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Thursday, 23 August 2012

weds open landsend fishery

there are a couple of matches this weekend, firstly an open on wildmarsh lake at chilton trinity on sunday as its a practice match for the following weeks teams of 4,s but all are welcome, then on monday as its a bank holiday we have the gary wall memorial match at landsend , book in for either with me at the shop on 01179 517250.

back to today and after the first redraw in ages mainly due to a phone call from mike west just as the draw started to say he could make it after all, there were a few sorry looking faces when they had to put there fliers back, but with only 12 of us on the lake they were all good pegs , and i still hadnt drawn so i didnt care lol.
i think trigger drew for me and i ended up with peg 7 which is a peg i enjoy fishing as you generally catch tight over on banded pellet and the swim usually gets stronger as the match goes on, so the 4x8 gig was assembled for that with an 18 b960 on .16.
the stalking slapping rig ,a 4x12 for hard pellet at 5 mtrs and a paste rig for the empty swim pallet(8) and over to some weeds by the island, in had tom thick on 5 and the only other angler i could see was fabio over on 19. i was having a bit of trouble getting my paste rig to sit at 45 degrees so i bent the tip of the float to make it look as though i now what i,m doing. after feeding all areas at the start i could see a ghostie sucking at some weed on the far bank, so out with the stalker ,slapped the rig about 10 inches from the fish and it turned and took it so that was 8lb in the net in under 2 mins so a good start, but with no more cruisers about it was onto the 5 mtr line but that was a bit slow, and i was falling behind tom and fabio as tom had taken a couple of cruisers coming through the gap inn the island and fabio on 19 had taken some fishing over to the island with pellet but he was losing a few , foulers probably.
by the end of the first hour i had another carp and a good skimmer at mtrs but it was hard , there was some fizzing but all i was getting was tiny dips on the float, so as an experiment i put a blob of paste on the 18 hook and lowered it into the water, it didnt sit there for to long as the float shot away and another carp was netted, i took the 18 hook off ,put on a 14 9313 , took a shot off the float and went back in with paste again and it wasnt there for long before it went again with another carp.
the line went a bit quiet so i went over to the weed swim with a proper paste rig and had a couple of quick fish there ,a look down to the empty pallet gave no bites so it was over to the island with pellet, there were plenty of fish over there but there seems to be lots of annoying little roots and weed stems making it hard to get the pellet to fall to the bottom with it getting hung up on snags. and these fish are to cute to take a suspended bait fished shallow against the island , you may get one or two but they shy away from the pole, but they are happy to take a falling bait fished at depth whigh is about 18 inches at the mo with the lake being full. tom was now catching well fishing 8mm pellet over by the island so the match looked as though it was going to go his way, but with some splashing coming from the far side in triggers and dave ropers swims it was not cut and dried, as i expected my swim got stronger towards the end with the last 2 hours being my best, the paste line down by the empty pallet had now shown signs of life and by swapping between the island pellet line and the empty peg i managed to end the match with 22 carp and double figures of silvers, but with tom having 30 carp there was only one winner today.
1st tom thick 154.9 peg 5
2nd tony rixon 127.3 peg 7
3rd graig edmunds 115.8 peg 15
4th dave roper 112.7 peg 13
5th phil(fabio)harding 72.2 peg 19
6th john thompson 59.14 peg 11
ken rayner 21.12 peg 1

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