a lol

Thursday, 16 August 2012

weds open, acorn fishery paddock lake

27 fishing again today with several new faces so the venue is becoming more popular, probably due to its close proximity to the motorway and bristol, it only takes me 35 mins to get there from my house which is a short journey .
somebody pulled two tickets out stuck together so i had the one closest to me and ended up on peg 15, its hard to say which is a good draw and which is bad, the only thing is that this end of the lake does tend to hold bigger fish, hard to say why that is unless its just down to wind direction as the prevailing south and westerly winds blow to this end. the forcasters nearly got it right today with rain from 10 am to 2 pm. well it started at 9 but it did actually stop very nearly at 2 exactly then the sun came out and dried us all up, and they got the wind right as it was very gusty and strong and when the rain stopped the wind got stronger which on snake lakes can make presentation very awkward, martin alexander on my left set up a lead rod and with a couple of anglers catching on the method in recent matches that may not be a bad shout, my plan was just top 3 and 2 and just meat on the hook, so i set up a .5g and a .8g rig with 18 9313 hooks on .14 which is plenty strong enough for these fish as they average about 3lb ish, and a margin rig with the same hook and line.
at the start i cupped in half a pot at 5mtrs and down the edge, starting a 5mtrs i had to wait about 5 mins for the first bite and fish, martin had already had one on the lead but that was all he had on it, the first couple of hours went quite well with about 15 fish which wasnt manic but no one was running away with it so i thought i was still doing ok, it took another 2 hours to get to 20 fish which was all i wanted to put in one net, the last 2 hours were marginally better but with only 10 fish going into the second net i thought a section win was going to be my only chance of a pick up, the margin gave me a couple of fish but they were only small so that was a bit of a waste of time, at the end i thought my carp would go about 90lb and with 10lb of silvers i may just scrape 100lb, and walking round to start the weigh in only a few people were admitting to having 100lb, and that s how it turned out with one fish seperating the top 4.
1st on the day went to paul lock on peg9 with 115.13 catching close on meat
2nd mark bartlett who must have got it wrong on peg 5 as he only had 113.8, if he doesnt have to cast 200yds and feed with a spod he does tend to struggle
3rd tony rixon 111.11 peg 15
4th adrian jeffery 111.05 peg 12, i only just beat him as i had a last gasp 4lb fish hooked in the eye lol
5th mike nicholls 107.06 peg 2
6th glen bailey 93.5 peg 29
silvers went to new silvers ace phil(fabio)harding on 22 with 31.5 of f1,s and skimmers at 5mtrs on caster

Monday, 13 August 2012

sunday open ,landsend fishery ,tealham and tadham lakes

we had enough to put both match and speci lake in today, but that still gave most anglers at least an empty peg on one side, i decided to let everyone draw for me so i had the last ticket, so i ended up on peg, not a swim you really want at the moment as no one has caught much off it in recent weeks, on wednesday the angler sat there never had a carp. its a swim with lots of options, probably to many and you can end up running round in circles if you aint careful, there is a big overhanging tree to your right which holds lots of carp but it can be a proper pole buster so first job was to get the old traverse x pole out , bugger, its not there, i was going to change holdalls but never did it but i did take out the trav x and never put it back in, so no under the bush fishing for me then. i set up 3 pellet rigs ,one for shallow/mugging, and one each for up the left hand margin and another to the island towards peg 2, all on .16 with a b960 size 16, a meat rig on the end of the bush to my right and a paste rig (it cant be that hard)with the normal anchor on .18 at the business end. at the start i fed the meat line, then put a pot of 4,s at 13 mtrs and began firing 6,s up the left hand bank and towards the island.
starting with meat by the bush i had a carp first drop, then i fouled another next put in which came off, then a skimmer and that was the end of the meat fishing. out with the paste rig into the fizz and a couple of carp on that but there didnt seem to be many fish there either, so i refed it and went to the left hand margin but i couldnt get in tight enough, there were some fish on the surface but due to overhanging bushes i couldnt slap the rig around and these fish are to wise to just take a suspended bait, so that part i left alone for the remainder of the match, out of interest i tried slapping the rig in the fiz on the paste line and was rewarded with a fish quite quickly so thats got it sorted then, NOT, i never had another bite doing that , i did manage to mug a good fish swimming through but there werent any fish in open water swimming about, i put a big pot of pellets over the meat line and had a look towards the island and managed a couple of carp and lost some foulers , by now my new paste line was fizzing so it was there i spent the rest of the match ending up with 14 carp and about 10lb of silvers. the only anglers i could see were adrian jeffery on 24 and dave"beany"westcott on 22, i could hear some splashing from further up the lake, and the talking from the speci lake let me know there were some fish being caught there aswell, most of the summer the bulk of the fish on the match lake have been on the island at this end of the lake but today they decided to have a bit of a jolly towards the other end as that was were the most fish were caught,
1st on the day went to craig edmunds on 25 with 137.2 mainly caught shallow long the end bank
2nd tom mangnal 115.8 peg 34
3rd alan oram 106.15 peg 38
4th dave evans 102.12 peg 11
5th dave roper 95.14 peg 17
6th dean malin 92.8 peg 20
silvers went to nick collins on peg 29 27.01 of caster and worm caught whitebait
2nd was dave hodgson with 25.3
my net went 81lb so no coinage today, except from three river(proper)anglers who i had a pound with but i had to give them all 10 to 1 on there weights but none of them managed to break 5lb, shawn townsend did say he would have done it but he never had another bite once an otter turned up in his swim lol, it can only happen to him.
teams of 4,s start the first week in september i think i may have a couple of spaces for teams so anyone interested give me a ring at the shop on 01179517250 for details

