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Thursday, 30 August 2012

pole only viaduct fishery cambell lake

firstly to let people know i have had to cancel the teams of 4,s, i had 10 teams for this year which is one down on last year, then on tues morning i had 2 more drop out so it doesnt really make it viable as the venues have to be paid for and the payout would have been affected for the remaining teams, i will be running opens on the same dates and venues so if anyone fancy,s booking in ring me at the shop on 01179517250, we are at chilton trinity this sunday then acorn fishery in 2 weeks time, all welcome.
back to viaduct and the weathermen didnt disapoint us as the rain they said we would get arrived and it was at time monsoon style stuff, with one of the storms being heard a while before it hit us as we could hear the 10 pence size drops hitting the ground long before it got to us, glad i had my brolly.
steve long drew for me and i ended up with 132 which is a nice corner peg (just for a change lol), for company i had school teacher martin preston on 131 and tom thick on 135, fabio was opposite on 110 though at times it was hard to see him due to the rain.
3 rigs today , a shallow rig for pellet and a deep pellet rig for 14mtrs out in front and down the edge under the tree,s as it was the same depth and a paste rig for 10 mtrs.
at the start i began at 10 mtrs on the paste after feeding the 14 mtr line, i had a carp first drop but only a small one of about 2 1/2 and in the first hour i had 5 more but all small fish which was a worry as if you catch these small fish it normally means thats all you get and with tom thick catching shallow and they were bigger fish, also up on 114 mash was catching quite well on paste,my immediate partner martin was struggling as was mike nicholls on 130 and opposite fabsy and dave roper on 111 were also finding it hard, the lake wasnt fishing as well as we know it can but i put that down to the weather as most people couldnt see there floats.
the other end of the lake on our bank sounded as though it was fishing ok as martin lenaghan was doing ok on 126 fishing shallow and mike west was on 125 doing his favoured paste thing.
back to my peg and a look on paste under the tree,s which gave me a couple of fish but the small fish were nibbling away at it so a switch to 8mm banded pellet which was a bit better , although i was suffering a few foulers it was better than constantly shipping in and out with a lump of paste for the roach to peck, by switching from straight out in front and down the edge i kept catching fisg but they were only the small fish which reside in the peg ,there just didnt seem to be any quality, i ended up with about 30 carp which which you would normally expect to go at least 150lb but today these squeekers only sent the scales round to 110lb for no coin again, but theres always next week !!!!
i,m not sure of the exact weights as i left my result sheet at the fishery, no doubt mike nicholls will have them on his blog, but this is a rough guide
1st kieth(mash)masheeder, 165lb peg 114
2nd martin lenaghan 164lb peg 126
3rd tom thick 143lb peg 135
4th mike west 120lb peg 125
5th tony rixon 110lb peg 132
6th mark poppleton 106lb peg 116
silvers went to mike nicholls with a lowly 16lb on 130

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