Thursday, 9 August 2012

weds landsend open

we had the smallest turnout for a while today due to some people having work and family commitments so with only 11 of us we had plenty of room on the match lake, with so few on the lake its always hard to peg as these fish on this venue tend to back off to the quiet parts of the lake and i,m sure they return for a bit of a munch when we have gone home. i let mr duckett draw for me and he handed me peg 24 which wasnt the best draw in the hat as the better fish dont always turn up here and all you can catch are the resident small dark fish that inhabit the end bank snags.
for company i had mike west on 22 and opposite nigel bateman on 1 and due to the foliage that was the only anglers i could see. i set up a couple of meat rigs, one for out in front at 6 and 14 mtrs and one for the margins, both with .16 and a 16 middy 9313 hook, and 2 pellet rigs for up the right hand end bank margin, one 6 inches deep for slurpers and one 4x12 for on top of the shelf in about 2 foot of water.
at the start i cupped in some meat at 6 and 14 mtrs, plus some into the margins and began firing pellets up the margin at 14 mtrs towards the trees.
starting at 6 mtrs i soon hooked a carp of about 5lb which was duly netted, mike on 22 potted his usual kilo of pellets straight in and was finding it difficult to see his float but he did begin to catch a few but they were on the small side. i stayed on the 6 mtr line for a couple of hours , i didnt catch to many fish but they were of a good average size , looking bigger than mikes fish, although he did get one good fish of about 9lb but after netting it he let it jump back out of the landing net and the hook fell out , oh how he laughed, oh no it wasnt him laughing it was me and mike duckett and by the time we had finished extracting the urine he was deffo a bit pissy, after watching a paste angler i think i could do that, all you need to do is keep piling pellet in to ensure the there is enough fizz to make the float hard to see, then dont put any shot on the line to ensure the float sits at 45 degrees and never strike till the float has gone under 3 times, simples.
back in my swim and although there seemed to be fish on the 6 mtr line it was hard to get a bite , the fish came up off the deck i think but in 6 foot of water they are hard to nail down, i went to the 14 mtr line but all that gave me was a lost fouler so no more about that line, a quick foray into the margin and the small roach were there turning cubes of meat into a marble in no time at all, going along the end bank and the first fish did me in the snags, i never moved quick enough, so i tightened down the elastic a bit and threw the pole back as soon as i hooked something , that seemed to work as i never lost another in a snag.
the rest of the matck was spent between the 6 mtr meat line and the end bank pellet line, i did et a couple of good skimmers and ide at 6 mtrs but the sport was never fast and furious, there were odd fish cruising towards the end and 5 minutes from the end i saw 2 good fish out at 13 mtrs on the surface so i swung my margin pellet rig at them and the float went and i had my best fish of the day , a nice common of about 9lb. i had 15 fish plus some silvers for what i thought would go 80lb ish,
adrian clark was admitting to 21 fish and they went 103.10 for first today , he was on peg 7 and caught on banded 6mm against the far bank
2nd martin lenaghan peg 19 95.1
3rd tony rixon 91.5 peg 24
4th mike(put another pot in)west 85.3 peg 22
5th adrian jeffery 83.13 peg 3 which included the top silvers on the day with 23.10
6 ken rayner 46.11 peg 11
still got a couple of spaces for an open at landsend sunday on the match and speci lake so ring me at the shop to book in on 01179517250

Monday, 6 August 2012

float only rnd 5 sedges, brick and tile lake

a full turnout today so 40 fished and with the rain really thumping down i was suprised no one turned round and left before the draw, the rain was proper heavy and there was loads of flooding locally , as usual tom thick turned up in his shorts but at least he had ditched his trainers in favour of a pair of asds trainers, the only person in flip flops was martin mcmahon but he was only showing off the webbing between his toes.
i was in the last 4 of the k/o today and with the top 3 picking up money i needed a good draw, i let ziggy zowinski draw for me for the first and last time as he handed me peg 28 on tile lake, not the best of pegs , it does have an island chuck but its a big one and 4ssg is needed and you dont need any wind to make it difficult but at the mo it was very still, just someone was throwing buckets of water out of the sky. my opposition in the k/o had drawn well with niel mercer on 21 tile and trigger edmunds and shawn townsend on 8 and 19 respectivaley on brick, so my chances of picking up looked very slim as the draw was going to dictate the result unless my peg was going to give up a red letter day but i wasnt overly confident, so the wag was assembled, plus a meat rig and pellet rig for the pole and a shallow pellet rig just in case, for company in my section i had ziggy on 26(serves him right lol)clint wojtyla on 27, nick collins on 29 and the ever smiling anton page on 30, with nick fishing for silvers i had the island to my self so there may be a slight chance, starting on the wag feeding 8,s as close to the island as in could it soon became aparent the fish werent going to play ball, as at the end of the first hour all i had to show for my thrashing was two small carp and with only a few fish being caught on the wag around the lake it looked as though the rain or something else had switched the normally obliging island carp had decided to have an off day, a quick look on the meat line produced a tiny fouled skimmer and a succesion of missed bites, so i put a big pot in and went out onto the 14mtr line with banded 8, that was just as bad with a couple of 6oz skimmers ending up in the net, this lake normally fizzes over the pellet but but there was no sign of that today , back out on the wag and a couple more small carp,but the wind was now blowing right to left putting a big bow in the line , and i did get a few bites but with the line in a big bow it was impossible to connect as it is very rare for the fih in this lake to pull the tip round and hook themselves, i tried a piece of meat over the 14 mtr pellet line and i had a small carp straight away, sussed it NOT then it was back to the small skimmers nibbleing the corners off the meat, for the last hour i decided to stay on the 5mtr meat line where i had a few more small carp but it all got a bit torrid as i lost 4 more , one came off two broke me one of which on a snag on the inside the other was fouled and just kept going and the other was down to equipment malfunction when the elastic snapped at pulla bung and it shot out of the pole stealing the rig and elastic, but the elastic has been in since early in the year, the really annoying thing is that it was a good fish probaly about 10lb and i had it in the net once as it came in like a bream but managed to find a turbo boost once it had touched the net, and it stole me kit, i weighed 24.2, which was the same as nick collins net of whitebait, anton won the section with 32lb so that carp cost me, it was the worst section of the match with both ziggy and clint not weighing
1st on the day was craig edmunds on 8 with 104.4 which included top silver weight on the day of 39lb, catching on pellet at the start then meat towards the end of the match
2nd niel mercer 86.9 peg 21
3rd shawn townsend 85.9 peg 19
4th martin rich 79.12 peg 40
5th vic bush 74.13 peg 14
6th eric fouracre 72.9 peg 11
silvers by default went to john baker with 37.12 on soft pellet then meat
first 3 in the match were first second and third in the k/o so i think the draw was a bit cruel to me today , but they did well as you still have to catch them when you draw these pegs and they are all capable of doing that.
i,m running an open at landsend next sunday if interested ring me at the shop on 01179517250

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

acorn fishery, paddock lake weds open

the turnouts are getting better and better for this venue and we had 27 fishing today which is excellant for a wednesday, i had the last ticket in the hat today and ended up with peg 4 on the island, 5 was in with roger crago sat on it but 3 was empty so i had a bit of room down the edge but with the wind blowing from that way it was always going to make presentation difficult as the rig blows back under the pole tip, but i set up a 4x14 rig for that and the same rig would do for over at 12 mtrs as it was the same depth, it had an 18 xedion hook on .14 for meat down the edge and across, and i set up 2 rigs for meat at 5mtrs a .75 and a 4x16 ,the heavier had a middy 6313 size 16 on .12 and the lighter had the xedion size 18 on .14 just in case i needed a bagging rig.
with the wind forcast to pick up i decided to ignore the far bank pellet attack and went for meat on all lines. at the start i cupped in meat on the 5 and 12 mtr lines and down the edge ,going in on the 5 mtr line and i missed a bite first put in but it wasnt long until the first carp was in the net, i was fishing with the .75 rig with the 16 middy 6313 on .12 and never changed for the duration of the match, some may think the rig was a tad on the heavy side but with the strong right to left wind i think the heavier rig was giving me better presentation as it wasnt getting blown through to much, apart from 2 fish across and 3 carp and a few skimmers down the edge i spent the whole match at 5 mtrs catching steadily throughout.looking around john thompson on 7 was catching well on paste as was adrian jeffery on 10, anton page on 34 was catching really well and i thought he would be pushing for a place but it turned out he had a lot of fish, probably more carp than anyone else in the match but these bridge peg fish can sometimes be tiny and thats how it turned out for him, by the end i had 53 carp and a few silvers, i wasnt to sure as to what i had weight wise but if they averaged out at 3lb which is what i guessed at that would be 150lb but i only admitted to about 120 just to be on the mega careful side, but in the end my total weight went 166.5 and i had 20 fish in one net and that went over the 70lb net limit by 3lb, these fish are really growing
2nd adrian jeffery 132.2 peg 10
3rd john thompson 127.11 peg 7
4th mike nicholls 117.14 peg 15
5th mat tomes 89.6 peg 37
6th tom thick 87.5 peg 12
craig edmunds 41.14 peg 16 all caught at 5 mtrs on single caster, mainly skimmers.